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Fuss on alcohol clouds Istanbul music festival

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I think you mean after Abraham.

No.. Before Abraham you had Adam, Noah, Loth (Loth was same time period i think) etc. There are many prophets that are not named in the 3 Books. Allah did send warners to every tribe and people so they would not have a excuus that they where not warned.

ON topic-

This festival happened or banned?--?-

I hope it will be banned. This is a shame to Turkish nation and its great History.
Ever heard of Mitochintrial eve? She is the real ansestors of mankind. It ocured 80,000 years ago in sub sharan africa..
Ever heard of Mitochintrial eve? She is the real ansestors of mankind. It ocured 80,000 years ago in sub sharan africa..

Ever heard about Martians that did came 100.000 years ago to explain people about life?

The ''ever heard about...'' never ends of you guys :D
What a stupid ban. Some people don't want other people to enjoy a great beer because they choose not to consume beer themselves. Very childish and unnecessary.
What a stupid ban. Some people don't want other people to enjoy a great beer because they choose not to consume beer themselves. Very childish and unnecessary.

Nothing stupid about it. Turkey is not a place where you can do what you want. Everbody needs to live inside the borders we draw. You dont want? Then there is Europe or America, go and do what you wanna do.
Nothing stupid about it. Turkey is not a place where you can do what you want. Everbody needs to live inside the borders we draw. You dont want? Then there is Europe or America, go and do what you wanna do.
We draw? Who is we? You live in god damned Netherlands where prostitutes are drugs are legal. Don't lecture other people what they can't do or can do. If you don't want to drink cold tasty beer sit in the corner and watch, let other people enjoy.
Nothing stupid about it. Turkey is not a place where you can do what you want. Everbody needs to live inside the borders we draw. You dont want? Then there is Europe or America, go and do what you wanna do.

Yeah? Come to Izmir and talk like that...

You should go to KSA. It is a perfect place for kinds of you. Zekasız
Most non african homonids have 2% neandethal genes... No perfect human down there. In case you don't know, there was a group of primates called homo erectus, they lived about 1.3 million years. They left africa around 800,000 years ago, and evolved into difference type of human genus (homo). But one group of homo erectus stood behind in africa. The Ice Age was approching (as it did before) and the african savannah became more common through the homo erectus environment. But however changes in the earths electromagetic field caused more UV and solar radiation to get through. This lead to a period were the homo erectus in africa to lose hair even futher and decrease its volume. This also applied to modern living animals in africa that lived during the pre holocene preriod. E.g Tusked Elephant was proven to have hair at the same time period of homo erectus. Compare the African elephant to its smaller asian cousins. You will find that elephants (Although I do know that they are diffetent species) in asia had adapted to a most enviroment. This is mostly in jungles and habitats in the indian nation. It has a smaller body size than its african counterpart but however it has more volume than the african elephant and more hair. So back topic, as homo erectus environment has changed so has its physical shape. This led a change in food source for the african homonid. This included meat which increased brain activities. Meat has a high ambudence of lipid and most importantly, a high level of protein which is used for repair of matters in the body and brain. This lead to additional brain to body ratio. Hono erectus evolved into homo rumbos or something like that (forgot the sub clade's name). Early humans in africa then went about hunting rather than picking up meat ... Thus came the spear and discovery of fire by accident (bush fire). Fire helped early man digest meat and hard plant products faster than raw meat or plant material. This was the desisive weapon against future rivals. Then appeared homo sapien sapien (thats us :-)) around 180,000 years or around that time distance. Modern man at the time of its appearence looked like san people of south africa. Then Humans as we know it expanded into the middle east through the red sea. Remember this is the ice ages and radio carbin dating and geology suggested that the worlds ocean level was lower than it was today. Simple raft over the red sea crossing was enough to get man out of africa. Then came contact with Homo neandethal, by cro madnons. The decedents of cro magnon is basque people of spain and france. They migrated to what is now germany. The still rivalry between the two homo was tense. But human IQ level was higher than Neandethals despite the fact that neandethals had bigger brain size (remember brain to body ratio). Also neandethals also lack the ability to run fast as humans. Hence humans caught its prey faster. Both Homonids had spears etc but man had fire. Around 50,000 ago homo neandethals did out along with decendence of homo erectus outside africa like in java. But reproductive interations did occur between man and neandethals. Remember that all non african people, wether turkic, semitic, indo-european etc have at least 2-4% non sapien blood.

Or do you prefer man came from Adam and women came from the ribs of Adam to form hawa or eve. And mankind came from clay and mud depite them being silicon elements and all living oeganism is carbon based
We draw? Who is we? You live in god damned Netherlands where prostitutes are drugs are legal. Don't lecture other people what they can't do or can do. If you don't want to drink cold tasty beer sit in the corner and watch, let other people enjoy.

I live in Netherlands but my moral condition and education is based on Turkish culture. Its shamefull to see people from my homeland acting like deers with argument that we must look to west and modernize ourselves like the west in name of freedom while me as a person that comes out of the place you guys looking for, able to protect myself from it. How far did Turkey sunk man?
I live in Netherlands but my moral condition and education is based on Turkish culture. Its shamefull to see people from my homeland acting like deers with argument that we must look to west and modernize ourselves like the west in name of freedom while me as a person that comes out of the place you guys looking for, able to protect myself from it. How far did Turkey sunk man?
The world is not going to end if people enjoy a beer. You talk like Apocalypse is going to happen or something. In Turkey a lot of people drink Raki, it has nothing to do with being western. Don't be so paranoid. Enjoy life.
I live in Netherlands but my moral condition and education is based on Turkish culture. Its shamefull to see people from my homeland acting like deers with argument that we must look to west and modernize ourselves like the west in name of freedom while me as a person that comes out of the place you guys looking for, able to protect myself from it. How far did Turkey sunk man?

Irony in this post... Even Brits would be amazed...
Yeah? Come to Izmir and talk like that...

You should go to KSA. It is a perfect place for kinds of you. Zekasız


Sizin yaptiginiz nedir peki? Vatani ne pahasina olursa olsun kurtarmaya calisan bu asil sehitlere, bir gun savastigimiz batinin pis fikirlerini kendi oz ulkulerimizden ustun tutup onlara ihanet etmektir. Kendi benliginden utanan bir toplum, kole olmaya, batiya hizmet etmeye mahkumdur. Turk milleti koleligi red ettigine gore, bir gun elbet sizin gibileri de yok olup gidecek ve Turk milleti kendi oz kulturune yeniden kavusacaktir.

Onun icin beni Izmirle tehtid etme. Izmir sizin gibilere kalmamistir.
I live in Netherlands but my moral condition and education is based on Turkish culture. Its shamefull to see people from my homeland acting like deers with argument that we must look to west and modernize ourselves like the west in name of freedom while me as a person that comes out of the place you guys looking for, able to protect myself from it. How far did Turkey sunk man?

Answer the question above that I set out for you!
TurAr, cevap verme boşver konuşsun, cevap vermeye değecek birşey yazmıyor zaten.
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