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Slumdog Millionaire wins 8 Oscars

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Incidentally, slumdwellers associations in Mumbai were protesting against the movie. Does that tell you somehing that you ought to be discussing here?
Seriously? Why? What were their protest about?

What nonsense. Have you seen Bombay? Satya? Parzania? Indian movies have depicted the "underbelly" of mumbai several times.

however, I'll agree that no mainstream film director has shot candid sequences in the slums themselves, and that is largely because of technical considerations. Its pretty much impossible to shoot a film in that environment without some specialized equipment - the specialized camera required for the film was an experimental one that is under development - and was actually used for the first time in this movie.
Hahaha, those multi-million dollar Indian movies don't have funds to buy the right cameras for some night shots?

Weak man, weak.

And no, Indians have not been caught with their "pants down". That's only in the minds of India-haters like yourself.
Again you can't go 2 arguments without making your posts more about me or any other member rather than talk on topic. Seems like your only weak discourse of defence is to resort to character assassination rather than go ahead with the debate.

Infact, the image of India is still very much one of squalor and poverty, which media campaigners have battled against in recent years in order to attract investment, tourism and interest in the country.
Why are they fooling the world? To attract investment? Imagine the shock investors would get when they are promised the Taj Mahel and get Mumbai's slums instead.

My interest in India's slums is that nothing good can come out of these places for Pakistan. These children seem to be a byproduct of a lot of hate, torture, injustice. At some level this would permeate into the Indian society that does interface with us.
Point taken .

Apologies to Bezerk & to the admistration.

Ought not to have happened...
Much appreciated. Remember our warnings are more like guidelines since we hope to see all our members enjoy a peaceful, civilized (perhaps still aggressive) debate and such debaters end up giving us company for years and hopefully are generally decent human beings.
Seriously? Why? What were their protest about?

They felt that the slums and slumdwellers were depicted negatively.

Hahaha, those multi-million dollar Indian movies don't have funds to buy the right cameras for some night shots?

Weak man, weak.

You are unwilling to understand, aren't you. Its not about night shots. Its about sound control, crowd control, constructing the shot, about trying to shoot a scene in the middle of a slum without being

a) chased away by the slumdwellers for disrupting their lives
b) mobbed by fans
c) unable to control the environment

It required a tremendous amount of technical accomplisment and expertise, which bollywood doesn't have. Why do you think it swept the technical fields at the oscars?

I'm not going to bother posting inteviews with the cast and crew which validate my point, but they are out there if you wish to find out how Danny Boyle created a first of sorts by shooting a mainstream film in an uncontrolled slum environment.

Again you can't go 2 arguments without making your posts more about me or any other member rather than talk on topic. Seems like your only weak discourse of defence is to resort to character assassination rather than go ahead with the debate.

You didn't address my argument at all.

Why are they fooling the world? To attract investment? Imagine the shock investors would get when they are promised the Taj Mahel and get Mumbai's slums instead.

Okay, this is so lame I won't even bother commenting.
My interest in India's slums is that nothing good can come out of these places for Pakistan. These children seem to be a byproduct of a lot of hate, torture, injustice. At some level this would permeate into the Indian society that does interface with us.

True, but slums are also growth engines of the city. They are incredibly energetic places, and they are the stepping stone for many people to lead better lives.

If you think that the slums of mumbai are forgotten places with no hope, you couldn't be more wrong. These slumdwelles are mostly migrants from other parts of the country, who choose to live in these conditions in order to earn some more money and hope for a better future for their kids. They work in schools, hospitals, domestic servants, factories, call centers etc. etc.
Not according to what we saw in the movie.

And here is our GREAT discussing India based on a movie he saw.

When the slum dweller rises, you people throw him in jail... I'm not going to comment upon the resilience, but lets comment a little on tangible things that can be measured and seen by the naked eye. Namely India's corruption. And what about those beggars mafia? What about open shitholes on India's streets? In Mumbai!.

Oh yes we know of all these unique things in India, poverty, mafia and **** holes.

Sure you'll find pockets of these in Pakistan and no one here is saying that Pakistan has it all..

Pockets of it. Now compare the size of both.

We're just not the people shrugging it under the rug. It doesn't make us happy that Indians have been caught with their chaddis down, .

Oh please.

its shocked us that this could go on while India's marketing department duped the world. With a million movies produced in India every year, it took Hollywood to expose the real glare in India's shine.

I never knew movies were suppose to expose the real glare. Now i know why Pakistani arent maming any.
8 Oscars is a fantastic achievement something that India as a nation can take pride in.

Well done you chaps ;-)
Seriously? Why? What were their protest about?

You are 'know all' of this forum, try finding it up yourseles.

Hahaha, those multi-million dollar Indian movies don't have funds to buy the right cameras for some night shots?

Idiot read up.He said that camera is under development, and used for the first time. So how does money help in getting those in the 80s.

Again you can't go 2 arguments without making your posts more about me or any other member rather than talk on topic. Seems like your only weak discourse of defence is to resort to character assassination rather than go ahead with the debate.

You are the master in character assasination. And pretty decent at it too.

Why are they fooling the world? To attract investment? Imagine the shock investors would get when they are promised the Taj Mahel and get Mumbai's slums instead.

You think they are fools. To come here alone on our promises.

My interest in India's slums is that nothing good can come out of these places for Pakistan. These children seem to be a byproduct of a lot of hate, torture, injustice. At some level this would permeate into the Indian society that does interface with us.

Interface with you. We wont want to degrade them further.
8 Oscars is a fantastic achievement something that India as a nation can take pride in.

Well done you chaps ;-)
My theory- For Every Person going Berserk, there is a JK or DarkStar! ;) God Speed.
8 Oscars is a fantastic achievement something that India as a nation can take pride in.

Well done you chaps ;-)

Wow another good guy. 3 belong to us, Rahman's 2 and Pookuty's 1. Remai
8 Oscars is a fantastic achievement something that India as a nation can take pride in.

Well done you chaps ;-)

Danny boyle is a renowned director. Everything he touches becomes instantly Gold. I seriously don't see how people keep relating a Movie with a complete "Foreign" crew, an achievement by "India".

10 15% yes, Not entirely.

As Duhastmish said, If the U.S makes a movie about Iraq or Afghanistan, does that mean that it's an achievement for all the Iraqi/Afghani People?

Lol. Thanks for the laugh!
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Slumdog Millionaire isnt the first film depicting life in indian slum.
There are great movies like 'Salam Bombay' who was nomitated for the Oscars and 'city of joy' which won at Cannes film festval.
let anyone say what ever they like . the truth three indian won oscar . and let's celebrate it:cheers:
A.R.Rahman and Pookuty won oscar for a foreign movie made in India with Indian cast and BECAUSE it was made by a well known British director.I can bet Rahman's music in Rang De Basanti was 1000 times great than in slumdog then why wasn't it awarded.Be it 'TAAL' or 'LAGAN' or 'ROZA' he was superb everywhere then why didn't he got it for them.
Oscars are still racial towards subcontinent and it is long time for them to go before turning neutral.From 'Gandhi' to 'Slumdog' it is just because of foreign directors.Although Rahman did deserve it still it is nothing to me.
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