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‘Turkey’s Syria stance aggravates plight of Iran’s Turks’

and a 750,000 tonage ship
You know I'm not suprised, almost all the members with Iranian flag in their profile posts, either insulting, mocking or posting totally ignorant and biased posts.
You know I'm not suprised, almost all the members with Iranian flag in their profile posts, either insulting, mocking or posting totally ignorant and biased posts.

You want us to just sit by while you Pan-Turks say anything you like? Sorry my friend but life doesn't work that way...
I'm not sure you're understanding the situation.

Your friends started insulting, some nutcases couldn't hold themselves and answered by insulting, we warned them, even reported them but what have you done ? instead criticizing your own friends first all you do is insulting and mocking.
You know I'm not suprised, almost all the members with Iranian flag in their profile posts, either insulting, mocking or posting totally ignorant and biased posts.
yeah b/c calling kurds "goat fuckers" is not an insult. Awesome logic.

ya'll need to piss off and sort out your **** with the million people ya'll are fighting right now before picking a fight with Iranians.

As if the Armenians, Jews, Christians, Greeks and the kurds weren't enough, now you want to spread your ultra nationlist hooah turkish strong 1111 bul **** to Iran as well. So yeah, go sort out your **** with all the others first, than come knocking on our doors for more trouble. It's like you people can't sit down and live in peace. You always need to have a go at one of your neighbors.

So because of the stance of a foreign government, Iran is going wreak havoc on its own citizens of Turkish ancestary ?

oh my

1) don't talk out of your behind and don't spread lies

2) how many shias have been blown to pieces over tha past few years by Pakistani sunnis? You guys are blowing each other up and now this Einstein is here lecturing Iran, a country where its countless nationalities have lived in practical harmony for thousands of years.
You turks have problems with everybody, from Greeks, Kurds (who you call mountrain turks, goat fuckers etc...), Persians, Jews, Israelis to non-muslims and Armenians. You go on killing hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Armenians, than do unspeakable horror to the Kurds over the many decades, to only come here and shed crocodile tears for Iranian azaris, the very people the Ottomans also fought countless wars with.

You people are knows as racists all over the region and you can never let go of your ancient mentality. All you think about is killing and wars. Sort out your problems with Armenians, Greeks and Kurds inside your nation, than come here and shed your fake asss crocodile tears.


hassiktir pkk bastard
You turks have problems with everybody, from Greeks, Kurds (who you call mountrain turks, goat fuckers etc...), Persians, Jews, Israelis to non-muslims and Armenians. You go on killing hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Armenians, than do unspeakable horror to the Kurds over the many decades, to only come here and shed crocodile tears for Iranian azaris, the very people the Ottomans also fought countless wars with.

You people are knows as racists all over the region and you can never let go of your ancient mentality. All you think about is killing and wars. Sort out your problems with Armenians, Greeks and Kurds inside your nation, than come here and shed your fake asss crocodile tears.


... in ottoma era of 500 years there were many ethnic populations; for example , greeks, armenians, arabs, bulgars etc. after ottoman era, all those nations did establish their own countries and now they are still who they were in ottoman era,

... in ottoman era turks had saved two times jews from massacre by christians in europe, but they killed turks in international water while trying to supply food, medicine, clothes etc. to palestinians

... in ottoman era armenians lived in peace and served the empire at very high positions in state, but they did collaberate with russia and killed the families of muslim soldiers while those soldiers were sheding their blood for the country,

... in ottoman era greeks lived in peace, then they did establish their own country with help of the west, but they did try to invade west turkey and killed many muslim turks

... in ottoma era kurds lived in peace, and now still live in peace, terrorism has no religion and nation


- it is interesting, because you call turkey as the hated one, however, it is actually iran that is isolated in the region, and more from the whole world due to her hostile attitude:

... with turkey she is in conflict due to her pkk terrorists support,

... with azerbaijan she is in conflict due to her oppression to azerbaijani turks in south azerbaijan,

... with israel she is in conflict due to unknown reasons,

... with arab countries she is in conflict due to intervene those coutries and try to provoke shai population in those countries

... with the whole world she is in conflict due to her madness with nukes

but ironically you call turkey with what people call you in the world; no one wants to make a friendly relation with you, even no one wants to speak with you, it is like living in an open prison to live in iran, no friendly country to iran in the world except some problematic ones, it is like that israelis are the one who are not welcomed in muslim world, but worse is that iran(i mean persians) is the one who is not welcomed not only in christian world but also in muslim world; however , as always you are ignorant those true facts and try to create a world and expect us to believe it..Hilarious!
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