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Alien's to attack earth in november this year?

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We will nuke you without saying it to them :coffee:

what exactly will you get outta it? ego boost? you know what they say about men who need ego boost right ?? :enjoy:

and this is a troll thread so if you want to avenge yourself better nuke India asap :D
Haha this is a funny conspiracy theory. Anyway I don't know the credibility of this link but I will post it anyway.


The White House denied today that there is an alien invasion happening – but they are looking for aliens.

The White House responded today to the reports in WWN that the alien invasion is occurring and that we are about to be attack by three giant spaceships from Planet Gootan.

They also responded to a petition that accused the government of covering up the alien invasion.

Here is another link for all of you to visit:

White House denies alien cover-up - Telegraph

dont worry guys, the shupa powah india will save us all from these bad aliens by using the mighty agni-v.

the aliens wont know what hit em, just at the sight of agni-v, the high tech aliens will run away scared.


First it was end of the world in 2012 and now its aliens? :lol:
First it was end of the world in 2012 and now its aliens? :lol:

It isn't December 2012 and it isn't November 2012 as they predict... Btw there is a UFO by the Sun search it up.
It isn't December 2012 and it isn't November 2012 as they predict... Btw there is a UFO by the Sun search it up.

Well we can't have destruction happening in the last days.
Everything should have started slowly, starting from January...
Well we can't have destruction happening in the last days.
Everything should have started slowly, starting from January...

Have you been watching too much TV? Destruction can happen any time... Btw as we move on into 2012 why are we seeing more UFO's and such?
Why would aliens invade us if they want resources?

There's more resources in the asteroid belt than in all of Earth.

If they were powerful enough to straight up need the whole Earth, they don't need to invade, they'll just blast us.

If they wanted a place to live, and don't want us interfering, no need to invade either, just bomb us with asteroids.
I'm really not sure if the poster expects us to take him seriously.
Everyone should buy essential food supplies now.The Alien Invasion will be devastating.You should start building some bunkers in your homes.I think Aliens will arrive on 7th of November.
whats the wikipedia link to gootan. I did search but didnt find gootan there,
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