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Nazi Germany’s Fascination With Ancient India: The Case Of Heinrich Himmler


Feb 12, 2012
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More than 65 years after the fall of the
Third Reich, Nazi Germany remains an obsession with millions of people
around the world. Adolf Hitler remains one of the most
prominent historical figure from the
20th century, evoking both disgust and
fascination. While other totalitarian
regimes -- including Fascist Italy and
imperial Japan -- have faded in the public's fascination, Nazi Germany still exerts a powerful hold on many for a
variety of reasons. Among the most interesting and
perplexing aspects of the Nazi regime
was its connection to India and Hinduism. Indeed, Hitler took the most
prominent symbol of ancient India -- the swastika -- as his own. The link between Nazi Germany and
ancient India, however, goes deeper
than the swastika symbol. The Nazis
venerated the notion of a “pure, noble
Aryan race,” who are believed to have
invaded India thousands of years ago and established a society based on a
rigid social structure, or castes. While scholars in India and Europe have
rejected the notion of an “Aryan race,"
the myths and legends of ancient Vedic-
Hindu India have imparted a
tremendous influence on Germany. Perhaps the most fervent Nazi adherent
to Indian Hindu traditions was Heinrich
Himmler, one of the most brutal
members of the senior command. Himmler, responsible for the deaths of
millions of Jews as architect of the
Holocaust, was a highly complex and
fascinating man. He was also obsessed
with India and Hinduism. International Business Times spoke
with an expert on German history to
explore Himmler and Hinduism. Mathias Tietke is a German author,
editor and yoga enthusiast. His books
include “Yoga in the Third Reich.
Concepts, Contrasts, Consequences.” IB TIMES: Heinrich Himmler was reportedly fascinated by Hinduism
and ancient Indian culture and had read
the Bhagavad Gita, among other classic
Indian texts. How and when was he
introduced to Indian culture? Was it
prior to his joining the Nazi party, or afterward? TIETKE: As early as 1925, when Himmler was only 24 years old and had joined
the SS, and just two years after Adolf
Hitler's beer hall putsch, Himmler wrote:
"Kshatriyakaste, that is how we need to
be. This is the salvation." [“Kshatriyakaste” referred to the
military and ruling elite of the Vedic-
Hindu social system of ancient India.] Himmler was deeply influenced by the
Indologist, yoga scholar and SS Capt.
Jakob Wilhelm Hauer of the University
of Tübingen in Germany and the
Italian philosopher Baron Julius Evola. Himmler had a keen interest in the
Rigveda and the Bhagavad Gita.
According to his personal massage
therapist, Felix Kersten, Himmler carried
a copy of the Bhagavad Gita in his
pocket from 1941 until his death four years later. The book was a translation
by the German theosophist, Dr. Franz

Nazi Germany?s Fascination With Ancient India: The Case Of Heinrich Himmler - International Business Times
Hindu Vedas and the culture is used as a tool to assert superiority by a unrelated people. I've been seeing Germans,Turks,Persians who all are eager to claim as "aryan race" but, many are not even aware of Hinduism or Sindhu Civilization. :\
this article repeatedly mentions Bhagvad Gita in a desperate hope to score some points. We don't give a damn to who misused it but I would definately like to show something funny about the logic...

The guy called Kasab who was part of an inhuman terrorist brigade read quran before he choose to unload his Ak47 on the streets of mumbai. Now I can replace the guys name and scriptures name and voila I have my own unbeatable troll article ready for discussion on PDF :woot:
Nazi Germany’s Fascination With Ancient India is what made Germany loose the war; espousing an irrational mentality could never have helped the Germans win the war.
Prior to the "fascination" they were the all categories champions!
Nazi Germany¡¯s Fascination With Ancient India is what made Germany loose the war; espousing an irrational mentality could never have helped the Germans win the war.
Prior to the "fascination" they were the all categories champions!
yes our ancient culture helped in defeating evil nazis :cheers:
The Nazis were misusing the Indic symbols and philosophy.

The term "Arya" is indigenous to ancient India, and its meaning in Sanskrit has nothing to do with race at all.
lol, the source is indian. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

indians are so happy that hitler a (white supremecaist) was facinated with indians. does anybody get why this is funny?

Hint: sharu khan stars in a commerical :mod:

anyways this post about indian history is very questionable as with anything about indian history, after all indians tend to make up their history to be somebody that they are not.
Ok, and?? What's the point of this thread? :lol:

Hitler was pretty fascinated in majority of Eastern Religions due to their emphasis on spiritualism and spiritual enlightenment, something he viewed the Western societies/civilization lacking in.
Indians are not descendants of Aryans, says new study : North, News - India Today

and hitler's story of aryans are not the same as indian.. he didnt take anything from india or indians at all... hitler's idea was that aryans were ancestors of germans, were of nordic apearance, and that they fought the darker skinned - dravidians etc

so really try and put hitler as some kind of , believer in india or indian people is wrong.. hitler and germany has no fascination with ancient india... their belief was totally different

indians think they are decendant of ayrians.... hitler believed germans were direct ancestors of aryans.. and that indians were dravidians
Hindu Vedas and the culture is used as a tool to assert superiority by a unrelated people. I've been seeing Germans,Turks,Persians who all are eager to claim as "aryan race" but, many are not even aware of Hinduism or Sindhu Civilization. :\

Aryan were most probably belonging to Sindhu Civilization who controlled over whole India, from Afghan to Bruma, from Tibet to Lanka. even if you read the names of many cities of Malaysia, Indonesia etc, they have names similar to Sanskrit. like Java, Sumatra, Subang Jaya, Kualalumpur etc. when I heard about Kualalumpur first in school then i first thought it may be somewhere near Kanpur, Nagpur etc :lol: Buddhism was generated from Hinduism, even Gautma Buddha was initially known as Siddhartha, son of a Hindu King who then formed Buddhism which impressed many other Asian countries.

but there is one more argument that if Aryan came from Europe then they were most probably German. no one can say any thing hard and fast as Hinduism is over 5000 years old culture. But the number one Lord of Hindu, Lord Ram, is said to be the oldest Lord of Hindus and had sign of Swastic on his military, specially when he fought for his wife Sita. his military had the same flag as that of Hiltar and there is a point to say that he might be a German migrant. biggest festival of Hindus, Deepawali is celebrated when he could get his wife Sita back after winning that war, as below with lights on Swastic sign :undecided:




Sindhu civilization = Pakistani... Indians don't steal history plz
Aryan were most probably belonging to Sindhu Civilization who controlled over whole India, from Afghan to Bruma, from Tibet to Lanka. even if you read the names of many cities of Malaysia, Indonesia etc, they have names similar to Sanskrit. like Java, Sumatra, Subang Jaya, Kualalumpur etc. when I heard about Kualalumpur first in school then i first thought it may be somewhere near Kanpur, Nagpur etc :lol: Buddhism was generated from Hinduism, even Gautma Buddha was initially known as Siddhartha, son of a Hindu King who then formed Buddhism which impressed many other Asian countries.

but there is one more argument that if Aryan came from Europe then they were most probably German. no one can say any thing hard and fast as Hinduism is over 5000 years old culture. But the number one Lord of Hindu, Lord Ram, is said to be the oldest Lord of Hindus and had sign of Swastic on his military, specially when he fought for his wife Sita. his military had the same flag as that of Hiltar and there is a point to say that he might be a German migrant. biggest festival of Hindus, Deepawali is celebrated when he could get his wife Sita back after winning that war, as below with lights on Swastic sign :undecided:





U r confusing urself... Diwali is celebrated when Lord Krishna defeated Narakasura, victory of good over evil, light over dark..
RAm for some reason didnt have a complete happy life... Krishna is said to have a complete incarnate..
And Shiva is considered the supreme God by many, but of course, TriDevas(Brahma, Vishnu and shiva) are revelant in many cases

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