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'Huge Afghanistan attack foiled'

2014 will bring mayhem for Pakistan, not Afghanistan. Americans will still have their presence in Afghanistan even after 2014. when Americans and their NATO ally won't be needing Pakistan any more and will starve Pakistan even for a single dollar for their double game. When Chinese could help North Korea in Sanctions, same is true for Pakistan. Just prepare youself for the worst. Yesterday, World Bank approved $1.8 billion loan where nato countries and ally have 50%+ votes.

well dear,if you think pakistan runs on aid money then you are grossly wrong, after america goes, pakistan's defense expenditure will be minimum, there will be no threat on the western border, and peace will come to pakistan, and how was pakistan running before?? magic wand??

america has already stopped the aid, so what happened?? huh?? inflation?? devaluse of PKR?? huh?? surprised??

in the end, no nation can learn to be more adapt in surviving then pakistani nation,we have sustained, earthquate, floods and many loses simultaneously

now go bharathi and sleep well, sweet dreams
well dear,if you think pakistan runs on aid money then you are grossly wrong, after america goes, pakistan's defense expenditure will be minimum, there will be no threat on the western border, and peace will come to pakistan, and how was pakistan running before?? magic wand??

america has already stopped the aid, so what happened?? huh?? inflation?? devaluse of PKR?? huh?? surprised??

now go bharathi and sleep well, sweet dreams

I don't see reduction in Pakistan's defence budget in the future and you guys still get loan from IMF and World Bank controlled by America. Your debt crisis has gone out of control unlike 15 years back.for 2011-12 period Pakistan have just $3 billion to spend on all development purpose like infrastructure,education, heathcare which is decreasing every year. So, future is grim for Pakistan, not Afghanistan.

Anyway, it is 9 am right now in India, time for breakfast.
2014 will bring mayhem for Pakistan, not Afghanistan. Americans will still have their presence in Afghanistan even after 2014. when Americans and their NATO ally won't be needing Pakistan any more and will starve Pakistan even for a single dollar for their double game. When Chinese could not help North Korea in Sanctions, same is true for Pakistan. Just prepare youself for the worst. Yesterday, World Bank approved $1.8 billion loan where nato countries and ally have 50%+ votes.


Bharatis are the cocoon delusions.

Delusions of grandeur can't get anymore epic than this.

Dude, we're actually waiting for 2014.

We've lost some 70 billion+ dollars because of this WoT that could've gone elsewhere. WoT ending means we won't need any loans from WB, Mr. Einstein. In addition to that, the growing tax collection will result in more revenue and less need for any loans.

We'll also see thugs such as Zardari dispatched to hell.

Why won't you see a reduction in defence spending, and other losses due to the WoT? Does logic not go with your brain?

2014 will actually be a breakthrough year for Pakistan. The status quo which has been favourable to bharat significantly will change quite a bit. You guys have become so used to the events of last 2-3 years that in your mind that has become the permanent reality. :lol: Given how you've been talking, 2014 will actually bring a huge shock for you guys. No wonder you want US to stay in Afghanistan till eternity.

Btw, where are you pulling the figure of 3 billion from? Is it your own made up figure?

Bharatis trying to convince us 2014 will be bad for us... :lol: when everyone knows it will be the opposite if anything.
Btw, where are you pulling the figure of 3 billion from? Is it your own made up figure?

Bharatis trying to convince us 2014 will be bad for us... :lol: when everyone knows it will be the opposite if anything.

Height of ignorance Pakistani, if you Urdu kindly watch this program about the mess in which Pakistan economy is in today, just 300 Billion rupees to spend on development purpose.
Development Budget in Pakistan 1 - YouTube

So, it likely that it is Pakistan which will suffer a lot in 2014 after it will become useless for angry America and their NATO allies. Afghanistan will continue getting modern weapons and aids.
Since 2007, the US-led, international Combined Air Power Transition Force (CAPTF) has worked to rebuild and modernize the Afghan Air Force. The CAPTF serves as the air component of the US-led, international Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan which is responsible for rebuilding the Afghan armed forces.[4] The AAF currently has about 100 aircraft and around 5,000 active personnel. By 2016 the NATO training mission in Afghanistan wants to raise the ranks of the AAF to 8000 and increase the air fleet to 140 aircraft which are progressively getting more advanced.

source: wiki

The Afghan Defense University (ADF), after completion, will serve as the primary educational institution for the army as well as the Afghan Air Force. The ANA is divided into six regional Corps, with about 300,000 active troops as of December 2011.
Height of ignorance Pakistani, if you Urdu kindly watch this program about the mess in which Pakistan economy is in today, just 300 Billion rupees to spend on development purpose.
Development Budget in Pakistan 1 - YouTube

So, it likely that it is Pakistan which will suffer a lot in 2014 after it will become useless for angry America and their NATO allies. Afghanistan will continue getting modern weapons and aids.
Oh height of ignorance :lol:
Ok, can you provide some news article from a more reliable website? TV shows are known for their unreliable information.

And did you read the rest of my post? Why will Pakistan suffer after 2014? As I explained in my post, it will be anything but. 2014 will be a very good year for Pakistan. We won't need US aid, and we won't have any terrorism in Pakistan due to US leaving.

Btw, you're assuming that Taliban will not control Afghanistan after US leaves. :lol:
Oh height of ignorance :lol:
Ok, can you provide some news article from a more reliable website? TV shows are known for their unreliable information.

And did you read the rest of my post? Why will Pakistan suffer after 2014? As I explained in my post, it will be anything but. 2014 will be a very good year for Pakistan. We won't need US aid, and we won't have any terrorism in Pakistan due to US leaving.

Btw, you're assuming that Taliban will not control Afghanistan after US leaves. :lol:

how did you assume that there would be a miracle in 2 years for Pakistan's economy when you could not do same in 65 yrs. And how did you assume violence will stop in 2014 because dust of terrorism don't settle in a year or a two.

Regarding, Taliban , they will remain an insurgent group and nothing more and after 2014 they will be fighting their own people with ANA getting support from world over. You guys are just day-dreaming.
how did you assume that there would be a miracle in 2 years for Pakistan's economy when you could not do same in 65 yrs.


We had great economic growth in 60s, 80s, 2000s, thank you very much.

And besides, we don't need any economic miracle. We just need US to GTFO. That'll do the job for us.

And how did you assume violence will stop in 2014 because dust of terrorism don't settle in a year or a two.

Because US will leave. Or at least reduce their presence greatly. Everything happening is because of US presence.

Regarding, Taliban , they will remain an insurgent group and nothing more and after 2014 they will be fighting their own people with ANA getting support from world over. You guys are just day-dreaming.


I am day dreaming? Or are you really talking about yourself? Taliban are way more powerful than ANA in Afghanistan. Karzai isn't called the mayor of Kabul for no reason. :lol: There's a reason why Taliban still controls 60% of Afghanistan.
how did you assume that there would be a miracle in 2 years for Pakistan's economy when you could not do same in 65 yrs. And how did you assume violence will stop in 2014 because dust of terrorism don't settle in a year or a two.

Regarding, Taliban , they will remain an insurgent group and nothing more and after 2014 they will be fighting their own people with ANA getting support from world over. You guys are just day-dreaming.

I see Afghanistan evolving into a Philippines (of 20 years back) like model with permanent US bases to keep overt aggression by Pakistan in check with low level Taliban insurgency being tackled by ever improving ANA with material support from NATO and may be India (in terms of investment and training)

There's a reason why Taliban still controls 60% of Afghanistan.

Wasnt this 80% a couple years back ;) ???
Taliban are currently negotiating and they know there is no chance of victory by force, political compromise is good and fruitful for everyone.

I am no fan of the Taliban and hate to rain on the parade, but the facts are exactly the opposite. It is NATO/ISAF which is cutting and running. Political support in most countries, including the US, has dried up -- Australia will pull its troops out one year ahead of schedule.

In this rush for the exit, NATO is desperate to cut a deal and save face. Everybody in Afghanistan sees the writing on the wall, including Karzai, which is why open defiance of NATO is on the rise.

I posted the link to the Australian expose which shows the reality behind the scenes of the fancy official propaganda releases.
Wasnt this 80% a couple years back ;) ???

Sure. If that makes you feel better. You still know that Kabul will be overtaken by Taliban in 2014 deep down. The western media are putting on a propaganda show to tell everyone that US will succeed in Afghanistan. Everyone on the ground knows, though, that US is trying to save its face and GTFO Afghanistan.

I am no fan of the Taliban and hate to rain on the parade, but the facts are exactly the opposite. It is NATO/ISAF which is cutting and running. Political support in most countries, including the US, has dried up -- Australia will pull its troops out one year ahead of schedule.

In this rush for the exit, NATO is desperate to cut a deal and save face. I posted the link to the Australian expose which shows the reality behind the scenes of the fancy official propaganda releases.

Dude, can you send me that link?

We had great economic growth in 60s, 80s, 2000s, thank you very much.

And besides, we don't need any economic miracle. We just need US to GTFO. That'll do the job for us.

Because US will leave. Or at least reduce their presence greatly. Everything happening is because of US presence.


I am day dreaming? Or are you really talking about yourself? Taliban are way more powerful than ANA in Afghanistan. Karzai isn't called the mayor of Kabul for no reason. :lol: There's a reason why Taliban still controls 60% of Afghanistan.

your impressive economic growth rate in 60s was because of baghdad pact, 80s because of afghan war in 2000s because of war on terror in toto American dollar. So, 2014 will surely not bring any miracle for Pakistan.

60% presence of Taliban don't translate into 60% control. Its not surely 90s that world will ignore Afghanistan.

And also I didn't understand the part that American exit will bring peace in FATA and KPK after 2014. It seems like some miracle.
I see Afghanistan evolving into a Philippines (of 20 years back) like model with permanent US bases to keep overt aggression by Pakistan in check with low level Taliban insurgency being tackled by ever improving ANA with material support from NATO and may be India (in terms of investment and training)

Wasnt this 80% a couple years back ;) ???

Agree, they will need hand holding way beyond 2014, atleast for this decade and all NATO and Indian help is probably going to be there, Also I guess even China who has major trade investments planned/invested in Afg. Russia too would not like Afg return back to what it was in the past.
your impressive economic growth rate in 60s was because of baghdad pact, 80s because of afghan war in 2000s because of war on terror in toto American dollar. So, 2014 will surely not bring any miracle for Pakistan.

And why do we need a miracle anyway? Whether or not there'll be an economic miracle is for another thread. The fact though is that US leaving Afghanistan will help us a lot.

60% presence of Taliban don't translate into 60% control. Its not surely 90s that world will ignore Afghanistan.

I actually said 60% control, not 60% presence.

And also I didn't understand the part that American exit will bring peace in FATA and KPK after 2014. It seems like some miracle.

Nah, it's actually very straightforward. I already explained it, so I will not explain it again.
I am no fan of the Taliban and hate to rain on the parade, but the facts are exactly the opposite. It is NATO/ISAF which is cutting and running. Political support in most countries, including the US, has dried up -- Australia will pull its troops out one year ahead of schedule.

In this rush for the exit, NATO is desperate to cut a deal and save face. Everybody in Afghanistan sees the writing on the wall, including Karzai, which is why open defiance of NATO is on the rise.

I posted the link to the Australian expose which shows the reality behind the scenes of the fancy official propaganda releases.

We're pulling our troops out for political reasons, not for military purposes.
THERE is an unpleasant whiff of politics and self-interest in the strategy to withdraw American, Australian and other foreign combat troops from Afghanistan by 2014 or earlier.
The electoral cycles of nations contributing troops to the fight in Afghanistan mean that politicians everywhere are looking for the exits.
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Barack Obama wants to lock in a firm plan for the withdrawal before the US presidential elections late this year. Nicolas Sarkozy used the current French presidential election process to announce an accelerated 2013 departure plan. Germany goes to the polls next year, the same time that its troops will start withdrawing.
Italians vote next year and Prime Minister Mario Monti has told them their troops will be home by 2014. British Prime Minister David Cameron is also clearing the decks, proposing deep cuts to troop numbers in 2013.
All of these decisions are driven by politics and growing disillusionment over Afghanistan in the voting constituencies of contributing nations.
Now Australia will follow. Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced that the majority of our combat troops will be withdrawn by the end of 2013. This represents a modest advance of the previously announced 2014 milestone for transition. There is no surprise in this: the withdrawal of our conventional combat troops from Afghanistan has long been foreshadowed by our political leaders.
There is also some confidence in military circles that security in the province where most Australian troops are deployed, Oruzgan, has improved and is likely to continue doing so, albeit in a patchy and fragile fashion.
In an opinion piece published earlier this month I wrote that the elements of the Afghanistan National Army being trained by Australians, the 4th Brigade, will be ready to take the lead in parts of Oruzgan province within the next 12 months. I also said that the brigade as a whole will be ready by 2014 provided that certain high-end combat support elements continue to be provided by the coalition. The progress achieved is thanks to the skill and sacrifice of Australian soldiers. None of that has changed.
It makes sense that Australia makes clear its position ahead of the NATO conference on Afghanistan in Chicago next month. I have no doubt that our government will have paid close attention to the advice of the Chief of the Defence Force, General David Hurley, in developing its revised position.
But make no mistake, the key considerations are political not military. Could anyone seriously doubt that the government's political strategists would not have considered the electoral benefits of this revised withdrawal schedule, when the federal election rolls around next year?
For its part, it is unlikely that the opposition wants to be dragged down electorally by opposing an early departure from the unpopular Afghanistan conflict. In a speech this week outlining Australia's position, Prime Minister Gillard said she welcomes debate on these issues. What's the point? The decisions have been made, the policy has been announced and next month our position will be locked in at the Chicago conference.
That's not to say that I think the policy is wrong, but simply to remark that public debate on the schedule is now largely irrelevant.
What is relevant is the high likelihood of a troubled transition process, in Oruzgan and Afghanistan more broadly. The improved performance of the Afghan 4th Brigade is from a very low base. It takes many years to grow genuinely competent armed forces and the Afghans have a long way to go.
As they take the lead more often, it is inevitable that things will go wrong sometimes, perhaps badly. Australian mentors will have a vital role to play right up to the day they leave. There is a strong possibility that our troops will continue to be involved in direct combat action, to bolster the Afghan soldiers or get them out of trouble.
The other reason that the pathway to a changed posture in Afghanistan is unlikely to be smooth is that the Taliban and their insurgent allies get a say in how it goes. The Taliban might simply be content to wait for us all to leave, but I think that's unlikely.
Afghans admire strength, not weakness. The Taliban will want to be in a strong bargaining position when the Afghanistan government starts the process of reconciliation and political bargaining. That means more high-profile attacks, continued unrest and potentially greater risks for our troops and their Afghan colleagues.
The Prime Minister tells us that we are entering a strategically important period, and she's right. But we are also entering a period of great uncertainty and potentially greater danger, not just to our troops, but to the whole strategy.

Withdrawal heralds fresh dangers in Afghanistan

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