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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

See this is international form.If you have problem with evil bhartis you can ask administer to ban Indian IP addresses.Until then shut this claptrap of our forum.Without Indians this forum would become the source of mental masturbation for fanboi pakistanis circlejerking each other.

Regarding discussion this thread has run long enough that every aspect of debate has been exhausted.You need only to look towards previously posted material.

That's what you guys do at your Indian defense site.

With you guys gone, the quality of the forum would go up drastically.
To the likes of Joe Shearer and Asim Aquil everyone is educated and are zero emotional about their religion. State's duty is to be realistic and hope one day such idealism will exist. Till then the realism is in recognising the facts (for both state and its people) that people out there are going to take law in their hands whenever their religious sentiments will be offended.

If someone still want to take chance, do some experiment and test the people by challenging their religious sentiments then they should be ready for the consequences without complaining.

Secularism is not Newton's law, testing its existence by first offending others is an Idiotic call.

Indians are eating almost everything which can move or fly including beef in India. But doing so called protest by advertising serving beef in such a fashion was an invitation for opposite party to react.
Anyway cow is considered as one of our gods ,for instance, Tamils literally worship it on Maatu Pongal and you know it.So these things directly impinges on our religious sentiments of hundreds of millions of Hindus and we expect others to respect it.

If you want to eat beef eat in your home or go to a hotel which serves it..But organizing such 'fests" and bragging it is stretching the patience of Hindus and is taking it a bit too far.

Its not worshiped, but respected along with anything thats associated with Hindu Gods.

The culture of giving the animal "respect" for the help it bring to rural household in medieval times has been transformed to a certain worship by a group of people.

An Indian cow is born , bred/fed/ , used and is killed/dead in the same process the same way if the cow is in Africa or in western Australia. I dont find anything godly in it.

There are several hundred breeds of cows in the world world .

Would you consider holstein friesian breed from North Holland as a god too?

The ideas/ ideologies of the past are passed on by the uneducated rural mass as part of theirr culture wich has been misinterpreted by even todays generation in the name of showing "see we are religious too".

Hinduism is not confined to making everything "Godly" as you like. Yes Hinduism believes there is presence of God in every matters we see , touch and are around.

So IMO even a mosquito is as godly as a cow.

You talk cow being worshipped on Mattu Pongal.

What happens to it in rest of the year?

Its made to sleep/sit/stay in the worst of the conditions in sheds, been made to grase under sun, tie it up in ropes, beat it to move it and what not?

Is it the way to treat a God? Or it gets godly status only on Mattu pOngal day?:what:

Religion is getting manipulated by few, who has set their own rules as if they are following Taliban type ideology. Im sorry for the harsh words but its true.

Read my signature.

It says

From ignorance, lead me to truth;
From darkness, lead me to light;
From death, lead me to immortality
I don't support the act, but people are free to do what they want. I'll boo them every chance I get, thats my freedom.
Good , thats exactly what people are doing on this forum.

Pizzas have been the undoing of many vegetarian Indians :P, but margharita should be fine for your beliefs or other vegetarian concerns (I understand religious convictions, but imagine those save the animals types !!).

I had a Brahmin colleague, she was stuck working with us Pakistanis. Poor thing had to run out each time we ordered Lebanese mixed grill in the office. With the hard core Brahmins who don't expose themselves to other eating cultures and can't sit in the same room where beef (heck even chicken) is being eaten, such a misconception is possible. Not saying they are being rude as my colleague was a nice person, its been grilled into their mindsets to not like the very smell of meat.

I am pretty sure I would have some eeky feelings if I am eating my food with the next guy eating pork.

Good on you, you can endure the smell of it.
i have worked in singapore and travelled to china during those 5-6 years. you hardcore meat eating muslim pakistani, i actually dare you to sit near an authentic chinese (not the manchurians variety) buffet place.. lol.. i bet you wonnt be able to.
On my way home I grabbed some mutton. Ironically the place had only Indian meats from desi selections (the Australian and Kiwi ones are famous here too, but other than being super expensive they sort of smell for desi foods. You can probably make steaks.

Interesting observation. My cousin in the states says the same about the local lamb versus that from desi shops. Why do you think it is? Something to do with what they are fed? Or hormones to bulk them up? I know people here say the same thing about bland poultry bred broiler chicken versus gavran chicken, but to tell you the truth, the latter is just too bony and fleshless.

I was recently in Brazil for a vaccine smposium. They are big beef eaters and their beef is really delicious. They also have a version of barbecued pork that is pretty good as well. Their local steak houses are called Churascarias and man that is death by meat!

Well sir, do you also have the famous Keralite habit of gulping down neat a steel glass full of whiskey in one go. The whiskey goes to one's head and then one starts tying oneself in knots with verbose contradictions:

Its not worshiped, but respected

Is it the way to treat a God?
The master at work, holding various forces at bay single-handed, while gaining awareness of both sides of his family....what a moving sight. Why doesn't he move, actually?

I wouldn't take another man's job away from him.
You are doing an excellent job on your own.

The Hindu is indeed iyengar owned and staffed with significant porportions, however their leanings is left and to some extent towrds Dravidian politics, especially after murmurs of links with females of the DMK regime.
They have a good profssional editorial team and can be releied upon to do what media is supposed to , which is present news and opinions as unbiased as possible, but I dont trust the coot NRam. Its a class apart from papers like TOI or other tv channels

Arey bhai...mein Hindi achi taraf janthi hoon...aur ok-ok bolthi bhi hoon. :cheesy:

Please stop generalizing.
are you female?
The thread has long back reached its logical conclusion and there is nothing more to be said on both sides. Right or wrong, cow is considered a divine incarnation and it is thus sacred to hundreds of millions of Hindus all over India and hence killing it infringes on our sentiments.

We respect the sentiments, however flimsy, of other religious groups and we expect the same in return.

Sure not all Hindus are abhorred by it...that's cool. But that is just a minority. Most of them consider it a taboo and hence better left untouched.

Want to eat beef ? sure go ahead, cook in your home or go out to a restaurant, have it to your heart's fill (provided beef is available subject to state laws). But parading that in public in order to prove something, well they are just asking for it and better not cry when they get it.

Its not worshiped, but respected along with anything thats associated with Hindu Gods.

The culture of giving the animal "respect" for the help it bring to rural household in medieval times has been transformed to a certain worship by a group of people.

An Indian cow is born , bred/fed/ , used and is killed/dead in the same process the same way if the cow is in Africa or in western Australia. I dont find anything godly in it.

There are several hundred breeds of cows in the world world .

Would you consider holstein friesian breed from North Holland as a god too?

The ideas/ ideologies of the past are passed on by the uneducated rural mass as part of theirr culture wich has been misinterpreted by even todays generation in the name of showing "see we are religious too".

It's not just aa cultural practise but which one which is mentioned in religous texts too.

Not only the Vedas are against animal slaughter but also vehemently oppose and prohibit cow slaughter.Yajurveda forbids killing of cows, for they provide energizing food for human beings
Ghrtam duhaanaamaditim janaayaagne maa himsiheeh
Yajurveda 13.49
Do not kill cows and bulls who always deserve to be protected.
Aare gohaa nrhaa vadho vo astu
Rigveda 7.56.17
In Rigveda cow slaughter has been declared a heinous crime equivalent to human murder and it has been said that those who commits this crime should be punished.
Sooyavasaad bhagavatee hi bhooyaa atho vayam bhagvantah syaama
Addhi trnamaghnye vishwadaaneem piba shuddhamudakamaacharantee

Rigveda 1.164.40 or Atharv 7.73.11 or Atharv 9.10.20
The Aghnya cows – which are not to be killed under any circumstances– may keep themselves healthy by use of pure water and green grass, so that we may be endowed with virtues, knowledge and wealth.
The Vedic Lexicon, Nighantu, gives amongst other synonyms of Gau[ or cow] the words Aghnya. Ahi, and Aditi. Yaska the commentator on Nighantu, defines these as-
Aghnya the one that ought not to be killed
Ahi the one that must not be slaughtered.
Aditi the one that ought not to be cut into pieces.
These three names of cow signify that the animal ought not to be put to tortures. These words appear frequently throughout the Vedas in context of the cow.
Aghnyeyam saa vardhataam mahate soubhagaaya
Rigveda 1.164.27
Cow – The aghnya – brings us health and prosperity

Suprapaanam Bhavatvaghnyaayaah
Rigveda 5.83.8
There should be excellent facility for pure water for Aghnya Cow

Yah paurusheyena kravishaa samankte yo ashwena pashunaa yaatudhaanah
Yo aghnyaayaa bharati ksheeramagne teshaam sheershaani harasaapi vrishcha

Rigveda 10.87.16
Those who feed on human, horse or animal flesh and those who destroy milk-giving Aghnya cows should be severely punished.

Vimucchyadhvamaghnyaa devayaanaa aganma
Yajurveda 12.73
The Aghnya cows and bulls bring you prosperity

Maa gaamanaagaamaditim vadhishta
Rigveda 8.101.15
Do not kill the cow. Cow is innocent and aditi – that ought not to be cut into pieces

Hinduism is not confined to making everything "Godly" as you like. Yes Hinduism believes there is presence of God in every matters we see , touch and are around.

So IMO even a mosquito is as godly as a cow.

Wrong analogy.

are you female?

Sorry for the occasional slip-ups in grammer.
You have the right to express it, but you do not have the right to express disgust if people find it offensive.
It comes down to extreme cases.. you may express your freedom ..but you should then grant other people the right to express their freedom of showing disgust.
So a pig being thrown in a mosque or a cow slaughtered in front of a temple is liable to invite an equally acrimonious response.
Both violate and offend key elements of these religions.. and when there is intention to offend involved.. are a no brainer for those seeking reprisals.

A flipside of this being that even innocuous and innocent intentions regarding such deities, figures may be inadvertently(or wilfully with sinister intentions) interpreted as crossing the lines and offending a religion.. for eg the Blasphemy laws of Pakistan..which are flawed in their implementation of the basic tenet...and hence used for personal gain under the guise of serving the religion.

Hence.. why be such a troublemaker, an arsonist and express such opinions in public knowing very well that they will offend.
I see no "freedom of expression" there.. Just plain old ego appeasement.

Similarly, people in Osmania do have the right to do what they did on beef. nothing wrong on the face of it. just as there is nothing wrong when the Dane drew a pic of mohd with missles stuck to his headgear. This(the beef incident) did cause offense to some but people on this forum seem to expres disgust that this is deemed offensive. the muslims and dalits were just being troublemakers in this instance knowing well that this "fest" is designed to offend. no doubt about it.

I am not being right wing here.. I am vegetarian and have no particular leanings on cow slaughter. But i find a basic inconsistency on the different matters of faith. Cow killing is ok, but Salman Rushdie isnt.
I think the indian govt did the right thing by banning both - cow slaughter and salman, tasleema. they should have banned MF Husain too in my opinion. Otherwise give a green signal to all of these on indian soil.
Religion is getting manipulated by few, who has set their own rules as if they are following Taliban type ideology. Im sorry for the harsh words but its true.

Going by the logic religion itself is a opium of the masses, yet we practice it..Don't we ? Every religion has its own practises and associated cultural traits. This is one such.

Just move along.

Also if you notice the main issue was against this parading in public, the show-off which is literally stirring the **** pot. Expecting nothing to fly out of that is silly.

This whole episode was just a political stunt to communalize the situation, gather some votes (in the next upcoming student elections or something like that). And I see they have suceeded. Why can't these idiots go to the University to study and not indulge in such gimmicks ?
The thread has long back reached its logical conclusion and there is nothing more to be said on both sides. Right or wrong, cow is considered a divine incarnation and it is thus sacred to hundreds of millions of Hindus all over India and hence killing it infringes on our sentiments.

We respect the sentiments, however flimsy, of other religious groups and we expect the same in return.

Sure not all Hindus are abhorred by it...that's cool. But that is just a minority. Most of them consider it a taboo and hence better left untouched.

Want to eat beef ? sure go ahead, cook in your home or go out to a restaurant, have it to your heart's fill (provided beef is available subject to state laws). But parading that in public in order to prove something, well they are just asking for it and better not cry when they get it.

It's not just aa cultural practise but which one which is mentioned in religous texts too.

Wrong analogy.

Sorry for the occasional slip-ups in grammer.
thats fine.. as long as an atempt is made
Good , thats exactly what people are doing on this forum.
Sure, but the people in the university stabbed someone. That has to be booed here, not the people asking for their right to eat beef.

i have worked in singapore and travelled to china during those 5-6 years. you hardcore meat eating muslim pakistani, i actually dare you to sit near an authentic chinese (not the manchurians variety) buffet place.. lol.. i bet you wonnt be able to.

I actually don't mind much, except that I find authentic chinese too full of Soya Sauce. We get PF Changs here, I actually like their taste, because they make to order and reduce the Soya Sauce on request.

I have eaten crabs and liked it. The only thing I couldn't eat was jelly fish, but I did taste it.

Of course I won't eat eyeballs, blood and cockroaches.

Haha @ Machurian variety. We in the office have a term - Malbari Chinese. We have this Malbari outlet down our work place which serves everything. Mallu food, American, Chinese, Italian :P Everything is on the cheaper side. The malbari Chinese is quite tasty as it is all spicy.

Interesting observation. My cousin in the states says the same about the local lamb versus that from desi shops. Why do you think it is? Something to do with what they are fed? Or hormones to bulk them up? I know people here say the same thing about bland poultry bred broiler chicken versus gavran chicken, but to tell you the truth, the latter is just too bony and fleshless.

I was recently in Brazil for a vaccine smposium. They are big beef eaters and their beef is really delicious. They also have a version of barbecued pork that is pretty good as well. Their local steak houses are called Churascarias and man that is death by meat!

Believe it or not its probably the Halaal haraam thing.

Muslim Zabiha method eliminates that smell, as that smell is of blood being stuck in the minute capillaries of the meat which makes it suitable to cook desi foods in. Of course Zabiha halal meat is then lesser in quality for making steaks.

When you cook non-halal meat, it will give off a lot more blood than halal meat.
Desi Chicken is more healthy because of that.

The Hindu is indeed iyengar owned and staffed with significant porportions, however their leanings is left and to some extent towrds Dravidian politics, especially after murmurs of links with females of the DMK regime.
They have a good profssional editorial team and can be releied upon to do what media is supposed to , which is present news and opinions as unbiased as possible, but I dont trust the coot NRam. Its a class apart from papers like TOI or other tv channels

are you female?

Unbiased and Hindu dont go well together, they are just another funded newspaper.Thats all.

They happen to be Iyengars but very weak ones at that.

Its not worshiped, but respected along with anything thats associated with Hindu Gods.

The culture of giving the animal "respect" for the help it bring to rural household in medieval times has been transformed to a certain worship by a group of people.

An Indian cow is born , bred/fed/ , used and is killed/dead in the same process the same way if the cow is in Africa or in western Australia. I dont find anything godly in it.

There are several hundred breeds of cows in the world world .

Would you consider holstein friesian breed from North Holland as a god too?

The ideas/ ideologies of the past are passed on by the uneducated rural mass as part of theirr culture wich has been misinterpreted by even todays generation in the name of showing "see we are religious too".

Hinduism is not confined to making everything "Godly" as you like. Yes Hinduism believes there is presence of God in every matters we see , touch and are around.

So IMO even a mosquito is as godly as a cow.

You talk cow being worshipped on Mattu Pongal.

What happens to it in rest of the year?

Its made to sleep/sit/stay in the worst of the conditions in sheds, been made to grase under sun, tie it up in ropes, beat it to move it and what not?

Is it the way to treat a God? Or it gets godly status only on Mattu pOngal day?:what:

Religion is getting manipulated by few, who has set their own rules as if they are following Taliban type ideology. Im sorry for the harsh words but its true.

Read my signature.

It says

From ignorance, lead me to truth;
From darkness, lead me to light;
From death, lead me to immortality


All cows are gods man,there is nothing in a breed.

It is a thing which came about because it made much more sense to drink milk than eat beef.

Yeah,it has a selfish motive but then Cows are also such lovable animals.So cute,how can you eat them?
Interesting observation. My cousin in the states says the same about the local lamb versus that from desi shops. Why do you think it is? Something to do with what they are fed? Or hormones to bulk them up? I know people here say the same thing about bland poultry bred broiler chicken versus gavran chicken, but to tell you the truth, the latter is just too bony and fleshless.

Thats because in India people mostly eat Goat meat, Lamb meat when cooked in Indian curry style does tend to have bit of a smell to it as compared to goat meat.

Grilled lamb doesn't smell though.
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