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Afghanistan Bans Full Face Veils

If i am not wrong, the number of rapes in shinning India and most notably dehli is rising exponentially. May be that's a result of practicing too much western version of women's rights.:coffee:

I'm confused at the correlation to what's being discussed.

Does the veil magically morph into a chastity belt?

What is the non-western version of women's rights per you? Would be great to know ....
these viels are giving cover to taliban and terrorist and a sign of medieval repression. They have done more harm than good and Islam forbids everything which leads to more harm than good.
Karzai is playing CHEAP SHOTS! Its not a decision taken in the "betterment" of Afghans but rather this was to show his western "gods" that he was a good puppy and they must invest on him. Pathetic!
Karzai is playing CHEAP SHOTS! Its not a decision taken in the "betterment" of Afghans but rather this was to show his western "gods" that he was a good puppy and they must invest on him. Pathetic!

If having equal rights for women is not something that can be considered as a move for the "betterment" of Afghans, then I dont know what will. Equal rights for all citizens, including women is a cornerstone for a nation to achieve progress.
If this isn't an April fool joke, it's a good move by Karzai.
You still have not answered HOW the government is going to distinguish free choice from pressure in 99 out of 100 cases.
While I don't agree with the ratio, but why are you asking me how? It's your failure, you figure it out. Don't pass the buck to me or say that I have to give up my civil liberties to wear the veil or not. If you can figure out intentions, then go do it. If you can't, then admit it that you can NEVER be sure about all the cases, and hence your methodology is a failed.

To give security or to prevent pressurized veil wearing is your responsibility.

In the absence of that, you are putting the onus on to the girl to come out and protest. Something you and I know is never going to happen. As well as why its never going to happen.
In all of the world, blacks got their rights when they fought for them. Pakistan was made by ancestors of current Pakistanis fighting for one. America was made by their ancestors. Women's liberation in the west was done by women.

So your argument skirts the issue by legalese that is practically impossible.
That's your failure then, perform better come up with new and improved ways to catch people on a case by case basis. In some Muslim countries where women do go to complain about such pressures the police does not act. Have you fixed your police before going ahead and changing your laws?

Most urban muslims here as well. But what about the majority? "Getting by" and "Intermingling in society" cannot be the barometer of free choice and what is right Asim. You could well be having many resentful women intermingling and sharing each other's pain, with not much else in the form of relief or release at home or outside.
coulda woulda shoulda, you are commenting about resent in the subconscious of women. If we started this for the veil, where would it stop? I would one day get up and declare a neighbor as a traitor because he doesn't put up the flag on Aug 14 and say I know his intentions.

Is it coincidence Asim that 99% of muslim girls who wear the veil at home or around family, do not wear it - by choice - when they are in a different city or country?
No one in my family wears the veil, but a few are hijabi and despite a lot of people going like "Choro na, hairstyle dikhao" (that is encouraging them to take it off), they don't. Every one of them. So I am applying what I know and have experience, and what I know refutes your made up statistic, and you not being a Muslim can't even have any experience in this matter.

What does that say to you about free choice?
Free choice is supreme, to give that free choice is your responsibility.

You cannot prove it. Simple. If she parrots "free choice" then its her family in particular and muslim soceity at large that will essentially be saying "Shut up and stop interfering. You don't know what's good for us."

You are imposing something by law, I'm keeping things open.

Yet in those 99% countries millions of muslims girls still do land up wearing the veil.

I ask you the same question I asked before. What if the woman simply wants to wear it.

Please tell me, and I ask you this as a father of two girls of my own, so do not once again ascribe baser motives to the question.

Are muslim girls that biologically and physiologically and mentally and emotionally different from girls from other religions that they do not want to preen and pout and look pretty to attract the attention of guys (a variety of them)?
Like women of all religion. Some do flaunt their sexuality, some women even attract the opposite sex through their personality, some are content being arrange married.

I cannot remember the specifics, but the native Americans shoved into reservations (i.e. post the mass scale butcher and genocide that preceded that) and th Jap Americans herded into holding areas for the duration of WWII does not qualify as recent past.
One of those incidents belong primarily to the domain of Spanish Conquistadors.

Point was they were always on a path of continual improvement only recently Americans have become a regressive nation - or regressiver to be PC.

This is an april fool joke still people arguing

Talking about it in general obviously.
This was carried in The Pune Mirror some time ago. A delegation of young Afghans came visiting. Boys and girls. Students mainly.

After the day's program was over, apparently their Indian counterparts took them out for trinket shopping and ice creams to MG Road. One Afghan girl kept standing motionless opposite Marz-o-Rin (ice cream and sandwiches place) and staring.

When asked what she was staring at, she apparently had a severe culture shock at the hundreds of girls zipping and weaving in and out of the traffic on scooters and bikes.

And this despite the fact that females on two wheelers in Pune look like this .... :)


Sometimes its mundane day to day things like these seen through the eyes of an outsider that make us realize the importance of what many of us accept as commonplace.
The news is ononly one website in the whole of WWW..and that website is not a famous one so i seriously doubt the authenticity of this news..
If this was real news all news companies should have broadcasted it.
This was carried in The Pune Mirror some time ago. A delegation of young Afghans came visiting. Boys and girls. Students mainly.

After the day's program was over, apparently their Indian counterparts took them out for trinket shopping and ice creams to MG Road. One Afghan girl kept standing motionless opposite Marz-o-Rin (ice cream and sandwiches place) and staring.

When asked what she was staring at, she apparently had a severe culture shock at the hundreds of girls zipping and weaving in and out of the traffic on scooters and bikes.

And this despite the fact that females on two wheelers in Pune look like this .... :)


Sometimes its mundane day to day things like these seen through the eyes of an outsider that make us realize the importance of what many of us accept as commonplace.

I have lived in pune for 6 months. It was shock to me initially but when I asked everybody said you need to wear this to avoid dust, and even adviced me to wear something similar. :)
Don't pass the buck to me or say that I have to give up my civil liberties to wear the veil or not. If you can figure out intentions, then go do it. If you can't, then admit it that you can NEVER be sure about all the cases, and hence your methodology is a failed.

And if our forefathers took the same line then child marriage and sati would never have been outlawed. Nor suicide or medical termination of pregnancy for that matter. After all, how can the state interfere with the civil liberties of:

1) The fundamental civil liberty of an old fart wanting to get his rocks off on a girl young enough to be his grand-daughter (or a primary school kid being married off and coceiving a kid when she is barely into her teens).

2) The fundamental civil liberty of a woman of joining her husband in death by self immolation.

3) The fundamental civil liberty to take one's own life when life becomes too difficult to bear.

4) The fundamental civil liberty to get rid of an unwanted mass of tissue (the foetus) within one's own body should one decide that carrying it for 9 months and then taking its crap for the next 20 years at the least is not high on one's priority list.

Laws are made by law makers and enforced by the state in the interest of the community and the society we live in. If those interests are not being met by something that has been coming down from the ages, then the law makers are failing in their duty if they do not attempt to change it. Any change will have massive inertia and resistance from those who are opposed to it. That does not mean we cease to change if that change will eventually emancipate many who are otherwise voiceless.

To give security or to prevent pressurized veil wearing is your responsibility.

And I propose to augment one and prevent the other by banning the veil in toto. In time (a generation at most) one will learn to live with it and adapt. Just as the veil was not always there and came to be adapted and accepted as part of everyday life and enforced over time to subjugate one gender to the bidding of another.

You propose status quo because you say it impinges on YOUR civil liberties. But Asim, you are a man. And you are muslim. Are you without bias in this? Which of your civil liberties are impinged upon?

That's your failure then, perform better come up with new and improved ways to catch people on a case by case basis. In some Muslim countries where women do go to complain about such pressures the police does not act. Have you fixed your police before going ahead and changing your laws?

Right now there is no law. The veil is not banned. Ban the veil and see if the same police can afford to be as blaise. But at least give them a stick. Right now all you are giving them is a messy he says, she says situation that is only going to be based on heresay. Wearing a veil or not is black and white. No shades of grey there.

Sarkozy has the right idea.

In all of the world, blacks got their rights when they fought for them. Pakistan was made by ancestors of current Pakistanis fighting for one. America was made by their ancestors. Women's liberation in the west was done by women.

In all of the above, including the fight for suffrage, women and men stood side by side. Would that be the case here? Is this what you are challenging your women to?


coulda woulda shoulda, you are commenting about resent in the subconscious of women. If we started this for the veil, where would it stop?

The fact that you say it is in the subconscious of muslim women shows that you have shut your mind to the obvious. You honestly believe a woman, any woman, by choice would live behind a veil in today's world, and that her gripes are the ramblings of the collective unconscious?

No one in my family wears the veil, but a few are hijabi and despite a lot of people going like "Choro na, hairstyle dikhao" (that is encouraging them to take it off), they don't. Every one of them. So I am applying what I know and have experience, and what I know refutes your made up statistic, and you not being a Muslim can't even have any experience in this matter.

You're right. I'm not muslim. And a hijab is not a veil either. In fact, many muslim ladies have converted the hijab or head scarf loosely draped, into high fashion, and it does look very classy. That said, Pune at any given point in time, and this has been true for the past 20+ years so its not a recent phenomenon, has a sizeable population of Iranians. Both guys and girls. You know the scene in iran right? Well, out here, I have NEVER seen one of these women wearling a veil. The slightly more mature lot (married, kids, etc) will wear a scarf. That's it.

Free choice is supreme, to give that free choice is your responsibility.

As is our responsibility of taking away free choice when it impinges on that of our people. The choice to lead normal lives like normal girls. The choice not to die because a nutter straps a jacket of dynamite around his abdomen, dons a burkha, and walks into a crowded mall - and is not stopped because no one in India is going to stop a female figure in a burkha for obvious reasons.

You are imposing something by law, I'm keeping things open.

You are keeping open the legal loopholes of free choice that are used to pressure your women either directly or more insidiously, so that they never overstep the boundaries imagined for them by their men. So that they stay at home. Bear kids. And do not pine to go out to work. And become independent financially. And develop their own ideas and opinions.

I think a law to facilitate that is long overdue. To even the playing field without making them the villains. Difficult to dump on the lady when the alternative is a jail term.

I ask you the same question I asked before. What if the woman simply wants to wear it.

She cannot. Just like she can no longer hop on to the funeral pyre of her dead husband. Or marry when she's still in pigtails. Or get an MR done because the boyfriend and her forgot protection.

Like women of all religion. Some do flaunt their sexuality, some women even attract the opposite sex through their personality, some are content being arrange married.

All of which can be done just fine without a veil covering the face.

One of those incidents belong primarily to the domain of Spanish Conquistadors.

I'm speaking about the post Indian Wars scenario by the Pilgrims who came much later.

Point was they were always on a path of continual improvement only recently Americans have become a regressive nation - or regressiver to be PC.

That is debateable. But lets stick to the veil here.
@vsdoc - Just one question, what if tomorrow someone comes up with that Women want to wear mini-skirts but they are forced to wear shalwar, kameez or sarhi. So, Shalwar Kameez & Sarhi must be banned? I mean is there any credible study which show how many %age of women are forced for veil? If not are you not trying to force your choice on others?
loveicon, the shalwar versus the mini skirt is about how much you want to cover up or leave exposed. Like Asim, I'm all for personal choice out there.

But the veil is about a person's identity. You hide the face and what do you have? A person severely compromised functionally for day to day modern life. Not to mention a security risk for society at large as current events prove.

A person severely compromised functionally for day to day modern life, has limited options and span of professional and social interaction. Largely dependent on those who can move around unencumbered.

Exactly what the veil represents and imposes on muslim women who "freely" choose to don it. Exactly as it is meant to by those who support and perpetuate this practice in the name of religion or culture or modesty.
loveicon, the shalwar versus the mini skirt is about how much you want to cover up or leave exposed. Like Asim, I'm all for personal choice out there.

But the veil is about a person's identity. You hide the face and what do you have? A person severely compromised functionally for day to day modern life. Not to mention a security risk for society at large as current events prove.

A person severely compromised functionally for day to day modern life, has limited options and span of professional and social interaction. Largely dependent on those who can move around unencumbered.

Exactly what the veil represents and imposes on muslim women who "freely" choose to don it. Exactly as it is meant to by those who support and perpetuate this practice in the name of religion or culture or modesty.

1. Security is week argument, in 99.99% crimes, criminals are males or females without veil. If we go with this than we have ban the cloths, heck even then there are incidents that criminal were hiding drugs in their ***** - so for few exceptions you can't implement the rule to check everyone's a$$. We have to work on technology to improve security.

2. You must clarify either you want to do it for Identification or you want to ban it because you think it is being forced.
1. Security is week argument, in 99.99% crimes, criminals are males or females without veil. If we go with this than we have ban the cloths, heck even then there are incidents that criminal were hiding drugs in their ***** - so for few exceptions you can't implement the rule to check everyone's a$$. We have to work on technology to improve security.

Security is an added perspective which we cannot wish away in the present context. The veil allows the cloak of anonymity. The garb under which terrorists can move freely undetected, unchallenged. And more often than not the terrorists are males - so facial identification is more than half the battle won.

Improve technology. Improve security.

But how about making a basic change that will yield much higher dividends over a much larger denominator?

In going for the CT scan and the MRI, it would be foolish to ignore the humble X-ray!

2. You must clarify either you want to do it for Identification or you want to ban it because you think it is being forced.

As I mentioned to Asim earlier, why must I choose? Why cannot I argue both if there is merit in such arguments? Must it be only one and not the other?

If removing the veil emancipates muslim women, and helps in preventing muslim men and women and children, not to mention those of other faiths as well, from being killed from ambush, then by all means ban the veil.

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