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Zaid Hamid on Wagah Border

some pakistani is showing that they hate Zaid Hamid but i can see that more than 48000 pakis like him and his comments in fb....

Wow.. thats like the entire population of Pakistan according to Indians isnt it?
Wow.. thats like the entire population of Pakistan according to Indians isnt it?

48000 delusional youth is a significant number for any country.

...and this is just one facebook page.

Go and watch Sir (pun intended) Zaid's video's in universities etc.

You'll get an idea, assuming you don't already have one.

I mean C'mon! Universities of all the places in the world? :woot:


Who even lets such delusional bigots inside a university?

..and this is the educated college-going crowd. Imagine his support among the not-so-privileged awaam!

Mind you, as an Indian, it would give me immense pleasure to see such men misleading my enemy country on the path to self-destruction.

...but my education and experiences with life have made me a better human being than that.
Wow.. thats like the entire population of Pakistan according to Indians isnt it?

whole population of Pakistan hates India...............hating India and liking Zaid hamid go hand in hand!!!!
University of Central Punjab!

Search youtibe for more parts of the same.

At Sargodha University:

Textile University Faisalabad!

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Search youtibe for more parts of the same.

people think that indians are frustrated with zaid hamid..but in fact we are mature enough to know that jokers like him are not good for any country...

Imran khan == good for pakistan (may be bad for India or good, only time will tell)
Zaid Hamid == bad for pakistan (good for India)

why good for India? because jokers like him just get youth to hate their rivals rather than doing something constructive for their own nation...a country does not grow or achieve something with hatred...
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48000 delusional youth is a significant number for any country.

...and this is just one facebook page.

Go and watch Sir Zaid's video's in universities etc.

You'll get an idea, assuming you don't already have one.

I mean C'mon! Universities of all the places in the world? :woot:


Who even lets such delusional bigots inside a university

well..Salman Rushdie gets to go everywhere..
its called freedom of speech.. either support it wholeheartedly without bias.. or not at all.

People support him for his vision.. as distorted as it may be.
Here is an element showing a uniting factor.. whether he does it by blaming the rest of the world is irrelevant.
You have a dispersed population looking for an identity... and they will go to anyone offering one.

48000 followers from a FB base of millions.. right.. Im worried.
India should shake in its knees..
Seriously.. you guys needs to try pouncing on better avenues of derision against Pakistan than what are basically televangelists.
Its like saying Bill Maher's following should indicate the atmosphere in all of America.
^^^ Sir Zaid is our favourite punching bag. But pakistanis on pdf seem to have disowned him faster than musharaf did to talibans. :)
well..Salman Rushdie gets to go everywhere..
its called freedom of speech.. either support it wholeheartedly without bias.. or not at all.

People support him for his vision.. as distorted as it may be.
Here is an element showing a uniting factor.. whether he does it by blaming the rest of the world is irrelevant.
You have a dispersed population looking for an identity... and they will go to anyone offering one.

48000 followers from a FB base of millions.. right.. Im worried.
India should shake in its knees..
Seriously.. you guys needs to try pouncing on better avenues of derision against Pakistan than what are basically televangelists.
Its like saying Bill Maher's following should indicate the atmosphere in all of America.
Well according to Indians freedom of speech is selective.Zaid Hamid is no different from Bill O Riley or Glen Beck.
guys he`s surely a mantel guy but let`s don`t dance with joy....

when ever I watch Bal thakrey on TV I laugh more loudly then now...

you all know what??? Pakistanis are way better then us cos they didn`t chose a Neta like Zaid or may I say like Thakrey in their country...

& about the videos .... man they are hilarious....:rofl:
all right forget the last part, but you will have to agree that most people in Pakistan have a mentality similar to zaid hamid and hate India to the teeth.............answer me and don't lie1

Well why should i lie, you know the reasons why Pakistanis hate Indians that have been discussed lot of time on PDF and that's not because of ZH.

If ZH had millions of supports than by this time he must have done some adventure.
If ZH had millions of supports than by this time he must have done some adventure.

I say, if that guy decides to capitalise on his popularity and form his own political party, then you have yet to see his misadventures.

...it's still too early you know.
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