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Pastor Beaten And Paraded Naked By Hindu Extremists

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Are you talking about the Agnostic Europe or Mormon America?

Look at African and Latin American Countries.

Look at Nigeria.

Muslims Slaughtered Left and Right.

Whose Burning the Witches? :lol:

They are Persecuted by their own Abrahamic Mind!

again I ask where are hindus persecuted in the secular christian majority nations.
Exactly bro, I feel the same way.
Every Hindu gives all this fluff about spirituality and all paths lead to God.
But they they go all caveman on anyone who dares to change to a different path to God.
And then the rest condone such barbaric acts.
I don't think I read a single comment by any Indian members on this thread condemning it.
They all just made excuses or dismissed it as "propaganda"
Then you are blind to have missed my very first 2 posts.
As I said, if your agenda is to redicule Hindus, you'll dive to any depths to do the same, that goes to the rest of the faith too,
When a Hindu decides to rediclue the other faith then sure he will to end up like you, so will a Christian and so will the other faith members will end up like you.
Cristians and Muslims have waged religious wars for over centuries, its because Hindus are majority in INDIA we are not witnessing such wars between Muslims and Christians.
No Muslim Converst to Chirstianity and vise versa, Muslims do not go door to door and preach in INdia, Its the Christians who do such thing and you know what this threatens the secularistic ideas that Hindu political leaders who ruled independent India set for us to follow.

Preaching a religion threatens secular ideology???
Now you are rediculing me because I said I do not have this caste descrimination.
May be a group of Shia and Sunny should be put together in a room and left for some time and you can see only one or two will emerge alive out of the room with bloody wounds.

Shia an Sunny? is that a new music band like cher and sonny? :lol:

And by all means, Sunni and Shias have lived peacefully for 1400 years. I also have many Shia freinds.
How about you? do you have any untouchable friends?
Yeah, Yeah.. Hindu are extremists and care to tell us who is known for its extremism worldwide. Just think about it. India is Hindu majority country there might be few incidents occurring here and there but compare it with many countries with Muslim majority and tell me what rights minorities have there. You guys call all the bad names for other religion gods but if someone responds Blasphemy laws takes care of him. The minorities are scared to even celebrate their festivals/functions openly in many Muslim majority countries.

Bottom line - India got more freedom then anywhere else.Anyways, keep trying to prove whatever you want but world is well aware of the societies/countries where the extremism is the way of life.
Freedom of religion is a strong part of secular ideal, and part of that freedom means they have the right to preach, just like you have the right to ignore them.
They cannot force you to listen, and you cannot force them to stop talking........unless you practice "Indian secularism"
in which case you can beat an innocent man to an inch of his life and the rest of society will cheer you on.
The funny part is that I am patiently hearing your ideas where as you are from a nation which held a man who killed a Governer/Political leader as your hero and that too in modern times.

No body condones anything. If this really happened, there will be so many NGO's pounding on police to take action. India is pluralistic society that way. They will get their justice. We don't have blasphemy laws that kill someone for abusing our gods. These Hindus must be illiterate to do something like this. They will be punished.

Just like all those evil minorities who will be sen't to jail for 7 years for eating beef.
At least Blasphemy law protects everyone.
Silly Indian laws just target minorities.

---------- Post added at 12:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 AM ----------

Coming from a Person who has Signed and Accepted the Following.

http://www.pakmission.ca/Forms/Manual Passport Application.pdf


Your point being?
how is signing a pledge the same as beating an innocent man?
Shia an Sunny? is that a new music band like cher and sonny? :lol:

And by all means, Sunni and Shias have lived peacefully for 1400 years. I also have many Shia freinds.
How about you? do you have any untouchable friends?
I have no descrimination for the Backward caste people of my nation and I do not see them as untouchables. I have many friends of BC/SC/ST/FC origins. I am an example of modern India just like most educated youth of this nation who do not judge a person for what is color or caste is but for his/her deeds.
The funny part is that I am patiently hearing your ideas where as you are from a nation which held a man who killed a Governer/Political leader as your hero and that too in modern times.

We are not discussing my country sir.
We are discussing secularism in India, so kindly stay on topic.
But I realize that it is hard for you to do that since you know my point is quite correct but you can't bring yourself to agree with someone who doesn't have the same flag as you.

Also if I ever make claims about Pakistan that are not true, like it is a perfect country, or even that it is secular in the western sense, then feel free to call me out on it.
We are not discussing my country sir.
We are discussing secularism in India, so kindly stay on topic.
But I realize that it is hard for you to do that since you know my point is quite correct but you can't bring yourself to agree with someone who doesn't have the same flag as you.

Also if I ever make claims about Pakistan that are not true, like it is a perfect country, or even that it is secular in the western sense, then feel free to call me out on it.

Then you are wrong one to discuss secularism as you do not even understand what it really means..
I have no descrimination for the Backward caste people of my nation and I do not see them as untouchables. I have many friends of BC/SC/ST/FC origins. I am an example of modern India just like most educated youth of this nation who do not judge a person for what is color or caste is but for his/her deeds.

Which brings us back to what I said initially,
how progressive of you :tup:
(I'm sorry if that sounds snarky)

---------- Post added at 12:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 AM ----------

Then you are wrong one to discuss secularism as you do not even understand what it really means..

Educate me
Just like all those evil minorities who will be sen't to jail for 7 years for eating beef.
At least Blasphemy law protects everyone.
Silly Indian laws just target minorities
I don't think that you know any statistics about INDIA, about 20 to 30 % of the Hindu population of India does eat beef and no one is jailed or sentenced for eating beef. I think you have selective vision. I have clearly explained that Open Slaughter houses are banned by not eating beef.
There is a old saying, "Its easy to wake up a sleeping person, but not a person who acts to be sleeping".

I got to regret to have taken part in this discussion as its no discussion but argument. And it take 2 fools to contribute to a endless argument the one is you and the other is the one who replies you(one among that fool who replied you is me too).
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