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Britain could not reclaim the Falklands if Argentina invades, warns General


Mar 16, 2011
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In an interview with The Sunday Telegraph, the former head of the army, General Sir Michael Jackson, says defence cuts have made it "impossible" to win the islands back after a successful invasion, in the way the British task force did in 1982.
"What if an Argentinian force was able to secure the Mount Pleasant airfield? Then our ability to recover the islands now would be just about impossible," says General Jackson, who was Chief of the General Staff until five years ago and led the army into Iraq.
"We are not in a position to take air power by sea since the demise of the Harrier force."
Britain no longer has an aircraft carrier and the Harrier fleet which performed with such distinction during the Falklands War has been sold to the US Marine Corps.
"Let us hope we do not live to regret that decision," says General Jackson, responding to what he calls "disagreeable noises coming from Buenos Aires" as the 30th anniversary of the war approaches.

President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has restated Argentina's claims to sovereignty over the islands it calls the Malvinas, saying, "We are going to get them back."
General Jackson believes they could still fall to a surprise attack.
"The official answer will be that it would not be possible for the Argentinians to gain a foothold on the islands, in particular to take Mount Pleasant, which is key to the British defence plan.
Defences on the Falklands are now – by a factor of several tens – better than they were in 1982.
We have a large international-sized airfield to allow for very rapid reinforcement by air, should circumstances so require.
But I suppose I have learned in life, never say never."
The original invasion was "a strategic shock" that surprised defence chiefs, says General Jackson, who worked for the head of military intelligence in Whitehall during the Falklands War.
"There was a small amount of intelligence – which was gold – from the British naval attache in Buenos Aires, who was clearly watching with great care, and no doubt listening to this and that conversation and he said, 'Look, these people are up to something.' Basically, that was discounted in London."
However, Brigadier Bill Aldridge, commander of the British forces in the South Atlantic, also tells The Sunday Telegraph: "I am not expecting to hand the islands over to anybody and therefore put us in a position to have to retake the islands."
The British commitment to the Falklands is unchanged despite the cuts, he says. "If I fail in my primary mission of deterring aggression, I have the capability here to defend the islands. I am fully confident that I have the capability to do that."
The armed forces on the islands are in "an extremely different position" to 1982, says Brig Aldridge.
Then there were fewer than 100 military personnel to resist the initial invasion force. Now the garrison at Mount Pleasant is home to 1,400.
They will soon be joined by Prince William, who is about to start a tour of duty there as a Sea King helicopter pilot.
"It would be foolish to discount any particular scenario," says Brig Aldridge. "But I do not see any position where the type of eventuality that some people are speculating about is going to happen."
The Governor of the Falkland Islands, Nigel Haywood says a new British diplomatic push has been mounted to correct Argentine claims about the islands.
"The fact is that in many people in the world don't know anything about the islands other than Argentine mistruths and lies.
"Their claim is founded on a complete myth. Their arguments are getting louder and louder and weaker and weaker. They are saying some very stupid things."

Argentina needs to start a Massive Military Buildup.
Massive modernization and Military buildup including getting support form Covertly from other South American Countries also Argentina should ask if another war were to break out cut off all ports to the UK.
I dont think britain has any aircraft carriers active at the moment, it would be very hard for britain to take back falklands without an AC.
I dont think britain has any aircraft carriers active at the moment, it would be very hard for britain to take back falklands without an AC.

Britain is alone with defending the Falklands again last war NATO did not help. Argentina should act quick.
Britain is alone with defending the Falklands again last war NATO did not help. Argentina should act quick.

I dont think its worth it, britain probably finished all the oil near the falklands. Besides argentina has a female president, and she is too feminine to attack Britain, she is no thatcher. Now that thatcher was one of a kind.
Most probably the area of the island has the potential of getting much oil reserve . if then why the British are sitting there for only couple of thousand British live there. the island seems to belong to Argentina and it should be handed back to Argentinian people . in any war what will be the outcome may be disputed but Britain is not in a position to engage in any war at this moment .i think if the Argentina wants to solve the problem militarily this is high time they do it .
i doubt Britain is capable military of retaking any thing now . but should Argentina invade without a political consensus , they might end up facing a UN force or NATO . the very least sanctions which will cripple their economy .
The island have nothing to do with britain...what right do you have stealing island that are thousands of killometers from your home?
Dont know how many of you this but Margret Thatcher had threatened to nuke Argentina during Falklands war if France refused to share the details of Exocet...

But times have changed and so should England...I hope someday Argentina gets enough powerful to take Falklands back...

Colonialism has to go...
Argentina is a land colonized by Spanish people and Falkland by British,Its not like British occupation of India. so it is stupidity to even think that Argentina is the real owner. So, if two colonial powers are fighting over it, then British are the real owner because they are ruling it since long time.

Anyway, NATO charter says attack on any member state territory is attack on whole NATO and the attacker would be dealt properly by NATO.
Those islands were EMPTY until the British, French, and Portugese began a bit of a scrap for them. Ultimately, the BRITISH colonized them. The islands have nothing to do with Argentina beyond a geographic locality.

Does Venezuela have a claim on the ABC islands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao) because they are right off their shore? The islands are Dutch. Should the USA invade the Bahamas? Cuba is more than twice as close to the USA as the Falklands are to Argentina.

If an island is empty, finders keepers. It would be different if the British kicked out Argentinians 300 years ago. Most importantly of all, the people on the Falklands are British subjects and want to remain that way.

By what possible twisted logic does Argentina have a claim on those islands? Consider the status of thousands of islands all over the world... geography has little to do with it.
Those islands were EMPTY until the British, French, and Portugese began a bit of a scrap for them. Ultimately, the BRITISH colonized them. The islands have nothing to do with Argentina beyond a geographic locality.

Does Venezuela have a claim on the ABC islands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao) because they are right off their shore? The islands are Dutch. Should the USA invade the Bahamas? Cuba is more than twice as close to the USA as the Falklands are to Argentina.

If an island is empty, finders keepers. It would be different if the British kicked out Argentinians 300 years ago. Most importantly of all, the people on the Falklands are British subjects and want to remain that way.

By what possible twisted logic does Argentina have a claim on those islands? Consider the status of thousands of islands all over the world... geography has little to do with it.

Totally agree, the islands are British and will remain so.
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