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Why 1962 will not be repeated

can you name any other country ranting this bull crap?please give references as well.. i am not fond of listening to your moronic opinions..

Easy! Here are the references,

US accuses Pakistan of supporting terrorism

BBC News - US Admiral: 'Haqqani is veritable arm of Pakistan's ISI'

Mike Mullen: Pakistan is 'exporting' terror - Telegraph

British PM accuses Pakistan of exporting terrorism BBC News - UK PM cautions Pakistan over 'terror exports'

Afghanistan says the whole of Taliban is sheltered by Pak and Taliban can't move a finger without Pak
BBC News - Karzai accuses Pakistan of 'double game' over militants

For India, watch this documentary

Enjoy! Look forward to hearing from you!
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Atleast I was not brought up on a platform which pushes me into submissive peeing. Arrogance maynot be an Indian quality, but hitting back when provoked definitely is...ofcourse I'm talking about those Indians who have shame and pride in thier blood.
oh yes, i know what we are capable of(internet warriors) who run like hell when a goonda harasses a fellow human being in the streets. not having the guts to stand up for what is right
you don't offend us baghdad aryan - you amuse us... you are though on the china time clock... do continue jarnal. I dont believe I have ever said you had problem with gays or gora's ( hell you live off them goras and kiss the chinese to not be pro both those issues ) :D

Listen matey what is the matter with you. I wish well to chinese and indians iranians and to all in our neighbourhood, Whats baghdad got to do with the price of tea in china? I am pleased that you finally accept that I have no problem with you.

Whats with the cheap pithy comment about me living off goras. contrary to your assertions I employ a fair few number of goras and I pay my taxes and contribute in the country where i live.

I love china and chinese people. I also love india and indian people. I abhor the idea of a nuke going off in our neighbourhood. I dont want west who we all accept has ulterior motives to interfere what is sio wrong with that?

Why you want to preach hate young man?
We had Claude Arpi give a seminar on "India and its Neighborhood challenges" in IITB the other day. I had always believed that he might have a soft corner for China and was evident from his talk. One of his principal focal points were on the often known problems of India within and around the neighborhood. But then he gave an interesting tidbit on how India is the bulwark (more like a "counterculture") against the Chinese, even though it was pacifist to the extent of being a weak state. And the reason was quite surprising (maybe put forth for local consumption to IITians here) :: Creativity and a tendency to accommodate, more like appeasing/backing off. A nice guy with a sense of humor.
Bl[i]tZ;2230933 said:
Easy! Here are the references,

US accuses Pakistan of supporting terrorism

BBC News - US Admiral: 'Haqqani is veritable arm of Pakistan's ISI'

Mike Mullen: Pakistan is 'exporting' terror - Telegraph

British PM accuses Pakistan of exporting terrorism BBC News - UK PM cautions Pakistan over 'terror exports'

Afghanistan says the whole of Taliban is sheltered by Pak and Taliban can't move a finger without Pak
BBC News - Karzai accuses Pakistan of 'double game' over militants

For India, watch this documentary

Enjoy! Look forward to hearing from you!

Mate was that necessary or on topic for this thread?
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Listen matey what is the matter with you. I wish well to chinese and indians iranians and to all in our neighbourhood, Whats baghdad got to do with the price of tea in china? I am pleased that you finally accept that I have no problem with you.

Whats with the cheap pithy comment about me living off goras. contrary to your assertions I employ a fair few number of goras and I pay my taxes and contribute in the country where i live.

I love china and chinese people. I also love india and indian people. I abhor the idea of a nuke going off in our neighbourhood. I dont want west who we all accept has ulterior motives to interfere what is sio wrong with that?

Why you want to preach hate young man?

Hey, the world doesn't start or end for us at N weapons . It is about with countries competing with each other.

Pakistan has been living in its own bubble where it has reconciled to the fact that it has achieved whatever it wanted in life after testing N weapons. Indians and Chinese have very ancient civilizations and India want to compete with China just as much China wants to compete with US. These nations have aspirations unlike some.

I am very much confident if India and China were to go to war it wouldn't escalate to N weapons. If it all it'll be, these will be punitive strikes for a very short period of time. Only some delusional countries have their service chiefs remind the other party about their nuclear capablity.
Mate was that necessary or on topic for this thread?

Your friend asked for references and you seem to have liked the comment too. I thought that I should help address your curiosity and astonisment of being accused by world of supporting terrorism. YOU ASKED FOR THE REFERENCES!
oh yes, i know what we are capable of(internet warriors) who run like hell when a goonda harasses a fellow human being in the streets. not having the guts to stand up for what is right
Dunno about you...but I'll definitely stand up.
For someone who doesn't know who Claude Arpi is, you should read his work about India and in general about where he's resident now and why, before vomiting about French toys and Western interests. That guy is more critical of India than your nucleus-sized brain can even comprehend of. How do 9 year olds in this forum get to be Premium members is something i can't comprehend of.

Well that says it all. Now Ashokbhai if i got baited by this indian and started slagging of all indians that would be very unfair so I wont. However why all this personal insults. Why are you so wound up. Was it because I suggested peace in our neighbourhood? was it cos i said that india cannot stand up to china in a war in the forseeable future? what is it that irks you so much?
Bl[i]tZ;2230951 said:
Indians and Chinese have very ancient civilizations and India want to compete with China just as much China wants to compete with US. These nations have aspirations unlike some.


So Moenjodarro is india is it? Harrapa in india eh. India has never been entirely united in its modern format until the brits came. Its all very well having aspirations but look I admit that pakistan does not have the resourses to compete with india. pakistan is for example a significantly a smaller country. There is nothing embarassing about that. Similarly India is in no position to compare itself to China in the foreseeable future
Ok Jay my boy no point in reasoning with you. You are so far off the topic you might as well be on the moon. If you wish to discuss kashmir etc go and create threads and we will come there and discuss with you the matters you refer to. You have done nearly 3000 posts and you have been on here for a year it would appear you dont know the forum rules. Back to topic our neighbourhood needs peace and we neeed to implore that and insist our political leaders sort out all issues peacefully

how can it possible that you live in england , presumingly have some education from there and completely miss the context of what I posted. How can it be that you have such poor comprehension. It was not about kashmir it was about your attitude or lack of integrity...for us to take your seriously.
Bl[i]tZ;2230951 said:
Pakistan has been living in its own bubble where it has reconciled to the fact that it has achieved whatever it wanted in life after testing N weapons.

I am very much confident if India and China were to go to war it wouldn't escalate to N weapons. If it all it'll be, these will be punitive strikes for a very short period of time. Only some delusional countries have their service chiefs remind the other party about their nuclear capablity.

Why do you have to bring pakistan into this topic. You an indian comes on to a pakistani forum even on a thread not about pakistan you want to knock pakistan. Why you hate pakistan? whats your problem? why are you incredibly obsessed?

Oh and you know China and India wont go nuclear. Is that cos Indian nuclear tests failed? Or failed according to a indian scientist? and you india dont have any nukes?
@Aryan B Is this your Love for peace for the region and India below... your agenda and duplicity is not missed by the indians here. thank you for your great peace gesture below-

what would be wrong with china haveing a few bases in countries that are friendly near its borders whats the big deal. a base in bangladesh, srilanka and pakistan why not if it suits the host country?
every other topic you don't read the quoted text I was replying to and about i.e. his every gay and gora kissing comment- but then actually reading a context would be so new.

Everytime you post i see a sexual reference. Were you not the gentleman that was enquiring about homosexuality views on here a few days ago and when someone asked if you were gay you disappeared for a couple of days? :azn:

On topic - Ashok bhai i am in complete agreement with your mindset and hope and pray for peace in our lands!
how can it possible that you live in england , presumingly have some education from there and completely miss the context of what I posted. How can it be that you have such poor comprehension. It was not about kashmir it was about your attitude or lack of integrity...for us to take your seriously.

Yes Jay it seems to me that anyone that does not see things from your perspective must have been educated in a maddrassa? I think you flatter yourself. Its fine for you to be of the opinion that I have no integrity but then please dont mind when I inform you that I think you are a very angry intellectually challenged man. Tell me have you been bullied or something when you were younger or abused? Maybe if you pm me I can give you some councelling. Back on topic I think I have realised that you lot are upset by me cos I think China is stronger than India. Im sorry to bring you into reality.

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