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Freed would-be suicide bomber tells kids to be like her

Palestine need to have some sort of leverage against Israel.Suicide bombings is very unfortunate. But then u cannot expect israel to play fair with palestine. Only strength respects strength in this world

So now according to u is Israel playing fair with Palestine since u seem to justify Suicide bombings..??
So now according to u is Israel playing fair with Palestine since u seem to justify Suicide bombings..??

No, Palestine should sit back and watch their people get killed,woman raped and houses destroyed. When India fights with Pakistan or America kills Iraqis its fine and just because Israel provides India with some good weapons every Indian has to kiss Israel 's *** and agree with them?
No, Palestine should sit back and watch their people get killed,woman raped and houses destroyed. When India fights with Pakistan or America kills Iraqis its fine and just because Israel provides India with some good weapons every Indian has to kiss Israel 's *** and agree with them?

NO they dont have to agree with everything, just as they dont agree with equally naive statement like Israeli kill, rape women as some mandate. and to promote suicide bombings makes you a terrorist symphatizer. Especially since you seem to not know your own countries history that achieved its freedom with 100x more death count on it citizens plate.
The released prisoners have been negotiated by Hamas and Israel, this was one of Hamas`s choices and one that Israel could allow to set free.
She tried to blow herself up in a Hospital filled with women and children and now she is advocating these children to follow in her foot steps.

If the Israeli courts had already found these people guilty of trying to commit mass murder, then why didn't they execute them?

Then maybe it wouldn't have turned into the debacle of the 1 for 1000 deal.
If the Israeli courts had already found these people guilty of trying to commit mass murder, then why didn't they execute them?

Then maybe it wouldn't have turned into the debacle of the 1 for 1000 deal.
Why? Stupidity. It is illegal to execute people in Israel and only 2 people have been executed in Israel so far. Adolf Eichman being one of them.
LOL at @$$ licking ... Hypocrites trying to gain sympathy of other hypocrites ..

While it is wrong to blow yourself in a hospital full of women and children and even worse preach that to innocent kids but when your loved ones have been brutally killed, your houses destroyed, you lands occupied, and you being stripped off of even the basic daily needs all your life in your own country than only thing on your mind will be vengeance ... Perhaps you narrow minded hypocrites can sometimes try to look at the cause not just the acts ....
LOL at @$$ licking ... Hypocrites trying to gain sympathy of other hypocrites ..

While it is wrong to blow yourself in a hospital full of women and children and even worse preach that to innocent kids but when your loved ones have been brutally killed, your houses destroyed, you lands occupied, and you being stripped off of even the basic daily needs all your life in your own country than only thing on your mind will be vengeance ... Perhaps you narrow minded hypocrites can sometimes try to look at the cause not just the acts ....
Spare me of that nonsense, Palestinians live much better than most of the third world countries.
Spare me of that nonsense, Palestinians live much better than most of the third world countries.

Yes yes yes! Thanks to Israel they are living like kings. Thank you.

BTW I would rather eat porridge and live in a third world country than expose me and my family to the abuse the Zionists put innocent Palestinians through. You give them a piece of bread with one hand and in the other hand you use a stick whilst they eat. Don't twaddle rubbish and grow up young lady.

and here is a reminder how their leaders view Palestinians...

"There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed." Golda Maier Israeli Prime Minister June 15, 1969
"We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves." Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.
"We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." Israel Koenig, "The Koenig Memorandum"
and finally
"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." -- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 (my favorite one - classy)

Now you decide why Palestinians behave in the manner they do. If any leader of a country says such things then you know clearly know the mentality and agenda they have. Its better to live humbly and have dignity than to live in fear of tyrants.
Israelis at will can enter Palestinian terrortries, kill a few, raze a dozen houses arrest some....all in the name of self defence.
On the other hand, when a desperate and hopeless Palestinian blows himself up.....it's terrorism.....the hypocrisy has let the evil lose on the Palestinians.
Biss was traveling to Beersheba's Soroka hospital for medical treatment in 2005 when Israeli soldiers at the Erez border crossing noticed she was walking strangely. They found 10 kilograms (22 lbs) of explosives had been sewn into her underwear.

I remember watching this documentary with actual CCTV footage somewhere on you tube. These people who preach sucide bombing is retarded... Suicide is forbidden in all Abrahamic religions and people should not resort to its blind support which has been infested by shallow scholars on a foreign payroll with an agenda.
Israelis at will can enter Palestinian terrortries, kill a few, raze a dozen houses arrest some....all in the name of self defence.
On the other hand, when a desperate and hopeless Palestinian blows himself up.....it's terrorism.....the hypocrisy has let the evil lose on the Palestinians.

I noticed Cameron broke off from parliament to welcome the soldier back. He named him personally and his family. He knew all their names. Does he know the name of the innocent family that had 4 kids shot by Israelis last year that were slaughtered? Doesn't it say it all? The double standards is sickening. Zionism is a disgraceful hate filled ideology that has lowest forms of humans following it.

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