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US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier

Hehe, so you always Drop your allies,like droping Taliban, right.That why, they're very angry with USA now, they gonna burn all Western countries and USA to ash now just bcz you droped them after USSR colapse .

Hehe, so you always Drop your allies,like droping Taliban, right.That why, they're very angry with USA now, they gonna burn all Western countries and USA to ash now just bcz you droped them after USSR colapse .


America has never been an ally of the pakistani or muslim people anywhere in the world. We hate them fior their excess and injustices. its only our corrupt leaders that have been bought by american dollars. Ask a child who has just learned to speak or an old person we love china. China has won our hearts and minds. America has never been in the running
Lost to Vietnam? We retreated from Vietnam ... - you can ask the South Vietnamese for the Truth
Lost to Korea? We lost in North Korea despite military superiority... - and where are we now? at your throat from South Korea!
Afghanistan? We are retreating, mission "accomplished" ... if you don't like the word "moving out" then it is your choice.

^^^^^^^^^ Fix'd


Mission still is "accomplished" :rofl:
Hehe, so you always Drop your allies,like droping Taliban, right.That why, they're very angry with USA now, they gonna burn all Western countries and USA to ash now just bcz you droped them after USSR colapse .


Yes, so do not expect us to not drop you once we are done pissing off the Chinese ... :lol:

Better yet, let you fight the war alone against China if we just have a trip to China as in 1972 huh Viva_Viet!? :azn:
America has never been an ally of the pakistani or muslim people anywhere in the world. We hate them fior their excess and injustices. its only our corrupt leaders that have been bought by american dollars. Ask a child who has just learned to speak or an old person we love china. China has won our hearts and minds. America has never been in the running

You just do not understand the Chinese deeply as the Viets. Ask the Vietnameses about Chineses and you will see if ask "a child who has just learned to speak or an old person" to love China or not? :rofl:

You are no different from your corrupted leaders - easily bought by American and Chinese. :azn:
Fisrt of all, who is the known bully in the East for the last 4000 years? China, man :lol:
Secondly, China's strategy is of Eastern uncomparable to the Western's thinking...
Third, China's military is not up there as the level of US - thus lying about we can't beat militarily and directly beating up those we can like China :rofl: is understandable.

Keep dreaming kiddo! :azn:

What? America is not even 400 years old! Legitimacy is so important for you guys that could NOT even lie about it with a straight face. So comparing obsolete Western dead brain redneck thinking couldn't even beat the Viet Cong in a war! Secondly without China loaning you barbarians some money to go on your useless crusade is lame and weak and you know it. Third, the US could no longer fight anyone in the East because it can't take a casualties of thousands or more overseas.
You can't use the term "whole world" when there is only a few countries that you can count of ... :rofl:

I can and I think most people would agree with me that americans got stuffed in vietnam. anyway back to thread who the hell is america to ask china anything? I can ask america why are you retards doesnt mean much even if you are
You just do not understand the Chinese deeply as the Viets. Ask the Vietnameses about Chineses and you will see if ask "a child who has just learned to speak or an old person" to love China or not? :rofl:

You are no different from your corrupted leaders - easily bought by American and Chinese. :azn:

I'm a Viet and I understand the Chinese much better than the next douche bag foreigner claim. Yes we have our differences over thousands of years, but I be damn to allow to have a Western hegemony continue their pathetic chest thumping of the world. I rather have China rule the world instead of the US. At least we don't have to hear about any more christian "miracles" and fairy tales. It's going to be an Asian super power in this century and you might as well get used it.
I'm a Viet and I understand the Chinese much better than the next douche bag foreigner claim. Yes we have our differences over thousands of years, but I be damn to allow to have a Western hegemony continue their pathetic chest thumping of the world. I rather have China rule the world instead of the US. At least we don't have to hear about any more christian "miracles" and fairy tales. It's going to be an Asian super power in this century and you might as well get used it.

China doesn't want to replace the US as global hegemon :)
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