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US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier

Yeah...The bell that rung is that it was against North Viet Nam for refusing to abide by the agreement that both sides are supposed to respect the 17th parallel. This is the typical historical distortion in that there is a consistent denial of the fact that for a while there were two Vietnams, not one.

LOL...then why were South Vietnam NOT even invited for that peace talk in Paris? Because the US knew it was lost cause anyway.
And you are suppose to be?

Quit fighting like a South Vietnamese Army and you won't have to be a refugee anymore.
And no matter how much you suck up to the Chinese, you will always be inferior to them in their eyes. If you are a Viet, which I doubt, and if you are a US citizen, you have gotten far more in the US than you will ever receive from the Chinese no matter how many kneepads you wear out.

Duh, like the Pilgrims that plundered this Native American land, I'm getting as much and what I can before she falls back to Mexico territory. What...you thought America will be the final empire? Forget it, what I learned in the Army is not to fight for some old man's politics. If you're one of those sheep banger that believe in 'justice and the American way', go for it, but leave the rest society out of it.
And you can do all of us in America a great favor by leaving the country you despise. It is the intellectually honest thing to do.

I'm sure it's a lot better than those backwards Judeo-Christian idiots that has to have everyone on Earth accept their "lord as the savior and only god".
How is that better? According to the Chinese, they are a privileged people.

---------- Post added at 04:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:33 PM ----------

LOL...then why were South Vietnam NOT even invited for that peace talk in Paris? Because the US knew it was lost cause anyway.
The 17th as a dividing line predated the 1973 Paris Accords.
What kind of lame strategy that requires 58,000+ to die for nothing? I think you need to look up on the word strategy again.

Not to die for nothing, but for world "balance of power" ... Japan, South Korea (2) out of (3) Japan, South Korea, Vietnam is good enough :azn: Got it?

I guess America likes to keep paying China interests every month for those borrowed money. Apparently you've been smoking too much meth, it fries up your brain. Why fire a single bullet can call in all her debts at once and guess who's starting to flinch first? "YOU BETCHA" (Sarah Palin)! You are too much in denial to believe in history.[/COLOR]

You are too naive kid! We just print more money and that the Chineses will flinch and keep pumping in money for US to borrow ... :rofl:

You know so little to even begin a debate in here son!

BTW, what you said: what I learned in the Army is not to fight for some old man's politics shown that you have learned NIL ... :lol: You are fighting for those US old private sectors'. Grow up, kiddo ...

Got a "credible third source to prove it"?

And no matter how much you suck up to the Chinese, you will always be inferior to them in their eyes. If you are a Viet, which I doubt, and if you are a US citizen, you have gotten far more in the US than you will ever receive from the Chinese no matter how many kneepads you wear out.

Quibble all you want, you have nothing to stop the rise of China and you know it. If you feel so inferior to whatever the Chinese think about you, then you need to get out more. Nope, being white and Christian will only bring disgust and shame of one's background and race. It's true go visit one those "churches" of some Later Day Saints.

"And you can do all of us in America a great favor by leaving the country you despise. It is the intellectually honest thing to do."

Sure after we give the land back to the natives, right? NOT...what a typical stupid tea bagger talk.

"How is that better? According to the Chinese, they are a privileged people."

There you go again, so infatuated to what they think! Well at least they work hard and earn that privileges.
No, you are neither.

And you are suppose to be?

"Which resulted in mostly Vietnamese deaths and repeated violations of Vietnamese sovereignty."

Quit fighting like a South Vietnamese Army and you won't have to be a refugee anymore.

"Then what are you still doing in the US. If you are a Viet, which is as fraudulent as your claim to be a US Army officer, go to China and see how far you can get. Perhaps you can be a member of the cadre of 'useful idiots'."

Duh, like the Pilgrims that plundered this Native American land, I'm getting as much and what I can before she falls back to Mexico territory. What...you thought America will be the final empire? Forget it, what I learned in the Army is not to fight for some old man's politics. If you're one of those sheep banger that believe in 'justice and the American way', go for it, but leave the rest society out of it.

"True...You will just have to put up with this 'Mandate from Heaven' nonsense."

I'm sure it's a lot better than those backwards Judeo-Christian idiots that has to have everyone on Earth accept their "lord as the savior and only god".

Good strategy! Siphon as much away before the collapse. How long do you give them? I'm calling 2015 for beginning of terminal decline and eclipse by BRIC, 2020 for eclipse by China alone, and 2025 for US breakup like the Soviet Union.
Not to die for nothing, but for world "balance of power" ... Japan, South Korea (2) out of (3) Japan, South Korea, Vietnam is good enough :azn: Got it?

You are too naive kid! We just print more money and that the Chineses will flinch and keep pumping in money for US to borrow ... :rofl:

You know so little to even begin a debate in here son!

BTW, what you said: what I learned in the Army is not to fight for some old man's politics shown that you have learned NIL ... :lol: You are fighting for those US old private sectors'. Grow up, kiddo ...

No you can't print more money because it would dilute the value of the dollar, therefore creates inflation, with a tight job market and economic times, you think it's a wise thing to do? NO, wait...sorry you don't think.
Got a "credible third source to prove it"?
I have far more credibility here as a Viet than you will ever have as a supposedly US Army officer. Sargent in stead of sergeant?

Quibble all you want, you have nothing to stop the rise of China and you know it. If you feel so inferior to whatever the Chinese think about you, then you need to get out more. Nope, being white and Christian will only bring disgust and shame of one's background and race. It's true go visit one those "churches" of some Later Day Saints.
If anyone who wishes the rise of China as a regional power, it is less US than it is the 'inferior' Asians in the region. Me feel inferior? Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

Sure after we give the land back to the natives, right? NOT...what a typical stupid tea bagger talk.
After? More like you are too much of a coward to acknowledge that what I said is true. It is far easier for you to leave the US than it is for the Americans of today to return the lands they developed over the last couple centuries. At least you can make a statement by moving to Canada.

There you go again, so infatuated to what they think! Well at least they work hard and earn that privileges.
Me infatuate with the Chinese sense of superiority? Please...:rolleyes:...What 'work' did they performed that the Heavens grant them that 'commission' to 'rule the universe'?
No you can't print more money because it would dilute the value of the dollar, therefore creates inflation, with a tight job market and economic times, you think it's a wise thing to do? NO, wait...sorry you don't think.

He's not very smart. He thinks that China will flinch if the USD inflates. No, go ahead! You inflate your debt you also inflate your assets.


China already dumped 30.4 billion in US bonds. Good luck with that inflation.
Good strategy! Siphon as much away before the collapse. How long do you give them? I'm calling 2015 for beginning of terminal decline and eclipse by BRIC, 2020 for eclipse by China alone, and 2025 for US breakup like the Soviet Union.
At least you are more cautious than that Russian academic fool who said it was by June 2010. But assuming you live to that long in China, if we do break up, China will already have lost that 'Mandate from Heaven' will be carved apart by the 'barbarians'. Remember: 'The Empire long divided, must unite, long united, must divide.'
At least you are more cautious than that Russian academic fool who said it was by June 2010. But assuming you live to that long in China, if we do break up, China will already have lost that 'Mandate from Heaven' will be carved apart by the 'barbarians'. Remember: 'The Empire long divided, must unite, long united, must divide.'

You forget that we are in the "divided" phase of history right now. I agree: 'The Empire long divided, must unite, long united, must divide.'

2020, Taiwan reunification! Then we'll start counting the "long united, must divide." part.

On the other hand, the US seems destined for breakup like the Soviet Union. Better start learning to swear allegiance to the flag of the Republic of California/Texas/Vermont, Kingdom of Hawaii or Confederate States if you live outside the Northeast :lol:
Yes, so do not expect us to not drop you once we are done pissing off the Chinese ... :lol:

Better yet, let you fight the war alone against China if we just have a trip to China as in 1972 huh Viva_Viet!? :azn:
hehe, we still live on Earth whether USA drop us or not .If we have to fight with CHina, we won't fight alone, we have Laos-Camb ( hope Thailand will join with us soon) in our side with India-Russia support in weapon, Japan'support in financial. DOn't forget that: Russia allows VN to buy weapon on Credit :azn:

You just do not understand the Chinese deeply as the Viets. Ask the Vietnameses about Chineses and you will see if ask "a child who has just learned to speak or an old person" to love China or not?

You are no different from your corrupted leaders - easily bought by American and Chinese
Wrong aswer to superkaif, dear Peter.Vn and Pakistan have diffirent location.

VietNam is located in the center of ASEAN, so who can control VietNam means he can control the whole ASEAN and put Australian in great danger

Attack Pakistan will not bring any benefit to China, they are not oil provider.

CHina wanna attack VietNam to expand their territory to the South where rich in resouces, but they won't betray Pakistan, dear Peter :azn:
I'm a Viet and I understand the Chinese much better than the next douche bag foreigner claim. Yes we have our differences over thousands of years, but I be damn to allow to have a Western hegemony continue their pathetic chest thumping of the world. I rather have China rule the world instead of the US. At least we don't have to hear about any more christian "miracles" and fairy tales. It's going to be an Asian super power in this century and you might as well get used it.

Sh*t, we won't let CHina to rule VietNam, we always go in our own way for thousand years alredy.If USA collapesed, we will convince her allies in ASEAN to join in our side to fight against enemies and earn mutual benefit , bro.
What explanation does US need about China's aircraft carrier?

By Wen Xian (People's Daily)08:34, August 17, 2011 Edited and Translated by People's Daily Online

China's first aircraft carrier became a major topic at the U.S. State Department's daily press briefing on Aug. 10. The department's new spokesperson Victoria Nuland demonstrated poor performance when answering reporters' questions, which fully exposed her deep-seated paranoia and lack of logic.

Three key words at briefing

The first keyword is "concern." A reporter asked Nuland about the sea trials of China's first aircraft carrier on Aug. 10, and Nuland answered that the United States have had concerns for China's aircraft carrier project for some time. “This is part of our larger concern that China is not as transparent as other countries,” she said.

When Nuland expressed U.S. concerns, she failed to mention that China also had its own concerns. China has more than 18,000 kilometers of coastline and used to be severely bullied by Western powers with advanced weapons. Not long ago, a U.S. aircraft carrier participated in a naval drill in China's backyard despite knowing that China's armed forces have great concerns for the country's national security, sovereignty over territorial waters, and maritime rights and interests.

China was previously the only one of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council without an operational aircraft carrier, while the United States alone owns more than half of the aircraft carriers in the world. China has every reason to develop aircraft carriers, and it is arbitrary and unreasonable for the United States to question China at the start of the country's justifiable aircraft carrier project.

Over the last decade, U.S. military spending has increased faster than that of China, and the annual average U.S. Department of Defense budget reached 600 billion U.S. dollars. No wonder Nuland was baffled by this question: Why should China's acquisitions policy and defense spending be such a concern when the United States still enjoys such a massive conventional superiority?

The second one was "transparency." Nuland repeated tirelessly that the United States always publicly believes that China is not transparent enough in aspects such as military strength. She claimed that China is less transparent than the United States in these aspects, and the Untied States wants to see a higher level of the transparency from China.

Nuland put forward this old issue once again, and obviously she only saw a part of the picture. In recent years, China has systematically explained all the issues in its National Defense White Paper, including its security situation, national defense policies, modernization construction of the People's Liberation Army, application of armed forces, national defense mobilization, construction of reserve forces, military legal system, national defense science and technology industry, national defense budget, military mutual-trust construction, military control and disarmament.

This action by China has won wide praise. Regarding this issue, a defense attachment from the Canadian Embassy in China once said that, in his opinion, China is doubtlessly trying hard to raise the level of its military transparency.

On July 27, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense of China released the related information on China's first aircraft carrier. China's action of frankly releasing the information on the aircraft carrier is a positive step for promoting the military transparency among great powers of the Pacific Ocean Area. The old tongue of Nuland was taunted by reporters. Is China's aircraft carrier invisible or miniature? Since you know where it is, why did you say it is not transparent? On the contrary, when U.S. aircraft carriers were sailing in the coastal waters of China or the U.S. high-altitude spy planes were frequently flying above China's coastal regions, did the United States inform China "transparently?"

The third is "explanation." Nuland said that the United States welcomes any kind of explanation that China would like to give for needing equipment like aircraft carriers. Then, she expected China to make a formal explanation about the aircraft carrier. China's spokesperson has earlier made it clear that China was refitting an obsolete aircraft carrier for the purposes of technological research, experiments and training.

China's research on the development of aircraft carriers is aimed at increasing its capabilities to safeguard national security and preserve peace. China has always held to the path of peaceful development. China will not change both its national defense policy and the navy's strategy of inshore defense. Since the remarks were so clear, why does the United States still need a “formal explanation?” Nuland's request was immediately refuted by reporters on site again: Is "because we want it" not a good enough explanation?

Instead, the U.S. State Department spokesperson needs to make an explanation about what kind of stereotypical mindsets they have behind their flawed remarks.

(The author is People's Daily's chief reporter in North America.)
Sh*t, we won't let CHina to rule VietNam, we always go in our own way for thousand years alredy.If USA collapesed, we will convince her allies in ASEAN to join in our side to fight against enemies and earn mutual benefit , bro.

No Chinese except a few that are even more radical than I am wants to rule Vietnam. Why would we? It is easier to destroy Vietnam, than to rule it, but destroying Vietnam brings us no benefit, so we won't touch Vietnam as long as Vietnam doesn't betray us again.

You could buy weapons on credit, but you forget that even as credit it increases Vietnam's interest rates; China makes weapons and indeed, can make war profitable if necessary.
No Chinese except a few that are even more radical than I am wants to rule Vietnam. Why would we? It is easier to destroy Vietnam, than to rule it, but destroying Vietnam brings us no benefit, so we won't touch Vietnam as long as Vietnam doesn't betray us again.

You could buy weapons on credit, but you forget that even as credit it increases Vietnam's interest rates; China makes weapons and indeed, can make war profitable if necessary.

1.Destroy VIetNam means destroy your economy also, we will send our Kilos to Malacca straight to destroy your cargo ship.

2.You can make your own weapons, but you can not use them well, we know your weapons are just scrap, no need to threaten us with your cheap copy weapon.

Don't forget during VN war, we bought USSR weapon on Credit also, Russia always our Big good Boss :coffee:
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