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Sheikh Abdul Aziz Killed - Violence Flares in Kashmir

Co-sign.. Article 370 needs to be removed ASAP...
India has the power and what's the use of power if it can't be used.. why do we have to be answerable to nations such as Pakistan, China, US, Russia, UK, France etc. all nations guilty of the most heinous crimes..
Remove the Article 370 from the constituition, then we'l see how these damn secessionists try to do what they have done this time, again.

Its the only thing that prevents the solution to Kashmir. Companies cant buy land and work there because of it, other people cannot live in Kashmir. Remove Kashmir's special status in our constitution and work will flow there. The unemployed will get jobs, the demographics will get balanced and then we'l see if the secessionists try to do something stupid.

The reason this article is in your constitution is because the territory is considered disputed otherwise don't you think it would have been removed along ago. India took Kashmir to UN itself and it was marked as a disputed territory and then again in Shimla agreement it was again refered to as a disputed territory which needs a solution, don't you think its about time that India instead of trying to hide behind excuses and trying to show something as her own which in reality isn't, focus her energies on solving this issue specially when there has been a major shift and there is, you cant deny it as your leaders have openly accepted this fact, in Pakistan's Kashmir policy. But as long as India refuses to accept this reality, the issue will stay there and so is the blame game of sponsoring terrorism into each others state. No peace at all. You and I both have been witnesses, all that CBM, and we are back to square one.
Pakistan too unilaterally declared that Northern Areas is not disputed area as its not a part of Kashmir. and gifted a part of Kashmir to the Chinese..

Jammu and Ladakh have to be disassociated from Kashmir Valley, either make them a seperate state or merge them with Punjab and HP resp...

Kashmir Valley so left would be too small a area to be called a state make it UT.. and scrap Article 370... citing the day Pakistan and China reverse the demographic change in their respective Kashmir then so would India..
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The reason this article is in your constitution is because the territory is considered disputed otherwise don't you think it would have been removed along ago. India took Kashmir to UN itself and it was marked as a disputed territory and then again in Shimla agreement it was again refered to as a disputed territory which needs a solution, don't you think its about time that India instead of trying to hide behind excuses and trying to show something as her own which in reality isn't, focus her energies on solving this issue specially when there has been a major shift and there is, you cant deny it as your leaders have openly accepted this fact, in Pakistan's Kashmir policy. But as long as India refuses to accept this reality, the issue will stay there and so is the blame game of sponsoring terrorism into each others state. No peace at all. You and I both have been witnesses, all that CBM, and we are back to square one.

The peace process failed because some people decided to sabotage it. Now its quite apparent that the peace process has ground to a halt. So if the Kashmiris are up in arms anyways, might as well fan the flames a bit more and remove the autonomy clause. It'll make things worse in the short term, but it'll do them a world of good in the long run.

What disputed territory? We have what you want (the Valley), and we will never let you have it.

No thanks we don't want it, if we did we would have not included our side of Kashmir into the equation and so is the aksai chin. We want a solution to it that deems fit to the Kashmir i People. If people of Kashmir are fine with India why would Pakistan have any problem with that, don't you think If results were favorable in India's favor, a long awaited plebiscite as promised by the Indian authorities would have been conducted. But that did not happen. Hold a plebiscite in Kashmir, the out come will force all parties to accept it even if that out come is in favor of India, Pakistan will automatically be booted out from the equation as we will have no justification to highlight the issue anymore.
As per my knowledge, Parliament can not remove article 370 without consent of J&K governement.
I agree artcle 370 has to go, but time has not ripe for that. First Delhi has to create an atmosphere in velly which should be far better than Pakistan, people should able to see that there is bright furute for next generation. But we have simply failed in this front, and allowed one of simplest people to go on the path of violence. This has given Pakistan an opportunity to interfere in internal matter, and most of time divert attention of there internal problem by using Kashmir's name.

What is currently happening in J&K is polotical game, and guys be aware same kind of game is going to be played before general election, I am 100% sure.................
The peace process failed because some people decided to sabotage it. Now its quite apparent that the peace process has ground to a halt. So if the Kashmiris are up in arms anyways, might as well fan the flames a bit more and remove the autonomy clause. It'll make things worse in the short term, but it'll do them a world of good in the long run.

What do you mean some people? who are those some people? And please don't quote the ISI this time, it has nothing to do with it.
No thanks we don't want it, if we did we would have not included our side of Kashmir into the equation and so is the aksai chin. We want a solution to it that deems fit to the Kashmir i People. If people of Kashmir are fine with India why would Pakistan have any problem with that, don't you think If results were favorable in India's favor, a long awaited plebiscite as promised by the Indian authorities would have been conducted. But that did not happen. Hold a plebiscite in Kashmir, the out come will force all parties to accept it even if that out come is in favor of India, Pakistan will automatically be booted out from the equation as we will have no justification to highlight the issue anymore.

Kashmiris are not the only ones to decide.. All of India should decide.. Tomorrow there should be a plebiscite for every state, district then gully.. this is not the way things happen.. British abused the system and allowed for a partition by adhering to teh wishes of the minority...

if Kashmiris are able to win Parliamentary elections than good.. else plebiscite is redundant..

and correct if I am wrong.. A plebiscite is to be held by India in all of Kashmir.. and in their own sweet time with as many soldiers as they want... but Mushy himself said the then Plebiscite conditions are not acceptable..
As per my knowledge, Parliament can not remove article 370 without consent of J&K governement.
I agree artcle 370 has to go, but time has not ripe for that. First Delhi has to create an atmosphere in velly which should be far better than Pakistan, people should able to see that there is bright furute for next generation. But we have simply failed in this front, and allowed one of simplest people to go on the path of violence. This has given Pakistan an opportunity to interfere in internal matter, and most of time divert attention of there internal problem by using Kashmir's name.

What is currently happening in J&K is polotical game, and guys be aware same kind of game is going to be played before general election, I am 100% sure.................

Internal matters, wow now that was a surprise. Last time i checked Kashmir was and still is a disputed territory. If it wouldn't have been, why the negotiations from both sides and including the hurriyat leaders. Stop dreaming and look into the reality. Just because you have a control over the territory and as some one back was suggesting that we have power, does not mean that India should keep the territory as a hostage in order to full fill its ego of not letting it go.
What do you mean some people? who are those some people? And please don't quote the ISI this time, it has nothing to do with it.

I am not going to blame anyone, but its quite apparent that opportunists turned the molehill into a mountain, just in time.

Frankly, Pakistan has not even bothered to maintain the autonomy and demographics of the region under its control, so I see no reason why India should continue to do it.

Earlier, we also feared that the Kashmiris would react adversely if their autonomy was taken away, but now that things have hit rock bottom anyways, I see no reason to keep them isolated from the rest of the country.

This constant isolation has infact contributed to their xenophobia and racist attitudes.
Kashmiris are not the only ones to decide.. All of India should decide.. Tomorrow there should be a plebiscite for every state, district then gully.. this is not the way things happen.. British abused the system and allowed for a partition by adhering to teh wishes of the minority...

if Kashmiris are able to win Parliamentary elections than good.. else plebiscite is redundant..

and correct if I am wrong.. A plebiscite is to be held by India in all of Kashmir.. and in their own sweet time with as many soldiers as they want... but Mushy himself said the then Plebiscite conditions are not acceptable..

All of India decide? why? who is India to decide the faith of people of Kashmir and the same stands for Pakistan as well. According to the resolution the faith of Kashmir has to be decided by the people of Kashmir and not you and not us. Both India and Pakistan were suppose to act neutral with accepting the decision of that outcome.
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I am not going to blame anyone, but its quite apparent that opportunists turned the molehill into a mountain, just in time.

Frankly, Pakistan has not even bothered to maintain the autonomy and demographics of the region under its control, so I see no reason why India should continue to do it.

What made you come to this opinion of yours? Hasn't Pakistan on numerous occasions said that we are willing to lower the number of armed forces in azad Kashmir if India follows suit, also have we not said that the part controlled by us also comes under the discussion of Kashmir and not just the Indian part alone. Don't you think that the last line clearly defines our intentions and that we really are looking forward for a peaceful settlement of this issue.
What made you come to this opinion of yours? Hasn't Pakistan on numerous occasions said that we are willing to lower the number of armed forces in azad Kashmir if India follows suit, also have we not said that the part controlled by us also comes under the discussion of Kashmir and not just the Indian part alone. Don't you think that the last line clearly defines our intentions and that we really are looking forward for a peaceful settlement of this issue.

Pakistan has always had multi-faceted policies, to use a more decent term, so I really see no reason why one should take the words of its leaders at face value.

I for one am beginning to lose faith in the peaceful settlement of this issue. It will take some enlightened leadership to bring it back on track, but I don't see that coming from either India or Pakistan. India, there is still hope with Manmohan Singh, but Pakistan seems to be incapable of pursuing a coherent foreign policy.
All of India decide? why? who is India to decide the faith of people of Kashmir and the same stands for Pakistan as well. According to the resolution the faith of Kashmir has to be decided by the people of Kashmir and not you and not us. Both India and Pakistan were suppose to act neutral with accepting the decision that outcome.

|People of Kashmir??? Pakistan and China didn't bother to maintain the demographics of their resp territories.. they could be Mr. Punjabi and Mr. Han not Mr. Kashmiri...

and yeah ask Pakistan and China to transfer their Kashmirs to India... since that is impossible, to hell with what Kashmiris think.. ATM J&K is for all practical purposed Indian Territory and if the 1bn+ Indians feel it should be a part of India it bloody well will be a part of India..
|People of Kashmir??? Pakistan and China didn't bother to maintain the demographics of their resp territories.. they could be Mr. Punjabi and Mr. Han not Mr. Kashmiri...

and yeah ask Pakistan and China to transfer their Kashmirs to India... since that is impossible, to hell with what Kashmiris think.. ATM J&K is for all practical purposed Indian Territory and if the 1bn+ Indians feel it should be a part of India it bloody well will be a part of India..

Well Malang a person of your standard and then this, one has to think nothing logical is coming your way and so finally you said to hell with what Kashmiris think. At least then maintain a firm statement about India's real ambitions about Kashmir and not what you and others try to portray here that India does not give a damn about what people of Kashmir think and they want to continue with the state terrorism in Kashmir. Also then don't expect Pakistan to hold back either and once this current opportunity passes away which slowly is, more hard line approach will be adopted from both sides resulting back to square one.

On a side note i personally think there is no peaceful solution to this dispute, Salim use to argue with me over it, but as Flintlock also said there isn't one.

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