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Behind the Pakistan F-16 deal, a tale of many wheels


Jun 13, 2009
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Behind the Pakistan F-16 deal, a tale of many wheels - The Hindu
The sale was considered only ‘symbolically important' by the U.S., but had many strings attached

The sale by the United States of F-16 military aircraft to Pakistan, announced in 2005, was celebrated as a sign of deepening strategic ties between Islamabad and the Bush administration in Washington. Described by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as an attempt to “break out of the notion that [India and Pakistan are in] a hyphenated relationship,” the decision was met with anguish in New Delhi. But leaked U.S. diplomatic cables suggest that the sale was used only to further America's broad strategic interests, with Pakistan standing to gain little from the deal.

The despatches, from the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, indicated that the deal was, among other things, meant to assuage Pakistan's fears of an “existential threat it perceived from India.” The diplomatic cables, accessed by The Hindu through WikiLeaks, suggested that the purpose of the sale was to divert Pakistan's attention from “the nuclear option,” and give it “time and space to employ a conventional reaction” in the event of a conflict with India (151227: confidential). Privately, however, the U.S. acknowledged the “reality” that the F-16 programme would not change India's “overwhelming air superiority over Pakistan.” In fact, the cables bluntly assert that the F-16s would be “no match for India's proposed purchase of F-18 or equivalent aircraft.”

Given India's “substantial military advantage,” one cable (197576: confidential) even surmised that the F-16s would at the most offer “a few days” for the U.S. to “mediate and prevent nuclear conflict.”

Fully aware of such limitations, the U.S. continued to press ahead with the deal, and cables document hectic parleys to bring it to fruition. Before the agreement was signed in September 2006, the U.S. played hardball to make Pakistan sign the Letter of Acceptance (LoA). Islamabad had threatened to delay it further, raising additional demands. The U.S. Ambassador to Islamabad, Ryan Crocker, suggested that Washington “convene” the Pakistani Ambassador, Ali Durrani, to remind him that “missing the deadline [to sign the LoA] would have serious ramifications.”

“Do not think there is a better deal out there if this one expires,” was one of Ambassador Crocker's suggested bargain lines for Washington to use (77877: confidential/noforn). The agreement was inked two weeks after the cable was sent.

At the time of signing the LoA, Major General Tariq Malik, Additional Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Production, had expressed reservations about the payment schedule as an “immense strain on Pakistan's fiscal and foreign exchange reserves…, jeopardising growth.” But Mr. Malik's memo was dismissed by Mr. Crocker as “separate from the valid, legal contract” (80337: confidential/noforn).

But when “a cash-strapped” Pakistan government approached the U.S. two years later for Foreign Military Financing (FMF) to perform mid-life updates for the existing F-16 fleet, the succeeding Ambassador, Anne W. Patterson, was concerned that Washington would be “rewarding economic mismanagement.” The annual disbursement of FMF had “produced a culture of entitlement within the Pakistani military,” according to the diplomat (151227: confidential).

Why, then, did the U.S. push hard to realise the agreement, apart from the stated objective of “additional business for U.S. defense companies”?

If, according to American diplomats, the threat from India was the primary consideration for the Pakistan military, the F-16 sales would not tilt the strategic balance by their own admission. However, the cables suggested that the U.S. was confident that Pakistan would “still fully invest in its territorial defense, despite current economic challenges.” On the other hand, “our [U.S.] cancelling the sale would emphasize that we favor maintaining Indian superiority at Pakistan's expense and feed anti-Americanism throughout the military” (197576: confidential).

Another reason to sell F-16s, according to the same cable, was to “exorcise the bitter legacy of the Pressler Amendment” in the 1990s, when the U.S. refused to deliver F-16s that Pakistan had paid with “national money.” Pakistan was even made to undertake costs for storing the fighters in Arizona. For the Pakistan military, the new deal would be tangible proof of the “post-9/11 bilateral relationship.

Avoiding a blow-up

“The bottom line is that Pakistan cannot afford the $2 billion required to complete this F-16 program,” wrote Ambassador Patterson in 2009 (189129: secret). “At the same time, nothing is more important to good military-military (and overall U.S.-Pakistani) relations than avoiding a blow-up over the F-16 case.”

Even if the sale was considered only “symbolically important” by the U.S., the deal came with many strings attached.

The U.S. was more interested in the use of F-16s by Pakistan for counter-terrorism purposes along the border.

Although the Pakistani Air Force (PAF) had been disinclined to use F-16s “due to the risk of collateral damage in civilian areas,” Ms. Patterson suggested linking the FMF for mid-life updates to “explicit commitments by the PAF that accept Close Air-Support training” (151227: confidential).

A year after the agreement was concluded, Pakistan learnt that mid-life updates for the F-16s could only be performed in a third country. Since the LoA did not bear any references to “cryptokeys” for the aircraft, officials were also worried that the U.S. would withhold the capability of the F-16s. When these concerns were raised by President Pervez Musharraf and Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Mehmood, the U.S. response was hardly comforting.

“We know many in Washington are dismayed by what they consider a juvenile reaction on Pakistan's part. The Pakistanis do not fully understand our requirements for sharing encrypted devices and need to be reassured that the aircraft will still fly without the cryptokeys.” (122429: secret)

Eventually, it was agreed that Pakistan would pay $80 million to perform the updates in Turkey. The U.S. also expressed concerns about basing the F-16s in Pakistan due to “concerns about potential technology transfer to China.” The outcome? Pakistan was made to fork out another $125 million to “build and secure a separate F-16 base” (197576: confidential).

The purported aim of selling the F-16s to Pakistan was to “yield foreign policy benefits for the U.S.,” but the cables reveal that these benefits were gift-wrapped almost always at Pakistan's expense.

(The Pakistan Cables are being shared by The Hindu with NDTV in India and Dawn in Pakistan)

The Hindu : News : Behind the Pakistan F-16 deal, a tale of many wheels


US cables expose Pak F-16s 'image' problem - NDTV

The F-16 fighter aircraft, which America sold to the Pakistan Air Force, and recently tried to sell to India, has been a relationship spoiler all round.

Pakistan complains that American sanctions held back many F-16s that had already been paid for. India complains that Pakistan will use the F-16s against India, not terrorists. And America is upset that India hasn't bought F-16s.

WikiLeaks cables accessed exclusively by NDTV reveal how the the F-16 assumed mythical proportions in the Pakistan public mind making it a very big deal in that country. They also reveal how Pakistan has always known that they will not really help it match India's air combat prowess and how India is not really worried about it's the F-16's fighting capabilities. (WikiLeaks - Pak wants better terms for buying F-16s)

Several cables exchanged between the US embassy in Islamabad and Washington illustrate how large the F-16 looms in the minds of Pakistanis. US diplomats write that, "The Pakistani Air Force (PAF) is obsessed with F-16s" and the fighters have "an inflated symbolic importance in the public imagination". (Read: WikiLeaks - Pak signs F-16 Letters of Offer and Acceptance)

Cables also note that the Pakistani Air Force tacitly admits that the Pakistan Air Force is no match for the Indian Air Force's resources. The PAF's operations chief, Air Vice Marshal Khalid Chaudhry, was quoted in a cable of March 2006 as telling a visiting Pentagon official John Hillen that, "The PAF has no hope of matching the IAF's resources... the math just doesn't add up". Even the proposed purchase of 20 F-16s would not make a difference, Chaudhry reportedly said.

The Pakistan Air Marshal was also quoted as saying drily that the Pakistani public must be "convinced that they're getting a great aircraft... even if there's no money to pay for them. Chaudhry told Hillen to "ensure the F-16 deal has enough sweeteners to appeal to the public... (such as smart bombs and night vision)... but not to offer the PAF things it cannot afford." (Read: WikiLeaks - Pakistan threatens top stop F-16 payments) | (Read: WikiLeaks - Request for specific changes in F-16 security notes)

Across the border, for India too, the F-16 has been seen more as political weapon, not a military one of great worth. Then Indian Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran is quoted in cable as telling visiting US Under Secretary Nick Burns as much. That India's concern about the US sale of F-16s to Pakistan was not about the fighters' military impact, since the Indian Air Force would remain much more powerful. But, Saran said, this sale by America might "cause political problems for India's coalition government."

Nick Burns noted that he saw an opportunity to push through the sale to Pakistan. (Read: WikiLeaks - US reassurances to Pakistan on the F-16 sale) His cable noted that New Delhi was okay with F-16s being sold to Pakistan..."the problem is merely one of managing Indian public opinion."

US cables expose Pak F-16s 'image' problem
well ignoring the match or no match part the leaks are definitely giving lot on insight into how things work....PAF definitely love this Aircraft like anything....
PAF base shahbaz existed before too - it was upgraded to host those F-16s. Whatever the strings maybe , we can use this air craft against India in a war otherwise there would be no reason for buying this a/c.

One thing i cannot understand is that why india is scared of 18 F-16s anyway? :rolleyes:
PAF base shahbaz existed before too - it was upgraded to host those F-16s. Whatever the strings maybe , we can use this air craft against India in a war otherwise there would be no reason for buying this a/c.

One thing i cannot understand is that why india is scared of 18 F-16s anyway? :rolleyes:
Scared of paf?:rofl:
PAF base shahbaz existed before too - it was upgraded to host those F-16s. Whatever the strings maybe , we can use this air craft against India in a war otherwise there would be no reason for buying this a/c.

One thing i cannot understand is that why india is scared of 18 F-16s anyway? :rolleyes:

not really...if you read the wiki-leaks they are saying that India said we have problems politically but not militarily...In short if you find a face saving formula to give these F-16 then we are fine....and there comes the statements like F-16 is to fight Al-Qaeda and will not be allowed to use against India...
One thing i cannot understand is that why india is scared of 18 F-16s anyway? :rolleyes:

The above article clearly goes on to say that the sale is not going to change the overwhelming superiority that India enjoys, even by the PAF's own admission. Then what makes you think that India is scared?
seems like you want to go on holidays from Defence.pk -- add one more troll post if willing to continue. I promise my help :coffee:
If u are so particular,give atleast one reason why we should be "scared" of paf or its 18 f-16s.
The things that should interest Pakistani readers is the degree to which Pakistan and her armed forces are helpless - helpless, before US aid -- and of course the reason it Pakistan are helpless is because Pakistan desire to be economic cripples -- Friends, in every corner of the world, Pakistanis make business, everywhere except Pakistan - there, only monopolies with kinship and government, read politicians, bureaucrats and military connections may succeed.

The temptation will be to blame the US for what Pakistanis perceive as drinking from the poisoned chalice, but that is no just an error, it's a negation of reality - it was and it is Pakistan's dwarf anachronistic economy and economic system (the legal edifice on which both creates and gives substance to the economy) which continues to bind Pakistan and rob it of choices.
The above article clearly goes on to say that the sale is not going to change the overwhelming superiority that India enjoys, even by the PAF's own admission. Then what makes you think that India is scared?

Ah...how I wish, albeit foolishly, that Indians would read, understand and analyse before posting. If only you had bothered to understand the next line right after where it says that F-16's would be no match to IAF. If you read this carefully:

Privately, however, the U.S. acknowledged the “reality” that the F-16 programme would not change India's “overwhelming air superiority over Pakistan.” In fact, the cables bluntly assert that the F-16s would be “no match for India's proposed purchase of F-18 or equivalent aircraft.”

It simply praises the IAF F-18's over F-16's but dude.......IAF does not have any F-18's! IAF does not have anything from MMRCA yet. Having said that, I personally would have invested that money in either JF-17's (upgrades) or J-10's (with upgrades). By the way I also believe that the LM factory was about to shut down and 5k employees were set to lose their jobs but these F-16's gave them all a 5+ year lease on jobs! Atleast that's what Michael Moore claimed.

Also, as I understand these F-16's cost us the same as 4-5 JF-17, so would it be able to take on 4-5 JF-17's? Plus they are under intense US scrutiny and control.
article mush be wetten before the MMRCA shortlist as a advertisment for F-18 ...
It simply praises the IAF F-18's over F-16's but dude.......IAF does not have any F-18's! IAF does not have anything from MMRCA yet. Having said that, I personally would have invested that money in either JF-17's (upgrades) or J-10's (with upgrades). By the way I also believe that the LM factory was about to shut down and 5k employees were set to lose their jobs but these F-16's gave them all a 5+ year lease on jobs! Atleast that's what Michael Moore claimed.

Also, as I understand these F-16's cost us the same as 4-5 JF-17, so would it be able to take on 4-5 JF-17's? Plus they are under intense US scrutiny and control.

who needs f-16s...IAF could have got it early if we needed it...it's a plane nearing it's end...F16 in US forces are being replaced by f22 and f35.. and they want to sell the old stuff to someone...
IAF rejected f18 and f16 after a very keen evaluation.....yes we don't have f16s and we won't have it bcoz IAF will have batter ones..

And for the time being, i hope you have heard of the Su30mkis.. that's more than enough for the so called f16 'threat'
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