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"Communist Chinese liars are all Racist"

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Gambit, its such a useless thread. Why do you think you could convince Chinese that they are racist? Would anyone accept that allegation? Its just futile. Just relax and go to bed. Don't take it personally.

I made this thread so Gambit would stop polluting other threads. You can not convince Chinese they are racist because that itself is a racist ideal that all Chinese think the same. You can however convince a specific Chinese person that he or she is racist. That is perfectly fine and I would support people who do so.
You can not convince Chinese they are racist because that itself is a racist ideal that all Chinese think the same.

You can however convince a specific Chinese person that he or she is racist. That is perfectly fine and I would support people who do so.

This is exactly correct. :tup:

Trying to convince an entire race of people that they are racist, it in itself racist.

You would think that this was self-evident.
The title of the thread is quite interesting.
"Communist Chinese liars are all Racists."

It calls all liars who are Chinese & communist as racists. Considering the reaction here, all Chinese members seem to be okay with being classified as liars since they all continue to respond in that vein.
I made this thread so Gambit would stop polluting other threads. You can not convince Chinese they are racist because that itself is a racist ideal that all Chinese think the same. You can however convince a specific Chinese person that he or she is racist. That is perfectly fine and I would support people who do so.
No one here is trying to convince anyone, but you cannot dismiss the many anecdotal experiences of blacks in China and of at least one researcher, Frank Dikotter, who uncovered plenty enough about the Chinese people. Looky here...Be proud of China and if that pride involve contempt for other Asiatics, embrace that part. Your fellow Chinese here has.
Every race/ethnicity thinks their race/ethnicity is the best. If Chinese people are proud of their race/ethnicity then good for them.

Of the Chinese I've met in my life all have been polite and friendly with me and I dont have a drop of Chinese blood in me.



I made this thread so Gambit would stop polluting other threads. You can not convince Chinese they are racist because that itself is a racist ideal that all Chinese think the same. You can however convince a specific Chinese person that he or she is racist. That is perfectly fine and I would support people who do so.

When I say a particular country is racist it doesn't mean each and every person of that country is racist. May be you attach a different meaning to it. But When I read the links that Gambit provided, I learned there is racism in China but no one take it as if everyone in China is racist. Not rational people anyway.
The title of the thread is quite interesting.
"Communist Chinese liars are all Racists."

It calls all liars who are Chinese & communist as racists. Considering the reaction here, all Chinese members seem to be okay with being classified as liars since they all continue to respond in that vein.

I made the title in jest of Gambit's ridiculous assertions about all Chinese. Something you would know if you had read the introduction post instead of trying to troll. F for your poor effort
This is exactly correct. :tup:

Trying to convince an entire race of people that they are racist, it in itself racist.

You would think that this was self-evident.

Asian Racism - Cold Truths Are Beginning to Surface - NYTimes.com
Mr. Dikotter tells how ugly the Chinese found the "ash white" skin and indelicate hairiness of Europeans. Their large genitals were also noted with disapprobation, and perhaps with envy. As for blacks, they were described in earlier centuries as even uglier - as animals, devil-like and horrifying. "Yellow and white are wise," a Chinese poem ran, "Red and black are stupid . . . "
Cannot hide...
No one here is trying to convince anyone, but you cannot dismiss the many anecdotal experiences of blacks in China and of at least one researcher, Frank Dikotter, who uncovered plenty enough about the Chinese people. Looky here...Be proud of China and if that pride involve contempt for other Asiatics, embrace that part. Your fellow Chinese here has.

That is a straight up B.S line as you have stated countless times that you believe all Chinese are Racists. When you are caught you deny it thinking people have Alzheimer's or something.They don't and Unfortunately for you all your posts like mine are accessible to anyone, at any time.

Being proud of your country does not make you a Racist if that's what you are implying.
I made the title in jest of Gambit's ridiculous assertions about all Chinese. Something you would know if you had read the introduction post instead of trying to troll. F for your poor effort

....and you accuse me of trolling. :lol::lol:
Wrong...Am a democratic Vietnamese. A much better class of human being.

if that is the case, then you sounded so stink :devil:
for your info., before april 30, 1975, south vietnam was a "republic government" and running by a bunch of corrupt government officer and nguễn, văn thiệu not just only sold his people to cia but also sold weapons to cong and you are so proud of it???
what kind of qualification for people in the u.s. to accuse others being racist while they have called their own president all different names, just because he is black and a muslim. shame on you :lol:

Mr Dikkoter has questioned I.3 billion Chinese on their reaction to foreigners? That is quite an impressive feat if true.

Otherwise you are again trying to prove all Chinese racist with a few selective quotes from personal interviews. Not very convincing.

The only thing that I cannot hide is my distaste for people who cannot change despite being proven wrong numerous times.
That is a straight up B.S line as you have stated countless times that you believe all Chinese are Racists. When you are caught you deny it thinking people have Alzheimer's or something.They don't and Unfortunately for you all your posts like mine are accessible to anyone, at any time.

Being proud of your country does not make you a Racist if that's what you are implying.
That is correct and they will find those sources I provided, do their own research and make up their own minds. Like this one...

Race and Racism in Asia - Race And Racism In China - Chinese, Yellow, Racial, Common, Qing, and Han
While on the one hand extolling the equality of groups, Maoist China still relied on the notion of a superior Han race, which would be the vanguard of the revolution and the embodiment of civilization that would lead the less advanced people. After the death of Mao in 1976, scientific discourse on race was granted more legitimacy, this time in the service of Chinese nationalism. Anthropology has sought to show that the earliest ancestors could be found in China competing with common assertions of the original hominid ancestor being in Africa. Serology has sought to show the intimate connections between the minority groups to the Han. Medicine has encouraged eugenics programs. Discrimination against the minority ethnic groups in contemporary China remains significant. While race is only one among many competing and complimentary discourses of nationalism and ethnicity, it remains a significant theme underlying Chinese identity in the modern era.
Race is a significant theme in modern Chinese identity. And who would be those 'less advanced people'? I encourage the Chinese members that they do not be shy in expressing themselves.
....and you accuse me of trolling. :lol::lol:

I accuse you of trolling because you have made a irrelevant comment that has nothing to do with this thread,

The title is my interpretation of Gambit's Ideas which he has agreed with from the start if you have actually read the first page.
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