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'Azerbaijan Army's counter-terrorism operations in Karabakh' drone festival

Dear brother, if you change the title to something like 'Azerbaijan Army's counter-terrorism operations in Karabakh', we can share more comprehensive videos. Not only UAV operations, but a detailed sweeping operation against terrorist structures is about to begin.


The video below shows Russian progress on TOR's updates. It is very likely an UAV that did the marking. pinpoint hit.

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Breaking: Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry says the only path to peace in the region is the complete withdrawal of the Armenian military from Karabakh and the dissolution of the regime in Khankendi.

Breaking: Russian MFA says Russia is in contact with Azerbaijan in light of Baku’s anti-terrorist operation in Karabakh.
Armenians who were lulled to sleep with delusions and the problem of facing up to the grave mistakes they made after years of coddling.

"Armenia: The conflict in Karabakh is an internal problem of Azerbaijan and does not concern us."

Pashinyan is a complete sellout. I won't be surprised if the guy gives all of Armenia proper to Turkey and Azerbaijan under the condition of making Yerevan a City-State with him as eternal President.
Dear brother, if you change the title to something like 'Azerbaijan Army's counter-terrorism operations in Karabakh', we can share more comprehensive videos. Not only UAV operations, but a detailed sweeping operation against terrorist structures is about to begin.


The video below shows Russian progress on TOR's updates. It is very likely an UAV that did the marking. pinpoint hit.

That's probably a LORA ballistic missile
Armenians wanted a good relationship with America.

they think America want help them, but we see now they are fooled by their western government.

They lost russian support for nothing
Armenians wanted a good relationship with America.

they think America want help them, but we see now they are fooled by their western government.

They lost russian support for nothing
What did "Russian support" help them with in the last few wars?

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