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4 countries that want ISRO to fail

India has its problems but it is doing well in the areas that a country is supposed to.

(1) Economic recovery and a solid GDP growth rate

(2) Lifted a large number of people out of poverty - more people than the entire population of Pakistan since 2001

(3) Due to (2), Indian GDP per capita is better than that of Pakistan

(4) Internal reforms that have started to pay off


(5) Due to (1), India is drawing global attention and investments


India used to be a backward country but it began to put things in shape for itself after 2001.

Landing a robot on the moon is not a small feat. This is a sign that Indian scientific base is growing. This is an achievement that will encourage a generation of Indians to serve their country and help it do more and better in the years to come.

In view of this development, one has to wonder what else India is becoming good at. Indian technology can no longer be taken lightly.

Scientific projects are not stopped because a segment of society is living in poverty.

SUPARCO is training people for how to use satellite systems for scientific applications and research. This should stop because a segment of society is living in poverty?

Credit should be given where due, and lessons should be learned from achievements of others. It is sad to see how some Pakistani think.
his post is driven by a different agenda.
If you go to Chinese space related threads, most Indians even don't wish any chinese to fail. Its only chinese folks that come to our space and science related threads with malice in their mind.
If you go to Chinese social media platforms, you will realize that Chinese don't care about Indian news at all. These days they are more concerned about a celebrity panda couple giving birth than India's moon program. The Chinese attitude towards India is one of indifference, not malice.
India has its problems but it is doing well in the areas that a country is supposed to.

(1) Economic recovery and a solid GDP growth rate

(2) Lifted a large number of people out of poverty - more people than the entire population of Pakistan since 2001

(3) Due to (2), Indian GDP per capita is better than that of Pakistan

(4) Internal reforms that have started to pay off


(5) Due to (1), India is drawing global attention and investments


India used to be a backward country but it began to put things in shape for itself after 2001.

Landing a robot on the moon is not a small feat. This is a sign that Indian scientific base is growing. This is an achievement that will encourage a generation of Indians to serve their country and help it do more and better in the years to come.

In view of this development, one has to wonder what else India is becoming good at. Indian technology can no longer be taken lightly.

Scientific projects are not stopped because a segment of society is living in poverty.

SUPARCO is training people for how to use satellite systems for scientific applications and research. This should stop because a segment of society is living in poverty?

Credit should be given where due, and lessons should be learned from achievements of others. It is sad to see how some Pakistani think.

Sure, but none of that changes the reality that India is a communl dump of mass hatred with a population of 1.4 billion

Today more then ever with a pernicious brand of hindutva politics at the forefront in India have the divisions within India been more apparent

It's playing funny maths with it's poverty levels

But it has indeed concentrated on its economy and seen results whilst our duffer's have been playing politics

So even with a terrible period dealing with COVID, where millions of Indians died which would have torn apart most governments
With a incredibly toxic communal situation in some places like Manipur close to a civil war they continue to have economic growth on the back of 1.4 billion population

So humiliation against China in 2020 where it had 40 or so Indian soldiers beaten to death
Or defeat in the skirmish of 2019 with Pakistan
Or being completely out played in Afghanistan losing two decades of investment and planning

It's gotten off the hook, simply because of economic growth

Pakistan itself is 230 million with a under developed economy, primed for lift off if we can bring sound economical policies and start generating growth

Indians are an enemy we can't allow to get away, and the bubbling communal hatred within India is a tool, a poison that we must use to create unrepairable damage to indians
Didn't watch the video. Let me guess, China and Pakistan. Which are the other two countries?
If you go to Chinese social media platforms, you will realize that Chinese don't care about Indian news at all. These days they are more concerned about a celebrity panda couple giving birth than India's moon program. The Chinese attitude towards India is one of indifference, not malice.

Sure, but none of that changes the reality that India is a communl dump of mass hatred with a population of 1.4 billion

Today more then ever with a pernicious brand of hindutva politics at the forefront in India have the divisions within India been more apparent

It's playing funny maths with it's poverty levels

But it has indeed concentrated on its economy and seen results whilst our duffer's have been playing politics

So even with a terrible period dealing with COVID, where millions of Indians died which would have torn apart most governments
With a incredibly toxic communal situation in some places like Manipur close to a civil war they continue to have economic growth on the back of 1.4 billion population

So humiliation against China in 2020 where it had 40 or so Indian soldiers beaten to death
Or defeat in the skirmish of 2019 with Pakistan
Or being completely out played in Afghanistan losing two decades of investment and planning

It's gotten off the hook, simply because of economic growth

Pakistan itself is 230 million with a under developed economy, primed for lift off if we can bring sound economical policies and start generating growth

Indians are an enemy we can't allow to get away, and the bubbling communal hatred within India is a tool, a poison that we must use to create unrepairable damage to indians

Indian population is not homogeneous, it has variations. Many are humble and decent but some are Islamophobic extremists and some are corrupt. Nobody appreciates Indian bad apples but this is Indian exclusive problem?

Communal tensions exist in Pakistan as well. Jaranwala incident is recent reminder. Even Muslims are not safe in Pakistan. This situation is due to blasphemy laws created by Zia regime. I used to hold Zia in high regard but I now realize that this man has also damaged Pakistan.

Read this:

Indian population is massive, it can replace losses of troops in Ladakh and elsewhere.

WE are fighting Indians since 1948 and have suffered losses in return.

WE can fight to defend what WE have in the present. If ISI does something in India, this should be on valid grounds, because RAW will return the favor. The cycle continues.

WE cannot change our neighbors so peaceful co-existence is the way forward.

People desire peace and prosperity, not war for the sake of it.
Sure, but none of that changes the reality that India is a communl dump of mass hatred with a population of 1.4 billion

Today more then ever with a pernicious brand of hindutva politics at the forefront in India have the divisions within India been more apparent

It's playing funny maths with it's poverty levels

But it has indeed concentrated on its economy and seen results whilst our duffer's have been playing politics

So even with a terrible period dealing with COVID, where millions of Indians died which would have torn apart most governments
With a incredibly toxic communal situation in some places like Manipur close to a civil war they continue to have economic growth on the back of 1.4 billion population

So humiliation against China in 2020 where it had 40 or so Indian soldiers beaten to death
Or defeat in the skirmish of 2019 with Pakistan
Or being completely out played in Afghanistan losing two decades of investment and planning

It's gotten off the hook, simply because of economic growth

Pakistan itself is 230 million with a under developed economy, primed for lift off if we can bring sound economical policies and start generating growth

Indians are an enemy we can't allow to get away, and the bubbling communal hatred within India is a tool, a poison that we must use to create unrepairable damage to indians
Stop crying, there are more "firsts" in the pipeline, save your tears and grief for another day.
We will provide you with ample opportunities to cry, and when we fail you can have your chhoti chhoti khushiyan as well.

ronaband (3).jpeg
Indian population is not homogeneous, it has variations. Many are humble and decent but some are Islamophobic extremists and some are corrupt. Nobody appreciates Indian bad apples but this is Indian exclusive problem?

Communal tensions exist in Pakistan as well. Jaranwala incident is recent reminder. Even Muslims are not safe in Pakistan. This situation is due to blasphemy laws created by Zia regime. I used to hold Zia in high regard but I now realize that this man has also damaged Pakistan.

Read this:

Indian population is massive, it can replace losses of troops in Ladakh and elsewhere.

WE are fighting Indians since 1948 and have suffered losses in return.

WE can fight to defend what WE have in the present. If ISI does something in India, this should be on valid grounds, because RAW will return the favor. The cycle continues.

WE cannot change our neighbors so peaceful co-existence is the way forward.

People desire peace and prosperity, not war for the sake of it.

Those bad apples as you describe are in power inside India, the hindutva poison spreading inside India is exactly what Jinnah said would happen, the desecration of Indian Muslim history, culture.. it's all too plan

The fact that they are a 1.4 billion overpopulated slum that can replace the 40 soldiers beaten to death by the Chinese is not the point
It's the fact that it happened and in a normal society it would have consequences
The same with the COVID fiasco inside India, MILLIONS died in any normal functional society the government would have been torn apart, but not in India

The point is this, economic development is covering a myriad of problems within India and it's our responsibility as a enemy to use those problems against India to worsen the situation to protect our strategic interests
Shashi Taroor aptly countered their arguments in his Oxford speech.
This is a very old video. Since then, a lot has changed and India has stopped taking aid completely. Today we only take loans. There are enough threads on this subject. Some fools still find some very old data and try to peddle it as current situation. They think India is in same s#it as their own country.

India has said it on record that Indian government doesn’t take any aid from UK. They do give money to charities which has also come under scrutiny for dubious reasons related to religion and such.

MILLIONS died in any normal functional society the government would have been torn apart, but not in India
That says one more thing about India - Resilience. Many people like you must have been hoping for India to sink after Covid. But we displayed - Resilience. We have seen the worse but have come out of it unscathed. Good luck to you and other doomsday wishers.
You are right. You must try to pull us down as an adversary. Just remember that the person pulling down is always lower and is also likely to fall down further. The person above still has a chance to shake the sh#t out of the guy below and go higher. We have learnt ways to shake loose the negative people like you and go higher. Good luck with your attempts to fan communal fire in India. Just remember, there is fire simmering in your backyard too. Don’t cry if RAAA comes calling to give it a little oxygen.
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We provided $4B in aid to Sri Lanka in one year itself, our annual direct overseas aid runs in a few billion dollars already.
The semi-literate dunderheads need to keep up with latest news instead of rubbing their knobs at scintillating headlines.

Indian population is not homogeneous, it has variations. Many are humble and decent but some are Islamophobic extremists and some are corrupt. Nobody appreciates Indian bad apples but this is Indian exclusive problem?

Communal tensions exist in Pakistan as well. Jaranwala incident is recent reminder. Even Muslims are not safe in Pakistan. This situation is due to blasphemy laws created by Zia regime. I used to hold Zia in high regard but I now realize that this man has also damaged Pakistan.

Read this:

Indian population is massive, it can replace losses of troops in Ladakh and elsewhere.

WE are fighting Indians since 1948 and have suffered losses in return.

WE can fight to defend what WE have in the present. If ISI does something in India, this should be on valid grounds, because RAW will return the favor. The cycle continues.

WE cannot change our neighbors so peaceful co-existence is the way forward.

People desire peace and prosperity, not war for the sake of it.

Just further pointing out, we take the hindutva and we use it against India

Do we need to sort out our own problems,, OF COURSE

But we have the ability to create division and chaos Inside India, to increase the hatred and use it against India and we have to double down

Hindutva is not a enemy, it's a ally that we can utilize
Those bad apples as you describe are in power inside India, the hindutva poison spreading inside India is exactly what Jinnah said would happen, the desecration of Indian Muslim history, culture.. it's all too plan

The fact that they are a 1.4 billion overpopulated slum that can replace the 40 soldiers beaten to death by the Chinese is not the point
It's the fact that it happened and in a normal society it would have consequences
The same with the COVID fiasco inside India, MILLIONS died in any normal functional society the government would have been torn apart, but not in India

The point is this, economic development is covering a myriad of problems within India and it's our responsibility as a enemy to use those problems against India to worsen the situation to protect our strategic interests
Modi Sarkar is very strong in India. It can orchestrate communal riots when it suits it and control the situation when it suits it.

WE should not assume that India is down and WE can exploit its internal issues to our advantage. India is a big country and ISI will exhaust itself.

Pakistan must focus on its internal problems. Extremism is spreading due to return of the Taliban, people are not safe in their homes due to open season of the Taliban types. Living standards are plummeting due to economic crisis, people are leaving the country in droves. Meanwhile army and politicians are busy fighting each other. This wasn't the Pakistan that WE had in mind. And your brilliant plan is to pick another fight with India in this situation? Seriously man.

Pakistan will implode one day if it continues on the path of a Fauji raj and paranoia. There is a disconnect between citizens and army in current times because civilian rule is undermined. I have never seen the scale of army bashing that exist in current times like ever before.

Pakistan must course-correct itself and look for ways to address its internal problems and stop internal rot. The Establishment should empower researchers and academia to conduct research without fear of being clipped and find solutions for internal problems. This should be top priority, not what is going in India. Just keep your eyes on the borders open.

Just further pointing out, we take the hindutva and we use it against India

Do we need to sort out our own problems,, OF COURSE

But we have the ability to create division and chaos Inside India, to increase the hatred and use it against India and we have to double down

Hindutva is not a enemy, it's a ally that we can utilize
Why post the videos of the same guy again and again when you know he only speaks such kind of things and nobody cares about him?

All you post here is like those Desi Muslim dudes spamming Qasim's dreams YouTube videos on Twitter:lol:.
Why post the videos of the same guy again and again when you know he only speaks such kind of things and nobody cares about him?
He thinks that he is creating fissures in India. The word for such fantasy is - delusion.

There is a Laal Topi amongst them too. In fact, there are many more who, declare Ghazwa-e-Hind on India, every day. Someone wants to play video-video, then there is enough content of this nature to claim what you want to.

He himself accepts that his hopes of India failing, after COVID, were dashed by Indian resilience. He is wondering, what more can he do towards that cause. In fact, I feel pity for him. Sense of helplessness can be overwhelming, especially when your nation is in dumps, but your main adversary is pulling ahead, everyday.
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Modi Sarkar is very strong in India. It can orchestrate communal riots when it suits it and control the situation when it suits it.

WE should not assume that India is down and WE can exploit its internal issues to our advantage. India is a big country and ISI will exhaust itself.

Pakistan must focus on its internal problems. Extremism is spreading due to return of the Taliban, people are not safe in their homes due to open season of the Taliban types. Living standards are plummeting due to economic crisis, people are leaving the country in droves. Meanwhile army and politicians are busy fighting each other. This wasn't the Pakistan that WE had in mind. And your brilliant plan is to pick another fight with India in this situation? Seriously man.

Pakistan will implode one day if it continues on the path of a Fauji raj and paranoia. There is a disconnect between citizens and army in current times because civilian rule is undermined. I have never seen the scale of army bashing that exist in current times like ever before.

Pakistan must course-correct itself and look for ways to address its internal problems and stop internal rot. The Establishment should empower researchers and academia to conduct research without fear of being clipped and find solutions for internal problems. This should be top priority, not what is going in India. Just keep your eyes on the borders open.

Just because Pakistan has issues that need to be resolved, doesn't mean those issues won't be resolved one day in the future and in the meantime we can't allow our primary enemy space, ESPECIALLY if we are being given a poison within India to use

To not use it would be irresponsible

The same as Afghanistan, the risk to our strategic interests from the Afghan Republic, India, U.S and NATO was too large in the long term to do nothing, we currently have to deal with the fallout, but it was necessary

India is a bigger fish but we can create similar discord, and don't think the Indians are not trying the same thing

It's a battle and you can't pussey out

So creating discord amongst Indian Muslims, sikhs, christians

Injecting the hindutva poison into hindus and India and jumping on the fallout is part of a long term civilizational war that we cannot afford to lose

Short term economic downturn or problems occur and are natural, we need to see beyond that

With India the knife is ALREADY in, the knife was there right from 1947 and we need to push it in deeper

We need to hope that fuckwit Rahul Gandhi doesn't screw things up

He thinks that he is creating fissures in India. The word for such fantasy is - delusion.

There is a Laal Topi amongst them too. In fact there are many more who declare Ghazwa-e-Hind on India, every day. Someone wants to play video-video, then there is enough content of this nature to claim what you want to.

He himself accepts that his hopes of India failing, after COVID, were dashed by Indian resilience. He is wondering, what more can he do towards that cause. In fact, I feel pity for him. Sense of helplessness can be overpowering especially when your nation is in dumps and your adversary is pulling ahead everyday.

Your mistaken, I said any sane functional state would have ripped modi and BJP apart after they fcuked up so poorly during covid
Millions of Indians died

So India has had multiple failures from losing land In Ladakh and having it's soldiers slaughtered to completely being out thought and blocked in Afghanistan and the west
And multiple internal problems from riots to civil war like situations as well as a incredibly toxic communal situation

The thing being as long as India has some economic development the rest just gets covered up

Why post the videos of the same guy again and again when you know he only speaks such kind of things and nobody cares about him?

All you post here is like those Desi Muslim dudes spamming Qasim's dreams YouTube videos on Twitter:lol:.

Who says nobody cares about him????

He is no different to a yogi or a modi or that dude in Assam
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