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Take a unedited walk in Xinjiang "concentration camp", night walk in Kashgar old quarter July 6, 2023

You are again posting an unverifiable picture that means nothing to me. Again you prove me correct.


Also having a friendly sentiment about China doesn't mean they support China.
Lol, you are pushing yourself in a corner, so funny, from the map we can clearly see it's a western lie which Muslim world doesn't buy it at all, no matter how hard you try to make people believe otherwise, it's hard fact. and "unverifiable picutre" ? are you talking about yourself?

Lol, you are pushing yourself in a corner, so funny, from the map we can clearly see it's a western lie which Muslim world doesn't buy it at all, no matter how hard you try to make people believe otherwise, it's hard fact. and "unverifiable picutre" ? are you talking about yourself?

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LMAO, you are literally seething inside, aren't you? Your attempts to uno reverse card me are hilarious, because it's very clear that you're very mad right now 🤣🤣🤣

You are literally just posting pictures that make claims that you have zero way of verifying.

The fact that you went to Google images to do your research is even more hilarious, because it proves that you literally have no idea what you're talking about.

LMAO, you are literally seething inside, aren't you? Your attempts to uno reverse card me are hilarious, because it's very clear that you're very mad right now 🤣🤣🤣
lOl, I literally was smiling when reading your posts, so funny seeing someone is in denial after running out of words.

You are literally just posting pictures that make claims that you have zero way of verifying.
Which picture? this one?

and which picture of yours is verifiable?
lOl, I literally was smiling when reading your posts, so funny seeing someone is in denial after running out of words.
Running out of words? I'm still talking aren't I?

And no you weren't. It's very clear that you're mad, you're just pretending because it hurts your pride to admit otherwise.

Which picture? and which picture of yours is verifiable?
About as verifiable as yours, and that's the point.

You have zero sense of irony and hypocrisy.

If your Google images are good enough, then so are mine.

Deny it and it makes you a hypocrite.

And no you weren't. It's very clear that you're mad, you're just pretending because it hurts your pride to admit otherwise.
Lol, you can believe the earth is flat, no one cares. you think too much about yourself.

If your Google images are good enough, then so are mine.
Lol, you claim my pics are unverifiable and now you say mine are as good as yours, lol.. your logic is so messed up.
China haters just want China to go down or follow their way of life or belief, they never care about what Chinese people want and like to choose, they just want to decide for the Chinese people.

"Over there is Afghanistan, Afghan kids are so miserable, no education availability, no such a beautiful view, no school facilities, they don't have enough food to fill their empty stomach. while in our China, we have the luxury of everything, whatever we want , it'll be provided, and we study in spacious and bright classrooms. We love China! I love China!"
Lol, you can believe the earth is flat, no one cares. you think too much about yourself.
Whatever you say.

Lol, you claim my pics are unverifiable and now you say mine are as good as yours, lol.. your logic is so messed up.
Do they not teach critical thinking in China? Probably not, considering it would lead to Chinese people openly challenging the regime you work for.

You used unverified pictures from Google images, so did I. If your images are valid, then so must mine be as they come from the same unverifiable source. However, if you think my images are invalid, then yours must be as well as they come from the same unverifiable source.

If this simple logic doesn't make sense to you, then you lack simple logical thinking.
Whatever you say.

Do they not teach critical thinking in China? Probably not, considering it would lead to Chinese people openly challenging the regime you work for.

You used unverified pictures from Google images, so did I. If your images are valid, then so must mine be as they come from the same unverifiable source. However, if you think my images are invalid, then yours must be as well as they come from the same unverifiable source.

If this simple logic doesn't make sense to you, then you lack simple logical thinking.
You can't see the logic here, can you? you claim that I posted unverifiable photos ( which is a lie, I provide links of the photos and news about those data were reported by many official media channel of many countries), and you say photos provide by me are as good as yours? thus logically you are saying your photos are also unverifiable, I really wonder your IQ level , can see this simple logic.
Pakistani state having ties with China is one thing but I never understood why Pakistani nationalists go out of their way to bend over and legitimate Chinese propaganda and occupation.
Chinese government it self admit it has “re education camps”. We’ve seen lots of concrete evidence of Chinese trying to Genocide Uyghurs. Now these Chinese think a women in burka is an extremist and must be put in a bikini. That’s exactly what white nationalists or pajeets think.
The hypocrisy of Pakistani nationalists is as clear as water. No point in them calling out whites or pajeets for Islamophobia while they remain silent and support Chinas war against Islam.
The harsh and brutal truth is that Indians aren’t even doing 10% to Kashmiris of what Chinese are doing to Uyghur Muslims. At least Kashmiris can pray 5x a day, read Quran and wear burkha without being thrown in a concentration camp for it. They pass it off as American propaganda and Americans trying to make Muslims fight China but the harsh and brutal truth is that even usa isn’t doing even 10% of what China is doing to Muslims right now.
China is probably the most Islamophobic country in the world right now and still some ’Muslims’ will support it.
I will always continue to support the struggle if Uyghur Muslims no matter what happens or how close Pakistan is to China because at the end of the day, my bond to Uyghurs is a religious bond. My bind to Chinese is non existent. They’re just after their money.
In Sha Allah Uyghurs will be free 🔵🔵🔵

You sound like some fundamental Muslims that are aligned with terrorism and extermination by the United States of America. If you're so fundamentalist, why do you live in Canada? Afghanistan suits you well. Who knows.. Maybe you love to talk about Islam in the day hours and watch porno to master - bate at nights. In non-Islam countries, it's perfectly okay.
You can't see the logic here, can you? you claim that I posted unverifiable photos ( which is a lie, I provide links of the photos and news about those data were reported by many official media channel of many countries), and you say photos provide by me are as good as yours? thus logically you are saying your photos are also unverifiable, I really wonder your IQ level , can see this simple logic.
No you absolutely did not provide links.

You provided pictures and youtube videos. And you ADMITTED to using Google images.

Don't go back on it now, boyo.

The fact you cannot grasp basic critical thinking concepts is evident enough that you're just an idiot.

You've failed as a propagandist.

You've failed as a troll

You've fallen for every single one of my traps.

And finally, You've now proven yourself to lack simple critical thinking skills.

If I was Winnie I'd fire you and tank your social credit score.
No you absolutely did not provide links.

You provided pictures and youtube videos. And you ADMITTED to using Google images.

Don't go back on it now, boyo.

The fact you cannot grasp basic critical thinking concepts is evident enough that you're just an idiot.

You've failed as a propagandist.

You've failed as a troll

You've fallen for every single one of my traps.

And finally, You've now proven yourself to lack simple critical thinking skills.

If I was Winnie I'd fire you and tank your social credit score.

Hello, patwari think-tank, you win as a propagandist!
No you absolutely did not provide links.

You provided pictures and youtube videos. And you ADMITTED to using Google images.

Don't go back on it now, boyo.

The fact you cannot grasp basic critical thinking concepts is evident enough that you're just an idiot.

You've failed as a propagandist.

You've failed as a troll

You've fallen for every single one of my traps.

And finally, You've now proven yourself to lack simple critical thinking skills.

If I was Winnie I'd fire you and tank your social credit score.
You can't see the logic here, can you? you claim that I posted unverifiable photos ( which is a lie, I provide links of the photos and news about those data were reported by many official media channel of many countries), and you say photos provide by me are as good as yours? thus logically you are saying your photos are also unverifiable, I really wonder your IQ level , can see this simple logic.
You can't see the logic here, can you? you claim that I posted unverifiable photos ( which is a lie, I provide links of the photos and news about those data were reported by many official media channel of many countries), and you say photos provide by me are as good as yours? thus logically you are saying your photos are also unverifiable, I really wonder your IQ level , can see this simple logic.
My pictures ARE unverifiable, that's the point.

You still cannot grasp basic concept at all.

Also, you only clearly provided pro-China sources, nothing from neutral sources.

The one link you provided was a pro-China communist Turkish website.

Get the **** out of here with that bullshit of yours.

Hello, patwari think-tank, you win as a propagandist!
You don't even know what a patwari even is.

You're just saying random shit.

Sit the **** down.
My pictures ARE unverifiable, that's the point.

You still cannot grasp basic concept at all.

Also, you only clearly provided pro-China sources, nothing from neutral sources.

The one link you provided was a pro-China communist Turkish website.

Get the **** out of here with that bullshit of yours.

You don't even know what a patwari even is.

You're just saying random shit.

Sit the **** down.
What about this today's news? unverifiable?

Big big flop for US and haters like you to use religious card against China. Young people are not stupid

Arab youth look to Turkey and China as US, UK approval dips: Survey​

The western world is on a downward trend in the region as a new multipolar world makes way for fresh alliances

Published date: 11 August 2023 18:19 BST

More than two-thirds of young Arabs in the Middle East see Turkey and China as a "strong or somewhat of a strong ally" for the region, research shows.

As a multipolar world increasingly takes shape, new allies for the region are emerging, according to the 15th edition of the Arab Youth Survey published Thursday by global communications agency Asda’a Bcw, which is based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

More than 82 percent of Arab youth aged 18-24 named Turkey “a strong ally or somewhat of an ally” followed by China at 80 percent.

The United States did not fare as well and was ranked seventh, with 72 percent of Arab youth saying it was a strong ally or somewhat of an ally, below Germany at 78 percent, France at 74 percent and India at 73 percent.

In a separate category of alliances within the Arab world, Qatar emerged on top in the eyes of Arab youth, with 90 percent considering it a strong ally or somewhat of an ally.

This was followed by Egypt at 89 percent, the UAE at 88 percent, and Saudi Arabia at 86 percent.

The survey spoke to 3,600 youth in face-to-face interviews across 53 cities across the Arab world. Asda’a Bcw is also a public relations company that uses such data to inform and promote regional government and business agendas, including the UAE.

Enhanced Arab pride​

The Fifa World Cup 2022 hosted by Qatar seemed to have also buoyed the country’s reputation and more broadly galvanised the Arab world with “enhanced Arab pride”, said the authors of the report.

Despite the emergence of regional stakeholders, Arab youth still see the US as wielding the most power in the region.

A third of respondents said the US wields the most influence in the region, followed by the United Arab Emirates at 11 percent, and Saudi Arabia and Israel tied for third place with 10 percent.

While many believed the US held the most influence, which did not translate into a desire for closer ties with Washington, almost two-thirds of respondents hoped that the US would continue to disengage from Middle East affairs.

Despite the US-brokered Abraham Accords in 2020, which established ties between the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan and Israel - 87 percent of Arabs surveyed see the country as a “strong adversary or somewhat of an adversary”.

There were some peculiar outliers according to the research.

Three-quarters of Emirati and Egyptian youth “strongly support or somewhat support” closer ties with Israel, according to the research.

Research published last month suggests that the picture regarding the Abraham Accords is more complex.

According to the latest surveys by the Washington Institute, a US-based think tank, only 27 percent of respondents in the UAE and 20 percent in Bahrain viewed the accords as positive for the region.

That compares with 47 percent and 45 percent in 2020 when the accords were billed as part of a process that may encourage Israel to mediate its conflict with the Palestinians.

In Saudi Arabia, which has not normalised relations with Israel, support for the accords also fell by half to 20 percent.

Commenting on the report, Faisal al-Yafai, an analyst for the Arab Youth Survey, called the findings intriguing.

“The US, the UK and France are trending downwards,” in terms of how they are being perceived in the region, said Yafai, whereas Turkey and China are increasingly trending upwards.

This reflected how embedded "a new, global multipolarity” is becoming, added Yafai.

Migration and economic woes​

The survey found there is increasing frustration with the national government on education, jobs, and inflation. Growing swathes of Arab youth feel estranged from their government and the decision-making process.

More than half of Arab youth in North Africa and the Levant region are looking to leave their countries for a better life. A lack of jobs, increasing economic woes, and conflict were the main reasons cited for considering immigration.

Even in the wealthy Gulf countries, a third of young people were considering moving abroad.

Despite the relatively higher economic dynamism of the Gulf, “job seekers look primarily at Canada, the United States, Britain, Germany, and France”, said James Dorsey, an analyst for the report.

“The stark reality behind these figures is defined by degrees of confidence in government policies,” said Dorsey.

“Over the last five years, trust that government policies will enable youth to fulfil their dreams has been consistently high in the GCC and low in the rest of the Arab world, much of which has witnessed social unrest over the past decade,” he said.

With more than two-thirds of Arab youth believing that the economy is going in the wrong direction, Dorsey warned that regional governments need to redouble efforts to stamp out pessimism or potentially face political upheaval.

What about this today's news? unverifiable?

Big big flop for US and haters like you to use religious card against China. Young people are not stupid

Arab youth look to Turkey and China as US, UK approval dips: Survey​

The western world is on a downward trend in the region as a new multipolar world makes way for fresh alliances

Published date: 11 August 2023 18:19 BST

More than two-thirds of young Arabs in the Middle East see Turkey and China as a "strong or somewhat of a strong ally" for the region, research shows.

As a multipolar world increasingly takes shape, new allies for the region are emerging, according to the 15th edition of the Arab Youth Survey published Thursday by global communications agency Asda’a Bcw, which is based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

More than 82 percent of Arab youth aged 18-24 named Turkey “a strong ally or somewhat of an ally” followed by China at 80 percent.

The United States did not fare as well and was ranked seventh, with 72 percent of Arab youth saying it was a strong ally or somewhat of an ally, below Germany at 78 percent, France at 74 percent and India at 73 percent.

In a separate category of alliances within the Arab world, Qatar emerged on top in the eyes of Arab youth, with 90 percent considering it a strong ally or somewhat of an ally.

This was followed by Egypt at 89 percent, the UAE at 88 percent, and Saudi Arabia at 86 percent.

The survey spoke to 3,600 youth in face-to-face interviews across 53 cities across the Arab world. Asda’a Bcw is also a public relations company that uses such data to inform and promote regional government and business agendas, including the UAE.

Enhanced Arab pride​

The Fifa World Cup 2022 hosted by Qatar seemed to have also buoyed the country’s reputation and more broadly galvanised the Arab world with “enhanced Arab pride”, said the authors of the report.

Despite the emergence of regional stakeholders, Arab youth still see the US as wielding the most power in the region.

A third of respondents said the US wields the most influence in the region, followed by the United Arab Emirates at 11 percent, and Saudi Arabia and Israel tied for third place with 10 percent.

While many believed the US held the most influence, which did not translate into a desire for closer ties with Washington, almost two-thirds of respondents hoped that the US would continue to disengage from Middle East affairs.

Despite the US-brokered Abraham Accords in 2020, which established ties between the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan and Israel - 87 percent of Arabs surveyed see the country as a “strong adversary or somewhat of an adversary”.

There were some peculiar outliers according to the research.

Three-quarters of Emirati and Egyptian youth “strongly support or somewhat support” closer ties with Israel, according to the research.

Research published last month suggests that the picture regarding the Abraham Accords is more complex.

According to the latest surveys by the Washington Institute, a US-based think tank, only 27 percent of respondents in the UAE and 20 percent in Bahrain viewed the accords as positive for the region.

That compares with 47 percent and 45 percent in 2020 when the accords were billed as part of a process that may encourage Israel to mediate its conflict with the Palestinians.

In Saudi Arabia, which has not normalised relations with Israel, support for the accords also fell by half to 20 percent.

Commenting on the report, Faisal al-Yafai, an analyst for the Arab Youth Survey, called the findings intriguing.

“The US, the UK and France are trending downwards,” in terms of how they are being perceived in the region, said Yafai, whereas Turkey and China are increasingly trending upwards.

This reflected how embedded "a new, global multipolarity” is becoming, added Yafai.

Migration and economic woes​

The survey found there is increasing frustration with the national government on education, jobs, and inflation. Growing swathes of Arab youth feel estranged from their government and the decision-making process.

More than half of Arab youth in North Africa and the Levant region are looking to leave their countries for a better life. A lack of jobs, increasing economic woes, and conflict were the main reasons cited for considering immigration.

Even in the wealthy Gulf countries, a third of young people were considering moving abroad.

Despite the relatively higher economic dynamism of the Gulf, “job seekers look primarily at Canada, the United States, Britain, Germany, and France”, said James Dorsey, an analyst for the report.

“The stark reality behind these figures is defined by degrees of confidence in government policies,” said Dorsey.

“Over the last five years, trust that government policies will enable youth to fulfil their dreams has been consistently high in the GCC and low in the rest of the Arab world, much of which has witnessed social unrest over the past decade,” he said.

With more than two-thirds of Arab youth believing that the economy is going in the wrong direction, Dorsey warned that regional governments need to redouble efforts to stamp out pessimism or potentially face political upheaval.

You clearly didn't read the fuckin article, did you?

Seriously, read what you post first before you post it. This literally does not address any of my points.

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