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"America is the best, it's number one in the world"

She was born in a former Soviet republic, and let’s just say she doesn’t have nice things to say about Pakistan.

She achieved her American dream and she openly says so. She hasn’t been back to her country in 15 years and refuses to go back. The stories of corruption over there are something else.

The American dream is open for everyone. It’s to bad you didn’t work hard enough for it. Immigrants expecting a hand out are the worst.
If someone LUCKY enough to be admitted to the USA and able to work for their goals there’s almost certainty that they’ll succeed. This land is truly blessed
USA is not the best anymore. Go ask these American quadruple amputees:

No wonder why everyone Pro-China.

No wonder why people reject American culture.

This is absolutely correct. The "night shift" is a big tipoff as to what is happening.

This reminds me of a story i have told on PDF multiple times about when I was in my senior year of High School back when I was living in Boston.

Me: So where are you guys going to college?
Guy1: College? What? Why?
Me: Well you want to live an easy life don't you?
Guy1: What? I'll be fine.
Girl1: Yeah you don't need to go to college.
Me: Uh..we are in like a 15 year old used car how do you expect to buy a new one?
Guy1: It'll work out.
Me: I'm buying a Firebird..a brand new one.
Guy1: I'll be right behind you.
Me: it's a lot of money
Girl1: so what?
Me: You can get one quicker if you got a nice job.
Guy1: What are you my mother or something?
Me: Whatever

The above sums up some of the "have's" and "have not" issues in the US. Just a poor attitude when you are young can ruin your whole life. I live in a nice house and he lives in a shack...what a surprise.
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LOL! That's only a tiny fraction.

The crap is you not wanting face reality and admit you are following American culturalisms. The entire world revolves around the American/Western lead.

You have it...and it ain't going away. When something new becomes popular here it eventually trickles down to other countries.

Otherwise put on your changshan and go back to your siheyuan and get your oxen team ready for the rice fields...if you really crave that Asian life instead of an American/Western one.

..and if you really want a taste of Chinese "culture" go to Thailand and get a sex-change operation and then greet all the businessmen in the basement "men's" clubs of Chinese hotels.
Ummm... No...What is popular in USA may not be popular in Pakistan or Middle East.

Go tell this American bastard to stop fighting in imperial wars around the world:

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Ummm... No...What is popular in USA may not be popular in Pakistan or Middle East.

Go tell this American bastard to stop fighting in imperial wars around the world:


ah you mean this culture should be more popular in other countries including more in the Middle East?

Nobody is claiming the US has zero problems so you shouldn't be constantly complaining 10 times over and over in a thread considering you yourself have just as many serious problems.
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ah you mean this culture should be more popular in other countries?

Hey Americunt, I too am against Suicide bombings. It is forbidden in Islam to commit suicide. Didn't you know that.

but the social problems in Pakistan pale in comparison to the social problems in USA.

Shall we begin:
1) Whipping of African Americans
2) School Shootings
3) Mass Shootings
4) Alcoholism
5) Legalization of drugs
6) Same sex marriage
7) going on imperial wars
8) Monica Lewinsky scandal - Bill Clinton with prostitute Monica lewinsky
9) Treatment of minorities

ah you mean this culture should be more popular in other countries?

At least Pakistan does not invade other countries and make hell for other peoples.
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Without USA’s assistance and leadership, most developing and under developed countries including Pakistan will be in poverty, famines , disease prone and just miserable wretches (with very limited exceptions such as India, Japan, China).

At least Pakistan does not invade other countries and make hell for other peoples.
Pakistan did invade India and took part of Kashmir.
Pakistan send terrorists such as Kasab and shot up innocent civilians in Munbai
Without USA’s assistance and leadership, most developing and under developed countries including Pakistan will be in poverty, famines , disease prone and just miserable wretches (with very limited exceptions such as India, Japan, China).

Pakistan did invade India and took part of Kashmir.
Pakistan send terrorists such as Kasab and shot up innocent civilians in Munbai
Are you an idiot?

The locals called for help against the tyrant Maharajah of Kashmir.

You moron, Kashmir is a territorial dispute according to the United Nations, not "Pakistan invaded bullshit."
Hey Americunt, I too am against Suicide bombings.

No you aren't. You are absolutely for it.

Because you are listing bad things in the US and making some assumption that everybody in the US is somehow 100% for it. As if you think everybody in the US wants mass shootings and all the other items you list. :cuckoo:

So I'm going to use you own stupid logic and say your government and you yourself must be 100% endorsing suicide bombings because those happen in your country. Your own "1 + 2 = 5" logic.

Do you see your own logic problem assumption?
I can say something just as stupid like: "Stop endorsing a suicide bombing culture..we don't want it exported to here."

According to your own warped logic:
Accepted social problems with Pakistan
1) Suicide bombings.
2) Mass murder of police
3) Coups
4) floods
5) earthquakes
6) Bheja
7) One Direction
8) Na Maloom Afraad 2
9) Delias eucharis
10) scarcity of polar bears

Do you finally see how nonsensical some of your own repetitive logic is when applied to issues in your own country??
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If ugly was a person face a$$
Hey Indiot, it is Allama Iqbal the poet-philosopher of Pakistan

No you aren't. You are absolutely for it.

Because you are listing bad things in the US and making some assumption that everybody in the US is somehow 100% for it. As if you think everybody in the US wants mass shootings and all the other items you list. :cuckoo:

So I'm going to use you own stupid logic and say your government and you yourself must be 100% endorsing suicide bombings because those happen in your country. You own "1 + 2 = 5" logic.

Do you see your own logic problem assumption?
I can say something just as stupid like: "Stop endorsing a suicide bombing culture..we don't want it exported to here."

According to your own warped logic:
Accepted social problems with Pakistan
1) Suicide bombings.
2) Mass murder of police
3) Coups
4) floods
5) earthquakes
6) Bheja
7) One Direction
8) Na Maloom Afraad 2
9) Delias eucharis
10) scarcity of polar bears

Do you finally see how nonsensical some of your own repetitive logic is when applied to issues in your own country??
Actually you are the bloody idiot. Suicide Bombings in Pakistan is not as common as school shootings in USA.

No you aren't. You are absolutely for it.

Because you are listing bad things in the US and making some assumption that everybody in the US is somehow 100% for it. As if you think everybody in the US wants mass shootings and all the other items you list. :cuckoo:

So I'm going to use you own stupid logic and say your government and you yourself must be 100% endorsing suicide bombings because those happen in your country. You own "1 + 2 = 5" logic.

Do you see your own logic problem assumption?
I can say something just as stupid like: "Stop endorsing a suicide bombing culture..we don't want it exported to here."

According to your own warped logic:
Accepted social problems with Pakistan
1) Suicide bombings.
2) Mass murder of police
3) Coups
4) floods
5) earthquakes
6) Bheja
7) One Direction
8) Na Maloom Afraad 2
9) Delias eucharis
10) scarcity of polar bears

Do you finally see how nonsensical some of your own repetitive logic is when applied to issues in your own country??
you are idiot, how are earthquakes and floods social problems in a society?:lol:
Do you want to settle in Russia and Brazil ? They have a large size and lots of natural resources

Which is why they are not third world countries but rather middle income countries. They will always have a higher standard of living than Bangladesh or India ever will.

Anytime I will live in those countries over India or Bangladesh. Even Egypt & Lebanon, which you Bangladeshis call "failed states" have a far higher standard of living.

Bangladeshis live as slaves in Lebanon, so skip the "failed state" label or let the Lebanese take the laugh.
Which is why they are not third world countries but rather middle income countries. They will always have a higher standard of living than Bangladesh or India ever will.
They are not United States :D
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