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Ex-Pakistan PM Imran Khan gets two options: 'Go into exile or face Army Act'

It is going to be the UK. His boys are there and recently he even said that his boys are worried about him.
But first there will be some Adiala Jail reality awaiting him... You will realize how 'soft' he is internally. And you shouldn't be surprised when he runs away: Look at the speed with which his topmost leadership is leaving him. Other political forces faced FAR WORSE than PTI from the Establishment but they showed much more 'character' and 'resilience' than this Cult we call PTI.
Can you please point out where:
  • PDM members were arrested up to 5 times even after courts declaring their arrests illegal or providing them bail?
  • Where courts told them that despite it being just that should be released 'they (Establishment) won't let them leave unless he holds a press conference' announcing departure from politics?
  • Where they, including their female members were put in C class jails?
  • Where they were picked up without arrest warrants
  • Where their homes were vandalized despite peaceful surrender to the illegal arrests
  • Worst of all, where their wives and children were threatened with consequences, including rape.

Until you can show this happened to PDM on a wide scale, please keep 'PDM went through worse' bakwas to yourself.
Can you please point out where:
  • PDM members were arrested up to 5 times even after courts declaring their arrests illegal or providing them bail?
  • Where courts told them that despite it being just that should be released 'they (Establishment) won't let them leave unless he holds a press conference' announcing departure from politics?
  • Where they, including their female members were put in C class jails?
  • Where they were picked up without arrest warrants
  • Where their homes were vandalized despite peaceful surrender to the illegal arrests
  • Worst of all, where their wives and children were threatened with consequences, including rape.

Until you can show this happened to PDM on a wide scale, please keep 'PDM went through worse' bakwas to yourself.

All your Bakwaas can be countered by some numbers which a certain anti-Imran PDF member (forgetting his name) has been posting here about for how many days the opposition politicians spent in prison while Imran's 'revolutionaries' couldn't take even two weeks of prison.

As for what's going on against PTI, oh, yes, it is plain old Fascism. It is the State of Pakistan working against Imran, dismantling his party. The same State of Pakistan which literally arm-twisted politicians to support Imran in 2018.
All your Bakwaas can be countered by some numbers which a certain anti-Imran PDF member (forgetting his name) has been posting here about for how many days the opposition politicians spent in prison while Imran's 'revolutionaries' couldn't take even two weeks of prison.

As for what's going on against PTI, oh, yes, it is plain old Fascism. It is the State of Pakistan working against Imran, dismantling his party. The same State of Pakistan which literally arm-twisted politicians to support Imran in 2018.

Were those people who have spent hundreds days in jail had their wives and daughters been threatened to be raped by the « M.I.K (men in kaki) » ? I don’t know if you are married, has daughters but what would be your reaction if I (as a M.I.K) tell you stop posting in pdf and if you continue your wife and daughters will suffer ! ?

Would you say let’s them enjoy ?

This kind of threat is the only one which surely makes any sane people to abdicate !
Were those people who have spent hundreds days in jail had their wives and daughters been threatened to be raped by the « M.I.K (men in kaki) » ? I don’t know if you are married, has daughters but what would be your reaction if I (as a M.I.K) tell you stop posting in pdf and if you continue your wife and daughters will suffer ! ?

Would you say let’s them enjoy ?

This kind of threat is the only one which surely makes any sane people to abdicate !

Honestly, I don't know the details about to what extent Imran or the Establishment abused the opposition when Imran was in power. What is being being done to Imran's party, I will NEVER ever condone. This is like going back to Zia ul Haq time.
I will quote one thing though: There had been abuse of the Opposition under Imran's rule. And I remember once a PPP guy told Imran's party: You better hope and pray that we [the PPP] come back to power after you and not the Noon League! The Noon League is back in power and for next several more years.
You people keep talking as if it’s all over. It’s far from over.

In the past, when Nawaz or Zardari were removed no one cared. They were seen as mega corrupt and they left the economy in shambles. When the military took over people welcomed it and things used to improve.

This time there was no particular reason to remove PTI, apart from Bajwa and Asim Munir’s personal interests. PTI’s popularity has skyrocketed and the economy has tanked. There is no comparison to past interference by the army.

Currently the situation is ongoing. The economy is continuing to fall and it will keep driving more people to supporting Imran Khan.

The atrocities perpetrated by the army and police have crossed past limits and people are pissed off.

Past dictators used to keep some semblance of legal cover, this time there is none. Everyone can see the total lack of legality in the behavior of the generals and their stooges.

Not even a child believes that the people leaving PTI are doing it voluntarily. If anything, support for PTI has gone up.

So, things are going to get from worse to nightmarish to catastrophic for the generals.

Like the saying goes, it ain’t over till the fat lady sings.
All your Bakwaas can be countered by some numbers which a certain anti-Imran PDF member (forgetting his name) has been posting here about for how many days the opposition politicians spent in prison while Imran's 'revolutionaries' couldn't take even two weeks of prison.

As for what's going on against PTI, oh, yes, it is plain old Fascism. It is the State of Pakistan working against Imran, dismantling his party. The same State of Pakistan which literally arm-twisted politicians to support Imran in 2018.
Don't think you read my post.

There's a massive difference in the degree of coercion between jailing someone for 1 year in a Class A jail vs. repeatedly jailing someone in Class C jails, threatening them of enforced disappearance and threatening their wives and children.

This is Shahid Khaqan spending time in jail:

This is Maleeka Bukhari:

The guy who is talking about her ordeal is usually her critic.
If one wishes to challenge the status quo then one must be powerful enough to bend the most powerful institutions of this country to one's will and IK is not even close to achieving a fraction of such power.
No, you just need to plant an idea. The idea has been planted, and to try and uproot it will fail so long as it keeps being nurtured.
You people keep talking as if it’s all over. It’s far from over.

In the past, when Nawaz or Zardari were removed no one cared. They were seen as mega corrupt and they left the economy in shambles. When the military took over people welcomed it and things used to improve.

This time there was no particular reason to remove PTI, apart from Bajwa and Asim Munir’s personal interests. PTI’s popularity has skyrocketed and the economy has tanked. There is no comparison to past interference by the army.

It IS over for Imran Khan for at least next few years.
I don't know how old you are. If you were old enough to have witnessed the govt. changes even in the 1990s then you'd have known that the 'fat lady' has already sung her throat hoarse and Imran is on way out.

As far as 'personal interests': It was Imran Khan who, after the Fall of Kabul in August 2021, decided to play the power game by trying to engineer his choice of the next Army and ISI Chiefs. That's where he crossed the Army's red lines. I don't think that is even debatable anymore. Even Pervez Elahi in a video where he is ruing Imran's fatal mistake of meddling in the military's affairs.

Look you all: It is done. Imran is on way out. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing that is going to get him back in power for at least next few years. When the State of Pakistan acts, it has the experience, the expertise and the resources to make it happen. I don't know why people here have the 'Baghdad Bob' mindset. The dismantling of the PTI is happening right in front of our eyes and what's most astonishing is that never before in Pakistan's political history a political party of this size has been dismantled so quickly. Tells you something about Imran's 'leadership' if you look objectively.
I think he will get Asylum in UK. I don't think he want to die in Prison as he is 72 year old. Rana Sanaullah will not allow him to use toilet, also 4*4 ft room, stinging insects, mosquitos 🦟 is common in these dirty prison rooms .
IK may face a military court as all the PTI leaders who have left him and the party have turned approvers against him. He will spend his last years in Attock Fort.
It IS over for Imran Khan for at least next few years.

You’re going by past history of how things have unfolded in Pakistan. I’ve already listed many reasons why things are very different this time.

It’s a one-to-one show for now. On one side is Asim Munir backed by the British Indian Army and all the corrupt bureaucrats, judges, police and politicians.

On the other side is Imran Khan backed by the vast majority of decent people. That includes honest soldiers, bureaucrats, judges etc.

The total number of people supporting Imran Khan vastly outnumbers Asim Munir’s supporters.

The situation has not ended. The villains might kill Imran khan, in which case there will be an uprising in many parts of the country. They will have to torture, kill, and rape a whole lot more people to regain control.

On the other hand, someone might take out MC Whiskey & Co.

The economy is about to hit the point of no return, which will drive a lot more people into abandoning Asim Munir.

It can go either way. It would be premature to say that it has ended.

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