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[Updated May 2023] Israel Strikes Gaza Again

Will the ongoing escalation develop into a full blown 3rd Intifida?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • No

    Votes: 26 63.4%

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  • Poll closed .
Nah you're not German cringe worthy kid. And it's obvious you didn't get enough attention from your parents as a kid.
^^ think what you want.
My Grandpa fought from 1940-1945 until the bitter end.
I have a heritage tree here, at least 247 years of German and a bit French roots.
@Neby Rakachun aka Beny Karachun or what your other name was.
Good to see you here, my hooked nosed friend.
Why did they ban you?
Try to find Palestinian people burning Palestinian flags, and you wont find such thing.
Try to find Serbian people burning Russian flags, and you wont find such thing.
Many Israeli Arabs (or what the Palestinians call Palestinians with Israeli citizenship) serve in the IDF
Apparently Rehovot is Tel Aviv according to you? Tel Aviv is a coastal city
Lots of direct impacts in urban areas today. Iron Dome must be asleep. Not bad going for a population trapped in a besieged and occupied tiny open air prison using pipes as unguided rockets with tiny warheads (mostly) against a brutal and vicious occupying military powerhouse which receives billions of $ of US taxpayer military aid and was built on terrorism and loves massacring entire bloodlines of civilians at a time just to send a message.

That is just PIJ, Hamas is still holding back while it tries to build up its capabilities. Is this the first time PIJ was able to neutralise a terrorist occupier in Tel Aviv?
Lots is two huh you subhuman?😂

I mean very nice, in response to the absolute fucking of the Jihad chain of command, all you guys are capable of doing is kill one random old woman?

Ain't even Tel Aviv retard it's Rehovot, not like it makes any difference, Tel Aviv citizens are not some higher value target.

Israeli's increasing intensity of airstrikes in Gaza tonight while mediation talks for ceasefire take place.
There's no peace talks, cut the bullshit

The purpose should be "stop attacks from Gaza to Israel", it's not kill.

Killing is only useful to create martyrs and escalation.

I wonder why each rockets launchers area is not just destroyed by IAF in the single first launch.

**** no lol, the point isn't simply to "stop attacks from Gaza", that shit could be achieved by getting on our knees and sucking them off, but guess what? That's not going to happen.

Killing them is the only solution, we want escalation, we are prepared to have rockets raining for a whole damn year if it means we're keep bombing Gaza.

Those goat*ucking camel raping sand terrorists think they can fire rockets at us without us bombing the shit out of them? Think again, we will piss on those sand dune dwellers.

This is a new fully right wing government, no more BS, no more status quo, expect random assassinations and aggressive stance against terror.

Those idiot camel riders don't understand we just divided them, a textbook move. If you look at the Telegram you could see how people are now divided between Hamas and PIJ. Hamas isn't doing shit because their commanders know they'll all be blown up just like we did to the PIJ.
Second, it was Israel that began this round by deliberately breaking the ceasefire. Which will not improve the situation nor advance them anywhere
LOL, you launch rockets at us a month ago, you thought we just let you off easily? We wanted a calm independence day and waited for the opportunity to blow up your monkey commanders
Rockets fired at Israeli settlements in Jerusalem:

For second time, David's Sling medium range system used to intercept rockets from Gaza. Each one of those interceptor missiles costs $1millon
It's a weapons experiment, Iron Dome is more than capable of taking down Khaibar 1s and Fajr 5s, it did that in the past. David's Sling and the soldiers operating it are getting operational experience.

Fyi , these rockets are fired very close to the border and any that fall short fall inside the buffer zones Israel created on Gaza's border. It's also Israeli drone strikes on the launchers that cause them to malfunction. As for your claim about casualties, that's unfounded. Bring evidence for your claim. The last time a Palestinian home got hit by a rocket was when a Iron Dome interceptor hit their home. Because of your Israel's reckless policy to intercept rockets inside of Gaza airspace. Calibrating Iron Dome to do so.
Lol, they fall in Gaza on top of Palestinian kids, like happened last year

I have come to the sad realisation that Israel is not worth supporting any longer. For nearly 20 years now, Israel has allowed these backwards monkeys in Gaza to dictate life in Israel. The country that gave us the stunning 6-day war and the likes of the Entebbe raid, is now a country lacking courage and ideas.

We see the same stories of them bombing empty fields year after year, claiming it's weapon storage facilities. We see them carrying out these ridiculous roof knocks instead of just obliterating whatever is in the building. While the vicious enemy randomly bombards Israel to do just that, Israel is bombing sheds and single mortars, fields and the odd Ahmed/Mohammed character who gets replaced within minutes.

I have lost respect for Israel. Israelis are in shelters while the 'palestinians' are sitting in beach front cafes cheering as rockets head towards Israel. How is this even possible? why do Israelis tolerate this year after year? This can all be stopped in about 30mins. Bomb their power station, bomb all their gas stations, bomb their cell towers, bomb their universities, bomb their main roads. it's GAZA that has to pay, not some tin pot Iranian backed terrorist group. Gaza needs to know that every time they launch a single rocket into Israel, their power station gets obliterated, their beach front resorts get vaporised. THIS is what will deter these fiends, not bombing their fields or liquidating some Ahmed.

I'm sick of defending this country that tries to fight wars in a way so to keep the media and the EU rats on side. Stuff the EU, stuff the BBC/CNN and all these dogs who side with the 'palestinians' anyway. Stop with the bloody roof knocks to warn the enemy. The enemy does not roof knock. Stop bombing meaningless targets and start to hit things that GAZANS care about. Stop those animals from cheering in the street by making their lives a living hell.

THAT is the only way Gaza will be brought to heel. But Israel chooses to stick to some kind of moral high ground. I'm just surprised they haven't done their usual leaflet drops over Gaza telling these dogs that the war isn't with them, it's with the terrorists. GET STUFFED. The wars is with ALL 'palestinians' and the WHOLE of Gaza.

What is the point of supporting a country that doesn't support itself? that allows for its citizens to suffer while they tip toe around Gaza warning the residents and being super careful not to damage anything important. I'm done.

I'm supporting Ukraine now. A country unafraid to do what's needed.
That's only going to happen when the big war comes unfortunately

Just a matter of time
NATO behind it.
NATO plus USA + non-Nato Allies

That's only going to happen when the big war comes unfortunately

Just a matter of time
We are also anxiously waiting for the ''big war'' ...I hope I am there personally to hold the collar of a zio and drag him over from behind a rock. :enjoy:

Nah I'm German
''Benny'' must be very proud of you. Your ancestors did a tremendous job for his ancestors. Benny Karachun hails ''Hiter'' as his hero.
There was news that Hamas has around 1 Million rockets. Hamas should fire at least 10% of them now (low-quality cheap ones) just to exhaust the very expensive AD of Isra-Hell.
They don't have anywhere near that. Would be nice though.
Israeli airstrikes target home in southern Gaza

Israeli warning strikes hit another home in northern Gaza:



Hamas armed wing posts this on their website:
I have come to the sad realisation that Israel is not worth supporting any longer. For nearly 20 years now, Israel has allowed these backwards monkeys in Gaza to dictate life in Israel. The country that gave us the stunning 6-day war and the likes of the Entebbe raid, is now a country lacking courage and ideas.

We see the same stories of them bombing empty fields year after year, claiming it's weapon storage facilities. We see them carrying out these ridiculous roof knocks instead of just obliterating whatever is in the building. While the vicious enemy randomly bombards Israel to do just that, Israel is bombing sheds and single mortars, fields and the odd Ahmed/Mohammed character who gets replaced within minutes.

I have lost respect for Israel. Israelis are in shelters while the 'palestinians' are sitting in beach front cafes cheering as rockets head towards Israel. How is this even possible? why do Israelis tolerate this year after year? This can all be stopped in about 30mins. Bomb their power station, bomb all their gas stations, bomb their cell towers, bomb their universities, bomb their main roads. it's GAZA that has to pay, not some tin pot Iranian backed terrorist group. Gaza needs to know that every time they launch a single rocket into Israel, their power station gets obliterated, their beach front resorts get vaporised. THIS is what will deter these fiends, not bombing their fields or liquidating some Ahmed.

I'm sick of defending this country that tries to fight wars in a way so to keep the media and the EU rats on side. Stuff the EU, stuff the BBC/CNN and all these dogs who side with the 'palestinians' anyway. Stop with the bloody roof knocks to warn the enemy. The enemy does not roof knock. Stop bombing meaningless targets and start to hit things that GAZANS care about. Stop those animals from cheering in the street by making their lives a living hell.

THAT is the only way Gaza will be brought to heel. But Israel chooses to stick to some kind of moral high ground. I'm just surprised they haven't done their usual leaflet drops over Gaza telling these dogs that the war isn't with them, it's with the terrorists. GET STUFFED. The wars is with ALL 'palestinians' and the WHOLE of Gaza.

What is the point of supporting a country that doesn't support itself? that allows for its citizens to suffer while they tip toe around Gaza warning the residents and being super careful not to damage anything important. I'm done.

I'm supporting Ukraine now. A country unafraid to do what's needed.

Look the juden are stuck

For all the Jew and Hindu extremists supporting Israel,, it's stuck and surrounded with a growing population of Arabs within

In the west you are getting more and more migrants and Muslims and with the internet you are seeing voices emerge from across the world

Traditional Israeli propaganda is being SWAMPED by hundreds of millions of responses from sources across the world

Israeli action is used and Jew hatred overflows

Israels relations with multiple states becomes imperilled

is keep growing
Keep resisting

Israel has to enforce apartheid and occupation, that's difficult, morally, economically it's stuck

I told you time is on our side, we have numbers and time and we will break you
NATO plus USA + non-Nato Allies

We are also anxiously waiting for the ''big war'' ...I hope I am there personally to hold the collar of a zio and drag him over from behind a rock. :enjoy:

''Benny'' must be very proud of you. Your ancestors did a tremendous job for his ancestors. Benny Karachun hails ''Hiter'' as his hero.
I really don't give a damn about Beny's feelings.
The thing is, here you play in a absurd way 10 vs 1 and then you guys are wondering why the Jew is getting angry.
See the world real.
If the situation would be reversed, do you think the Arabs/Muslim wouldn't unleash everything they have on the Kikes and kill them off/drive them into the sea?!
So ... Jews are restricting themselves to higher moral standards etc.
IF they WANT there wouldn't be a Palestinian left after 2 weeks of hardcore combat.
That's a BIG difference in mentality.
But you guys think too that the Murricans got their as*es handed by a bunch of goat herders, that the Taliban won in the sense of military confrontation. LOL
Americans could have raped every Afghan female in front of the men and cut their heads off and ethnic cleanse that wonderful, stable country and NOBODY could do anything against it.
Good for them, that Americans (and Jews) aren't the beasts they are portrait here.
And yes, I'm proud of the majority of ordinary German soldiers in WW2, my Grandpa (captain in Wehrmacht) including.
For me he is the same good German even if he/members of his unit killed a Partisan who was a Jew, a partisan is a partisan, doesn't matter which race/religion/ideology.
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That's only going to happen when the big war comes unfortunately

Just a matter of time
It won't.

Israel has subscribed to the western view of warfare. Bullshit pin point strikes. That's why the west can't win any wars now.

Israel is done. It's lying to you. All those fields getting bombed and telling you it's ammo storage. All for show.

You know the biggest 'suffering' for these 7th century dogs just now is probably the noise of drones and the odd bomb disturbing their sleep. The average Gazan monkey does not fear an Israeli rocket hitting their home because they know Israel won't do that. Whereas Israelis are living a lottery where their home can be hit at any moment.

And this is supposed to be the most "right wing government".

You want to end this in an instant? bomb everything that matters to them, starting with their power station, cell towers, main roads etc. This puts immense pressure on Hamas who know they can't control an angry population that needs to live by candlelight. Israel has lost its balls because it's too worried about what Europe and the American admin would say.

If Hezbollah attacked, Israel would do exactly the same in Lebanon. Attack Hezbollah positions, mortar crews etc. They wouldn't attack Lebanon itself, and that's why it won't win another conflict until they treat the attackers as a whole, ie. the territory the attack comes from is then bombed. If Hezbollah send rockets, you bomb Lebanese power stations, airport, harbours/ports, cell communication, water supply etc.

Israeli airstrike on home in northern Gaza minutes ago:

Another pathetic roof knock to warn the terrorrats beforehand.

Well done Israel, you damaged a building....really winning this war...well done.
Israeli airstrike on home in northern Gaza minutes ago:

They resort to what they know best: causing disproportionate damage to civilian targets to eradicate bloodlines and inflict maximum suffering on civilians.

They brag about how their bombings will be disproportionate - this is a war crime and should be taken as evidence to the International Criminal Court.

They systematically target journalists, extrajudicially murdering at least 44 journalists since 2000.

They themselves use Palestinians as human shields then invoke this lie to justify their intentional murder of children and children, despite the fact that Amnesty International fully refuted these claims.

Regardless, for the second largest Palestinian resistance group in the besieged Gaza Strip to strike at the heart of the settler colony and leave settlers across the occupied territory scurrying like rats is a great sign of their strength and the occupation's inherent strategic weakness. They are trying to avoid a conflict with Hamas, let alone Hezbollah, and their dreams of war with Iran, which make me and most Iranians laugh.

Some Zionists like to say 'if the USA had militants on its borders firing rockets it would be much harsher than Israel is', but this supposition should be flipped: what would Americans do in their quest for freedom if they were subject to a brutal military occupation, would they fire mostly symbolic rockets to resist? Of course they would. Regardless, the racist Zionist narrative is slowly losing in the USA, even a quarter of American Jews are appalled by Israel and think it is committing genocide, and this number is only going up with time. The Zionist regime's days are numbered.
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