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Indian guy travels with his Chinese wife during the spring festival rush in freezing cold Chuangchun city NE China

You are not mainland Chinese at all. Taiwan is an inalienable territory of China. Is your biological father a Japanese or a black American soldier.The avatar uses the Chinese supercomputer name in simplified characters. How hypocritical.
My real name is Wei (same character). Something wrong with using my name on my avatar? So, now you all know, there is a real Shen Wei in real life and that person is me!!!!
Why did I get a tag for this message

Anyway Chinese race mixing in foreign countries is very common, your women have an odd liking for white men that is well spoken about.

It's not my place to speak about it though
I have two close friends married foreginers in Beijing, one married a Swedish girl and one married an English girl, we always spend time together, the English girl told me many funny things about your Britain.
Data of cross cultural marriages in China

From 2018 to the present
left chart: Chinese women marrying foreign men Right chart: Chinese men marrying foreign women


According to the "China Civil Affairs Statistical Yearbook", in 2019, it shows 29,329 Chinese men and 19,095 Chinese women married foreigners.

For a country of 1.4 billion population, it's nothing.
First comment. It is my comment, but its origin, comes from another Chinese comment.
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It comes from the event that a Chinese female student was abused by black people, then the school tried to hide the incident, trying to protect black students. The only penalty for blacks is a scholarship deduction.

Also my second comment. It depicts realistically what is happening in China. When China's soft power policy becomes a tool to help foreigners insult, abuse and humiliate Chinese citizens.


This is a very awkward situation.

In the past, I tried to write long articles on the issue of foreigners insulting and abusing Chinese people and China needs to stop it. They attack me, say I'm a racist against globalization or a foreigner.

Then I simply commented on the fact that happened, and the Chinese thought I was an anti-Chinese racist.

And now, in this thread, there may be some members who think that I am racist against India.
I work with many foreigners and have many foreign friends, we respect each other and always have fun together, I don't see any insults or abuse in our friendship. but in the last a couple of years, several of my foreign friends were deported from China, I noticed that in recent years the government adopted some obvious anti foreigner rules and regulations which I believe are not conducive for China's long term development.
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I am posting Pakistani and east Asian kids but maybe it applies to SA-ians in general, the east Asian side remains prominent in phenotype except for slight changes with nose and eyes, same thing when we mix with white or black people most of the time other side becomes dominant and if the children are raised in China they'll culturally lean more towards China

Don't see the issue tbh although I can understand where people are coming from, I am not a fan of race mixing for my own people for cultural reasons so I can understand the thaught process
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View attachment 913351I am posting Pakistani and east Asian kids but maybe it applies to SA-ians in general, the east Asian side remains prominent in phenotype except for slight changes with nose and eyes, same thing when we mix with white or black people most of the time other side becomes dominant and if the children are raised in China they'll culturally lean more towards China

Don't see the issue tbh although I can understand where people are coming from, I am not a fan of race mixing for my own people for cultural reasons so I can understand the thaught process
Look like Xinjiang Uyghurs, Uyghurs are naturally mixed people.
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View attachment 913349
View attachment 913351I am posting Pakistani and east Asian kids but maybe it applies to SA-ians in general, the east Asian side remains prominent in phenotype except for slight changes with nose and eyes, same thing when we mix with white or black people most of the time other side becomes dominant and if the children are raised in China they'll culturally lean more towards China

Don't see the issue tbh although I can understand where people are coming from, I am not a fan of race mixing for my own people for cultural reasons so I can understand the thaught process
Half white half Korean singer - same thing east Asian side is dominant both culturally and phenotypically- hell with half Pakistanis you could have guessed but she looks full Korean
My real name is Wei (same character). Something wrong with using my name on my avatar? So, now you all know, there is a real Shen Wei in real life and that person is me!!!!
Whose Chinese name is shenwei. what is the japanese next to the avatar
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View attachment 913349
View attachment 913351I am posting Pakistani and east Asian kids but maybe it applies to SA-ians in general, the east Asian side remains prominent in phenotype except for slight changes with nose and eyes, same thing when we mix with white or black people most of the time other side becomes dominant and if the children are raised in China they'll culturally lean more towards China

Don't see the issue tbh although I can understand where people are coming from, I am not a fan of race mixing for my own people for cultural reasons so I can understand the thaught process
When it comes to the guys tbh I see more Pakistani with a touch of East Asian

But the girls the opposite

n fact, I know many patriotic chinese weibo accounts. I enjoyed reading their articles and comments.

The biggest difference between them and you is that they don't talk about "China-Africa brotherhood, China-South America brotherhood, China-South Asia brotherhood" or the like.

And they do little or no propaganda to support the actions and views of China and the Chinese people.

Are they anti-Chinese? Of course not.
Are they racist against foreigners? Of course not.

They love China, but they don't actively propagate pro-China. On the contrary, they continuously expose China's shortcomings, mistakes and irrationalities. What they want is for China to correct its mistakes.
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The saddest thing here is that they are constantly attacked and insulted by people who shamelessly use "racist or xenophobic tags".

The example is very simple: I know a weibo account that repeatedly denounces foreigners working illegally in Chinese territory, exposing scammers who sexually abuse Chinese women. And after that? Her account is constantly being hacked and insulted by many people. They framed her as xenophobic, racist... and uttered similar logics like "Anti-foreigners are not good for China's development...."
I thought it would be the other way around? 🤔

Like her opinion being the norm and the more "liberal" type being the minority.

Surely this means the CCP is somewhat complicit then? Or at least neutral
The example is very simple: I know a weibo account that repeatedly denounces foreigners working illegally in Chinese territory, exposing scammers who sexually abuse Chinese women. And after that? Her account is constantly being hacked and insulted by many people. They framed her as xenophobic, racist... and uttered similar logics like "Anti-foreigners are not good for China's development...."
I have an American friend being deported back to US after living in China for over 10 years, his everything now is in China and US feels like a foreign country now to him, he told me that China now just wants to kick out all foreigners, China doesn't openly say that but that 's exactly what China does, China just adopted a new law that foreigner are no longer allowed to renew their visas in China or in a third country, they have to go back to their home country to do it. and because of covid, once you leave China you can not come back to China again, so many foreigners had no choice but to overstay their visa, and then the police will just come and get you and deport you.
From my experience, since I live abroad, I can say that, the more a person has intercultural experience (e.g. traveling, stuying abroad, foreign friends), the more open minded and less racist they are.
I think lots of racist users here, regardless Chinese or Indian, are just living in their own bubble.
When the seven colors of rainbow mix together, the mixed color is white. You want diversity? Keep your color pure first.
I am pretty sure if you mix the 7 colour of rainbow the result would be Black, not white.

But I do know what you implied.
n fact, I know many patriotic chinese weibo accounts. I enjoyed reading their articles and comments.

The biggest difference between them and you is that they don't talk about "China-Africa brotherhood, China-South America brotherhood, China-South Asia brotherhood" or the like.

And they do little or no propaganda to support the actions and views of China and the Chinese people.

Are they anti-Chinese? Of course not.
Are they racist against foreigners? Of course not.

They love China, but they don't actively propagate pro-China. On the contrary, they continuously expose China's shortcomings, mistakes and irrationalities. What they want is for China to correct its mistakes.
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The saddest thing here is that they are constantly attacked and insulted by people who shamelessly use "racist or xenophobic tags".

The example is very simple: I know a weibo account that repeatedly denounces foreigners working illegally in Chinese territory, exposing scammers who sexually abuse Chinese women. And after that? Her account is constantly being hacked and insulted by many people. They framed her as xenophobic, racist... and uttered similar logics like "Anti-foreigners are not good for China's development...."
Weibo is the most fake place in China. 100 yuan can make your fans count to 10,000, and there are a large number of robot accounts, where netizens can't compete with Internet robots. Police arrest 10 ultrafeminists, all of whom turn out to be men. As long as the flow has no bottom line. You closed one of his accounts, and he applied for 10 accounts, and instantly became an account with tens of thousands of fans after spending money.
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