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Indian Zen Mobiles to enter Bangladesh by April


May 10, 2010
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Indian Zen Mobiles to enter Bangladesh by April
2011-01-06 18:20:00

Zen Mobiles to enter Bangladesh by April

Kolkata, Jan 6 (IANS) Indian mobile handset brand Zen Mobiles plans to foray into Bangladesh by April in a joint venture with the neighbouring country's government and aims to sell ten lakh units per month in 2012, a top company official said here Wednesday.

The company currently sells three lakh units per month.

Having entered the Nigerian and Sri Lankan markets two months ago, the company now has big plans for Bangladesh, its business head Victor Shome told media persons here.

'We will have a joint venture with the Bangladesh government. We will pump in about Rs.10 crore. We will ink a memorandum of understanding either in New Delhi or Dhaka,' Shome said.

The company plans to set up an assembling plant with a capacity of manufacturing one lakh phones a month in Bangladesh though the site of the plant was yet to be decided.

'India, Bangladesh, Nigeria and Sri Lanka - all these markets are a bit similar. We have been in India for the last 18 months. So our experience in India will become handy in Sri Lanka, Nigeria and Bangladesh,' he said.

'In 2012, our aim is to sell ten lakh pieces per month, up from the three lakh units we sell now,' Shome said.
All About: National,West Bengal

This is a good one!
Indian handset manufacturers and companies are nascent,as of now,only 5% of the Indian mobile phone market is their share.
Good move.

These mobiles like Spice,Micromax,Zen steadily eroded the once invincible Nokia's market and they can take anyone head on.

I guess another China-esque invasion of cheap goods loaded with features is on the cards.
Indian handset manufacturers and companies are nascent,as of now,only 5% of the Indian mobile phone market is their share.

not sure about that since Nokia had accepted their business is affected by newly emerged local companies.

And i think even though in nascent stage they r really aiming big

Zen had turned into an MNC and Micromax had launched their first android based phone,and that is not that cheap also.

The only problem with this companies r that they do not have any effective after sale service but since when u can purchase such device for dirt cheap price what can we expect more.
not sure about that since Nokia had accepted their business is affected by newly emerged local companies.

And i think even though in nascent stage they r really aiming big

Zen had turned into an MNC and Micromax had launched their first android based phone,and that is not that cheap also.

The only problem with this companies r that they do not have any effective after sale service but since when u can purchase such device for dirt cheap price what can we expect more.

Nokia stills is a behemoth in the Indian mobile phone market.

Nokia and Samsung have acquired 70% of the Indian mobile phone market revenues between January-November 2010. Nokia took 49.2% of the market revenues, while Samsung took 20.5% of the market revenues.

LG phones took 5.3%, while Indian handset manufacturer was just behind in fourth place with 5% of the market revenues.

According to sources, Samsung strengthened its dual-SIM portfolio considerably during the period and was the leader in the touchscreen segment, with a 36% market share – beating Nokia’s sales in the smartphone market.

A total of 156 million mobile phones were sold in India during the whole of 2010.

Nokia, Samsung acquire 70% of Indian mobile phone market

But yeah! eventually the Indian companies will prevail.
Good move.

These mobiles like c,Micromax,Zen steadily eroded the once invincible Nokia's market and they can take anyone head on.

I guess another China-esque invasion of cheap goods loaded with features is on the cards.

.... they could have come up with better names....
zen =sounds more like japanese/chinese
micromax....:blink::blink: they could have done much better...but hey , nice ADVERTISEMENT ...they are catching up...

BRAND NAME's ...BETTER PUBLICITY...are as much important as QUALITY...
remember,, VIRGIN MOBILE they stormed overnight with that awesome ..lesbian ADV :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Indian Mobile Companies should use Android.It'll be a big hit.
I just can not understand why bd government is teaming up with these unknown low class brand of india... instead of trying to teaming up with big brands... I personally think huawei is much better than this zen... as huawei has a good present in bd... so bd could team up with it or even with samsung.... I think korea would be glad to do so.. as it would give them chance to increase their market share... now what a shame... this lower class bharti brand will manufacture 1 million cell and will make bd its dumping ground... :S
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