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Xinjiang Urumqi city diverts rivers and releases water to city streets to give Urumqiers summer fun

Unable to find visibly Muslim in a Muslim Majority state is not normal. Communist Party is doing something wrong with them.
Do you say a lot of head scarfs in big cities in Kazakhstan or even Turkey? you keep your blinders on for too long, countries follow their own ways of life and dress, nothing governs the whole world with just one rigid law.

Yep, genocide is happening in East Turkestan...
Xinjiang's GDP per capita is around $10,000 with full healthcare, every household owns cars, children enjoy 15 years free education from kingdergarten to high school, now almost every young person can go to college. how is the situation in your place?

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East Turkestan? Never heard of it. You should check out this Xinjiang place in China which we saved from Wahabist assholes.
Thats because, china lacks free media. And you don't even know wtf is wahabism. lol...
How China completely "genocided"local traditional culture and way of life in 30 years in Kashgar city

Kashgar change in 30 years
Do you say a lot of head scarfs in big cities in Kazakhstan or even Turkey?
@dBSPL Can you add something about Turkiye?
you keep your blinders on for too long, countries follow their own ways of life and dress, nothing governs the whole world with just one rigid law.
LOL, you folk don't know anything about the world and its multi culturalism. It is the communists who governs with rigid law and genocide.

Perhaps, but it's still 10 times better than any Wahabist shithole you live in.
Ever visited the birthplace of wahabism saudi arabia? Do you know their per cap income? lol...

And me and my countrymens are Hanafi not wahabi. But, how do you know? You know nothing about the world. lol
@dBSPL Can you add something about Turkiye?

LOL, you folk don't know anything about the world and its multi culturalism. It is the communists who governs with rigid law and genocide.
Oh we know all about multiculturalism. Keep your culture to yourself because it doesn't belong in China. Everybody would get along much better that way.
How China completely "genocided"local traditional culture and way of life in 30 years in Kashgar city

Kashgar change in 30 years
China blocks independent media to verify you claim...

Oh we know all about multiculturalis
Nope you don't. That why your government are committing genocide.
Keep your culture to yourself because it doesn't belong in China.
Then leave East Turkestan. As long as you claim East Turkestan you have to hear lecture about multi culturalism. Uyghurs are Turkic not Han.
Everybody would get along much better that way.
That communist way. World hates the communist way...
Yep, genocide is happening in East Turkestan...
Genocide in your sick fundamentalist's mind only. You think women are suppose to dress up with all their bodies and faces tightly wrapped are only indeed normal for you people ? Besides, there is no East Turkestan in China, that only exists in you pseudo Turk's mind.
In rural regions like Pamir mountains almost everyone wears head scarfs cause people in those rural regions are more conservative, it's their way of life, but in big cities young people choose to wear modern casual clothing, no one can force them to wear head scarfs, it's their free choice. in big cities in Kazakhstan and even Turkey, the predominant dressing style is also modern casual. Accusing China of committing genocide just because you don't see many women wearing headscarfs in Xinjiang's capital city Urumqi is just so absurd or you are simple a hater, haters gonna hate.

Chinese Pamir
Then leave East Turkestan. As long as you claim East Turkestan you have to hear lecture about multi culturalism. Uyghurs are Turkic not Han.
Why should Han Chinese leave Xinjiang, China ? Han Chinese have been living there for at least 7000 years and it has been under Chinese central government administration more than 2000 years ago. Xinjiang is as much part of China as the other provinces. Uyghers have very little to do with Turks both genetically and historically. Chinese Uyghers have over 38% genetic similarities with Han Chinese and they have more than thousand year of shared history. Stop telling Chinese what to do in Chinese lands becos you have no right to do so
Genocide in your sick fundamentalist's mind only
Liberal west agree with me mr sick commie...
You think women are suppose to dress up with all their bodies and faces tightly wrapped are only indeed normal for you people ?
Who are you to decide what is what for Muslims?
Besides, there is no East Turkestan in China
Oh there is. Prepare to hear about it more...
that only exists in you pseudo Turk's mind.

Why should Han Chinese leave Xinjiang, China ? Han Chinese have been living there for at least 7000 years and it has been under Chinese central government administration more than 2000 years ago. Xinjiang is as much part of China as the other provinces. Uyghers have very little to do with Turks both genetically and historically. Chinese Uyghers have over 38% genetic similarities with Han Chinese and they have more than thousand year of shared history. Stop telling Chinese what to do in Chinese lands becos you have no right to do so
Nice commie propaganda. Let me know if anyone other then commies buy it.
Urumuqi is very Han city. Previously it was Mongol land, and earlier, it was Eastern Aryan.

Uighur home is Southern Xinjiang. In lots of Northern Xinjiang there are even more Han and Kazak than Uighur. Kazak dont clamour for independence.

Even among Muslims in China, only a few Uyghur crackpot keep ranting genocide because they take monies from USA.

In rural regions like Pamir mountains almost everyone wears head scarfs cause people in those rural regions are more conservative, it's their way of life, but in big cities young people choose to wear modern casual clothing, no one can force them to wear head scarfs, it's their free choice. in big cities in Kazakhstan and even Turkey, the predominant dressing style is also modern casual. Accusing China of committing genocide just because you don't see many women wearing headscarfs in Xinjiang's capital city Urumqi is just so absurd or you are simple a hater, haters gonna hate.

Chinese Pamir
View attachment 871249
Look man, calling me a China hater is non sense. Except, Uyghur Issue I have no bad feelings about China. I cheer for Chinese success.

Arguments here became hot after some of your countrymen replied with distasteful comments about Uyghur issue. You have to understand Uyghur issue is sensitive and it can piss off lots of people.

The way things are going now for China you folks might not want to alienate almost 2 billion Muslims.
Liberal west agree with me mr sick commie...

Who are you to decide what is what for Muslims?

Oh there are. Prepare to hear about it more...


Nice commie propaganda. Let me know if anyone other then commies buy it.
I don't care if you sick fundamentalist and evil Westerners buy it or not, anything and anyone you disagree with about China is in your eyes of being commie, LMAO. You are just a lackey to your white masters in the West, imitating what whites' lies about China. Just go mind your own business, Chinese affairs is none of your business.
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