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Salman Rushdie stabbed in New York. - Just in.

maybe he hired someone to lightly stab him just to be in the limelight

Rushdie’s agent, Andrew Wylie, sent an update on his condition to NYT, saying Rushdie was on a ventilator and could not speak. “The news is not good," he said. "Salman will likely lose one eye; the nerves in his arm were severed; and his liver was stabbed and damaged."

no breathing, no speaking, liver damage, no eye, and disabled arm. Doesn't seem so light mate
unnecessary action, he was old and forgotten like many who tried to write something against Islam to get quick fame and money, his work is no less than Garbage and trashy, in fact there is a amazing Ahmad Deedat Video on this very topic, highly recommend you watch it. Attacking him after such a long time when he was close to meet his creator anyway is stupid, Allah did not allowed us Muslim to be Judge Jury and Executioner, we have no Islamic govt which is universally accepted by Muslims hence any judgment of execution by a certain country or its Mullah does not apply, nor reflect what Islam/Islamic Govt would decree, these people are risk takers as they gamble with this topic, if they survive they will be rich and famous, if not than it only hurts Islam in the eyes of the world.
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Words fail me at how stupid some people can be. I hope the guy who did this gets the chair, because of his criminal actions, muslims living in the USA will find life just that little bit harder today.
He was married to Padma Lakshmi the Indian model when his fame was at its peak.

She left him later.

I don't honestly know how someone like Padma Lakshmi became a model though - I guess she "knew people" in more ways than one - the usual NYC zionist pet club that favors select non-whites as "classy and trendy". This is one of her more flattering headshots. Most of her pictures are in the "bow-ow, lay over, play dead" category.


Here is my "predik-sun".

Bet you guys dollars-for-donuts - If he survives, then he will write a follow-on anti-Ummah thing and will become a celebrity one last time.

The last siren-song of the martyr who gave his life defending "the truth", the last hurrah.
well thats one ugly looking model
Don't really know much about him or his work.

You have to have a level of maturity to deal with freedom of speech because many people have many opinions. If you get triggered easily I suggest you leave the west.
Don't really know much about him or his work.

You have to have a level of maturity to deal with freedom of speech because many people have many opinions. If you get triggered easily I suggest you leave the west.
Bravo for this very valid point and bitter truth.
Irrelevant or not. Every criminal shall get their punishment.
Don't really know much about him or his work.

You have to have a level of maturity to deal with freedom of speech because many people have many opinions. If you get triggered easily I suggest you leave the west.
Freedom of speech is not freedom to be an Islamophobe. Islamophobes will be dealt with accordingly wherever they are.
I know what you mean.
Its just that i dont like people gettin killed for writing stupid things. Silent treatment is far more dreadful for attentionwh*res like Rushdie.

Believe it or not, i do mot feel embarrased on behalf of muslims or something like that. I doubt the perpetrator even is a practicing muslim.

The couple were called the beauty and beast in a magazine i read long time ago. Now whos the beauty and whos the beast is upto each to decide.

There are far prettier women in India than Padma Lakshmi. And way classier too. This woman can't hold a candle to the likes of (in order of older to younger) Simi Garewal, Sushmita Sen, Aishwarya, Priyanka etc. Yes I just don't mean looks - I mean classy, the total package. Sorry about the segway but it really seems odd to me when people get undeservedly famous....which is more the norm nowadays.
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well insulting someone`s religion/prophet is not freedom of speech !!!!
Yes it is. A famous Dutch comedian insulted Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhist and Hindus, as part of his shows. He got called out in tv by some Muslim tv hosts, why he insulted Muslims. His reply was gold:
Feeling insulted is a choice.
Every religion should be ridiculed, because it’s a powerhouse, just like governments and state institutions.

And how people react to that, shows their personality…
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