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Pakistan, India have a lot to gain from mutually beneficial trade: Shehbaz Sharif

May be it is the other way around. Enough trade and Kashmir issue will resolve itself.
Not possible and a wrong analysis as well.

How will doing trade with India solve the Kashmir dispute.

First solve the Kashmir dispute, then we can talk.

Until then we are enemies with Republic of India.

Then they will all die natural deaths waiting, or unnatural if they seek to get something which was never there's to begin with.
We don't believe in negotiations over occupied Kashmir you should know that.

No f*cking trade not now or ever.
He speaks for himself and can go over and buy and sell stuff.
I concur with you.

Why should we trade with India, which is our enemy.

Pakistan first.

There are other ways to outmaneuver Republic of India.
May be it is the other way around. Enough trade and Kashmir issue will resolve itself.

I suppose the allies should have tried that with Adolf Hitler right? Some more trade and get him to give up on his crazy plans? :enjoy:

Not possible and a wrong analysis as well.

How will doing trade with India solve the Kashmir dispute.

First solve the Kashmir dispute, then we can talk.

Until then we are enemies with Republic of India.

I concur with you.

Why should we trade with India, which is our enemy.

Pakistan first.

There are other ways to outmaneuver Republic of India.

Yes nothing cut all ties.
Yes because the population is totally free LOL

What exactly is the relevance of this post ? What exactly is US locus standing to sit on judgement on India ? Its laughable and the fact that you would consider it relevant is pathetic.

Now speaking of terrorism, why would Pakistan ever stop supporting seperatists when India is openly funding racial supremacists and child killers from the BLA and TTP? Or is this another case of do as I say, not as I do.

We DON"T expect pakistan to stop terrorism as an instrument of its state policy.

Which is why you are in FATF grey list and your economy and currency matches that of Afghanistan.

And since we do not arm or train BLA/TTP, we are not in FATF list.

You just proved exactly why it is political suicide in your own post. Even the most anti-Pakistan person in so called "P0K" would rather favour independence or death in that order before joining India. Whoever negotiates for India would be forced to give up the Kashmir valley at the very least, which as I said is impossible for small minded fascists to ever accept.

After merger of P0K and gilbit baltistan to India, Any pakistani who do not wish to live in India is free to migrate to pakistan or kill himself as you claim.

That was the basis of the 1947 resolution after all.

India is only for Indians, not pakistanis.

Again our stand on this is pretty clear and consistent. Why this confusion ?

Then they will all die natural deaths waiting, or unnatural if they seek to get something which was never there's to begin with.
We don't believe in negotiations over occupied Kashmir you should know that.

It is pakistan which is clamoring for talks on kashmir.

I merely pointed out the TERMS for those talks.

The ball is in your court.
Which business ?
Sajjan Jindal, has business ties with Sharif’s family as his company in business dealings with the Ittefaq Group of Industries, a Pakistani integrated steel producer with major operations in Punjab, which was founded by industrialist Muhammad Sharif, father of Nawaz Sharif.
Consistently stupid

Terrorise the local population and then when they rise up you blame all your problems on external factors. I mean its clear to everyone that Pakistan is in the moral right on the Kashmir issue, and the only one actually willing to push through on peace.

Indians can never negotiate on Kashmir because it would a) be political suicide for whichever party does so b) shatter their dream of Indian hegemony (i.e. Akand Bharat) c) destroy their only unifying factor as a country in making Pakistanis their enemy.

What moral right?

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