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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo


Sir, why we see booster in the photos of crash site? The Missile covered considerable distance and the booster should have been dropped off just after the launch?
It looks like strategic messaging event. Few thoughts:

1) Cruise missiles don't wear from its path just like that. So, technical glitch is out of question. No midway destruction by controllers indicates that.
2) There was no exercise happening in that area, even air force exercise was already cancelled & no NOTAM. Missile was without warhead, why?
3) Missile landed nowhere close to any military target, but near population centre. So it can be on social media instantly and Pakistani establishment can't deny this event.

So, there must be something serious going on behind the scene i.e. like possibility of Afghan war veteran's intrusion into Kashmir. So, Indian govt needs to convey message regarding repercussions. 24 hrs delayed & timid response from ISPR indicating the same i.e. message received properly.

mian channu is less than 70km away from Rafique Air Base. It is clear that the missile was headed towards the Air Base but got intercepted. indian establishment was probably not counting on their chuper chonic brahmos getting intercepted but it did. There were social media claims that people hear not one but TWO explosions. 1 being the interception and the 2nd being the doomed cruj mijjile crashing.
They avoided to use the word missile too so as to not make public panic and also to relief pressure to respond to the incident.

We need to control the escalation ladder but it seems we are really good at:

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Yep, a 'flying object' traveling at Mach 3. Someone needs to ask the DG.. what kind of objects travel at Mach 3 in Indian arsenal. =)
It looks like strategic messaging event. Few thoughts:

1) Cruise missiles don't wear from its path just like that. So, technical glitch is out of question. No midway destruction by controllers indicates that.
2) There was no exercise happening in that area, even air force exercise was already cancelled & no NOTAM. Missile was without warhead, why?
3) Missile landed nowhere close to any military target, but near population centre. So it can be on social media instantly and Pakistani establishment can't deny this event.

So, there must be something serious going on behind the scene i.e. like possibility of Afghan war veteran's intrusion into Kashmir. So, Indian govt needs to convey message regarding repercussions. 24 hrs delayed & timid response from ISPR indicating the same i.e. message received properly.

On the contrary, cruise missiles do wear off from their paths or malfunction mid-air and fall short of their target. There are many examples. A prominent one was the US Tomahawk falling inside Pakistan when they were intended to strike at targets in Afghanistan. However, this very much seems like an accidental launch. DGMO hotline should have been activated by India and the incident should have been communicated. Imagine, if the air defence in Pakistan had hyped it up and called an immediate response, which would have been, unlike in the case of this BrahMos, not dud.
The question is whether the the right turn was deliberate or a electrical burn out?
The lack of NOTAM is either incompetence and neglect or will answer the question.

Also, the world is very preoccupied with Ukraine which makes it a great time for smaller storms to go unnoticed.
Or they could provide a good distraction from Ukraine
None of these explains the slackness practiced. If they saw it, tracked it, then they should have shot it. It's that simple. Why they let it land regardless of whether it was planned or deviated midair? That's my concern.
It's complacency combined with incompetence.
If it was shot down, people would have seen it in the air.. debris falling to the ground, that did not happen. And the debris would have been spread all over the area, not concentrated into a crater.
not necessarily, scuds have been intercepted during the first gulf war and a most of the scud fell to the ground creating a crater.
mian channu is less than 70km away from Rafique Air Base. It is clear that the missile was headed towards the Air Base but got intercepted. indian establishment was probably not counting on their chuper chonic brahmos getting intercepted but it did. There were social media claims that people hear not one but TWO explosions. 1 being the interception and the 2nd being the doomed cruj mijjile crashing.
If it really was shot down on the way to an active AB, COAS needs to lay off on whatever he's high on right now and send a response.

Sir, why we see booster in the photos of crash site? The Missile covered considerable distance and the booster should have been dropped off just after the launch?

Stop being a smart *** “know it all”
LOL, it's a genuine question. =)
thats pathetic. a missile is fired from an enemy state and we just tracked it and let it fall on our soil. what airforce air defense is doing? just watching the show? it should have been shot down as soon it crossed the border line. its like my enemy fired at me and i m watching where it will hit me and then i will fire back.
Yet it wasn't. It seems very likely it was free to travel.
Remember the MiG fighter that entered from East to West Germany during the height of cold war..... the pilot had ejected over East but somehow the aircraft continued its flight path....although intercepted by F-15s but never shot down, eventually it ran out of fuel and nose dived.......
Didn't the DG mentioned presence of Civilian airliners in the area......also many people are claiming the projectile was on fire before it came down.
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