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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I hope the people in Taiwan are watching the Ukraine war right now. When you keep pushing the red line, war will happen and is not going to be pretty for all sides. And no one will come to save you.

By the way, Where is 100 elite troops from Britain?
Nope, it would not be a full scale of war of invading the whole Ukraine, Russian troops will remain in the current captured areas by the rebels, or the most aggressive move Putin would take IMO is to capture whole Dombas region which is now only 1/3 is in the hands of rebels
So mostly an air war, once the Russians achieve air superiority. Rocket and cruise missile strikes on key Ukrainian government and military installations only? Then where do you see this conflict going?

They need your ARMY,not your mouth!IF NATO see Ukraine a part of NATO,if not you should keep them away freom NATO.

1. Biden has told many times to Ukraine and the world that he will not send forces into Ukraine, even to the point of rescuing any American citizens that still remain in Ukraine long after telling them to get the hell out.
2. The only thing that the U.S. government can do to help Ukraine was intelligence and supplying arms to inflict casualties without going into possible WW3, and other NATO countries like Germany will not help because Ukraine is not part of NATO.
3. We just got out of Afghanistan after 20 years of conflict as well as the continue fighting in Iraq and possible conflict with China on Taiwan, helping Ukraine by sending U.S. forces is just not on the table.
Putin telling Imran was attack on Ukraine is necessary
Betrayed? The U.S. has been telling the world and Ukraine itself a possible invasion. The Ukrainian President says its not coming!!

Ukraine's President: 'If You Have Information About a Russian Invasion, Please Forward That to Us'​

Zelenskyy has repeatedly played down the U.S. warnings, questioning the increasingly strident statements from U.S. officials in recent days that Russia could be planning to invade as soon as midweek.

Why Ukraine’s president is talking down the threat from Russia​

Volodymyr Zelensky’s call for calm rubs America the wrong way​

Blood may soon be spilled in Ukraine, but will it be real or fake? On January 31st authorities arrested a group they said was planning to stage riots in Ukrainian cities. The plot allegedly involved thousands of paid anti-government protesters, smoke bombs and litres of fake blood for the cameras, with medics on the scene to simulate first aid. The goal, explained Ihor Klymenko, Ukraine’s police chief, was to shake the country with viral images of unrest and police brutality.

Yet two days earlier, Ukraine’s government dismissed leaks from American intelligence officials that Russia was transporting supplies of blood to its troops at the Ukrainian border to treat potential casualties of war. “The purpose of such information is to spread panic and fear in our society,” wrote the deputy defence minister, Hanna Maliar, in a Facebook post. A rhetorical and analytical rift has opened between Ukraine and America. While the Americans warn of an imminent Russian invasion, Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s president, thinks the gravest threat may come from within.
Biden proved correct to expect a series of major Russian attacks.
Russians are proud people. You can't keep humiliating them and expect to get away with it. They are the type of people who would kill themselves just to make sure you got hurt because you insulted them.
I agree with you. And on the other hand, Ukraine, at least its govt, seems like a spineless group of people whose only prop was the Western support. Lots of bark and no bite. I understand if one is a weak country. But to rely so much on foreign powers despite decades of tensions was foolish. Some countries in the world know their place when odds are heavily stacked against them against a giant neighbor. That doesn't mean they should cower but not to bark constantly. What I have seen of the Ukrainian officials in last few weeks was that they were all pumped up about boasting their power to resist while also constantly begging the West for help.
If lots of Ukrainians get slaughtered and their leaders flee to safety then shame on the leaders and shame on the people to have not seen what was coming. I mean what will it take for the Ukrainian President to publicly say that Ukraine would not be part of ANY alliance against anyone???
Afghanistan had mountains tho
and UKranians dont have the fighting spirit that Pashtuns have, NOT EVEN CLOSE. Look at them now....just getting beat up and they're watching. smh.
1. Biden has told many times to Ukraine and the world that he will not send forces into Ukraine, even to the point of rescuing any American citizens that still remain in Ukraine long after telling them to get the hell out.
2. The only thing that the U.S. government can do to help Ukraine was intelligence and supplying arms to inflict casualties without going into possible WW3, and other NATO countries like Germany will not help because Ukraine is not part of NATO.
3. We just got out of Afghanistan after 20 years of conflict as well as the continue fighting in Iraq and possible conflict with China on Taiwan, helping Ukraine by sending U.S. forces is just not on the table.
No NATO,No war.
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