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Featured Putin: Insulting Prophet Muhammad is not freedom of expression


Feb 21, 2015
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Putin: Insulting Prophet Muhammad is not freedom of expression

During his annual press conference, Putin expressed the importance of artistic freedom without hindrance to religious freedom.
Putin said artistic freedom should not infringe on other freedoms.
Putin said artistic freedom should not infringe on other freedoms. (Reuters)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said insulting Prophet Muhammad does not count as freedom of expression.
Insults to the prophet are a "violation of religious freedom and the violation of the sacred feelings of people who profess Islam,", Putin said on Thursday during his annual news conference, Russian News Agency TASS reported.

Putin also criticised posting photos of Nazis on websites such as the one titled the Immortal Regiment dedicated to Russians that died in World War Two.

Putin said these acts give rise to extremist reprisals, citing as an example the attack on the editorial office of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris after its publication of cartoons of the prophet.

While praising artistic freedom in general, Putin said it has its limits and it should not infringe on other freedoms.
Russia has evolved as a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional state, so Russians, he said, are used to respecting each other’s traditions.

In some other countries, this respect comes in short supply, Putin said.

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Man who blew up entire Muslim majority regions, now trying to woo Muslims by making statements that while factually correct won’t change the reality that Russia isn’t an ally of Islam.
Russia has more than 20 million Muslims living in it and it is expected that Russia's Muslim population will become 30% of the country's total population in 2034. Modern Russia isn't like the USSR. Putin would be wise to represent Russia's Muslim population.
He equally played his part to bomb Syria.
Turkey did and is doing the same thing.
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Just focus on what 'he' is saying not on the 'who' is saying. If Mr. Putin says the sun rises from the east, it does not change the universally true fact, so the same he is saying here.
Further, the topic is of 'freedom of expression' not the 'freedom of bombing'.
Lets see what pajeets who were supporting Je suis Charlie have to say about this statement by Putin
don’t cheer him to much.

he did kill thousands of Grozny Muslims in Chechnya!
Man who blew up entire Muslim majority regions, now trying to woo Muslims by making statements that while factually correct won’t change the reality that Russia isn’t an ally of Islam.

1. In 2011 Russia under Putin's leadership was the only member of the UNSC which proffered support to the Libyan Jamahiriya when three of its Western members had decided to invade the Jamahiriya and China had practically abstained. Russia even produced satellite imagery to prove that Libya was in fact not using its air force and army to kill Libyan civilians unlike what was being propagated by NATO and its media outlets. And please take note of this recent thread of mine in context of the Russian news agency RT :

2. There have been at least two websites I knew / know of set up by Russians in support of Gaddafi and the Jamahiriya system. One existent one is za-kaddafi.ru. There has been at least one public demonstration in late 2011 or 2012 where some Libyan exiles in Moscow participated along with the Russian Communist party's chief Gennady Zyuganov himself.

3. Russia has now for quite many years helped the legitimate government of Syria and its other allies to fight against the tens of thousands of transnational Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood criminals who have been created, armed, financed and politically support by NATO and GCC.

4. The agencies of Russia's republic of Chechnya are helping the central administration in acting against Chechens who fight among the AQ and MB in support of NATO and against the Syrian government.

He equally played his part to bomb Syria.

As indicated above by @_NOBODY_ the Turkish government, intelligence and military played a big part in attacking Syria in conjunction with the rest of NATO and GCC and AQ and MB including providing weaponized chemicals to the headchopping, cat eating and human-heart eating "Syrian" "moderate rebels".
Russia has more than 20 million Muslims living in it and it is expected that Russia's Muslim population will become 30% of the country's total population in 2034. Modern Russia isn't like the USSR. Putin would be wise to represent Russia's Muslim population.

Turkey did and is doing the same thing.
Turkey faced reprisals as their cities were targeted in car bombing and shootings.
Russia seems to have escaped, except when one of their helicopters were shot down by the FSA.
1. In 2011 Russia under Putin's leadership was the only member of the UNSC which proffered support to the Libyan Jamahiriya when three of its Western members had decided to invade the Jamahiriya and China had practically abstained. Russia even produced satellite imagery to prove that Libya was in fact not using its air force and army to kill Libyan civilians unlike what was being propagated by NATO and its media outlets. And please take note of this recent thread of mine in context of the Russian news agency RT :

2. There have been at least two websites I knew / know of set up by Russians in support of Gaddafi and the Jamahiriya system. One existent one is za-kaddafi.ru. There has been at least one public demonstration in late 2011 or 2012 where some Libyan exiles in Moscow participated along with the Russian Communist party's chief Gennady Zyuganov himself.

3. Russia has now for quite many years helped the legitimate government of Syria and its other allies to fight against the tens of thousands of transnational Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood criminals who have been created, armed, financed and politically support by NATO and GCC.

4. The agencies of Russia's republic of Chechnya are helping the central administration in acting against Chechens who fight among the AQ and MB in support of NATO and against the Syrian government.

As indicated above by @_NOBODY_ the Turkish government, intelligence and military played a big part in attacking Syria in conjunction with the rest of NATO and GCC and AQ and MB including providing weaponized chemicals to the headchopping, cat eating and human-heart eating "Syrian" "moderate rebels".

So when are the communists/russians/putin going to come and save so called "indian Muslims"? from indian hindus/sanghis?.............. :azn: ...........don't worry about Libyans. They can look after themselves. It is an insult to them to EVEN suggest that they need the help from the weakest and most pathetic people EVER to have lived on the earth AKA so called "indian Muslims".
don't worry about Libyans. They can look after themselves. It is an insult to them to EVEN suggest that they need the help from the weakest and most pathetic people EVER to have lived on the earth AKA so called "indian Muslims".

When is the Mostest Alpha Pakistani i.e. PAKISTANFOREVER going to Libya to join the Green Resistance to help them remove AQ, MB and the Turks from Libya ?
When is the Mostest Alpha Pakistani i.e. PAKISTANFOREVER going to Libya to join the Green Resistance to help them remove AQ, MB and the Turks from Libya ?

When are so called "indian Muslims" going to do the same?............. :azn:
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