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Iran Decides to AcComplete Takeover of Afghanistan

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Just trying to be relevant, and some Indian influence still remains in Iran because of chabhar.

Pakistanis just can't resist blaming India on anything, even the most ridiculous. Iran that stood up to the West is now a puppet of the Indians? Is it not possible that India has nothing to do with this but it's all Iran's doing; that they are protecting their interests in the region?

Something strange about these people, rising to the level of being almost pathological. They should stay quiet and, differences aside, good business can be conducted between the nations in regards to Afghanistan.

What is these guys problem?

First of all Pakistan never intervened in Panjsher and all are just social media fake news but Iran has decided to name Pakistan for the alleged intervention
iran's intervention? wtf are they gonna intervene with in a land locked area 500 miles away? idiots!

and fyi, america left behind at least 50 armed drones...
Why there is need to mention Arabs here after all the news related to Iran? Any particular reasons.
if you had read it.... i meant a different thing but in the end we Pakistanis have people like you who are loyal more to the outsiders than their own country!
iran only problem is cpec,he is allergic why tailban said they are going to join it.
SA supported Pakistan in FATF during 2019 & 2021. Pakistani workers in Arab countries send some $15 billion worth of foreign exchange back home every year. But yes Pakistani thinks they are evil

Here our great friend China is not yet approving a $6 billion loan for ML-1 railway project. But yes Arabs are evil sending $15 billion every year.

Indeed, Pakistani expats send a considerable amount of USD to Pakistan but not a single USD is charity; infact, out workers work almost as SLAVE labour for that amount, they deserve atleast 3 times over!
Its not fake news. Iranian members of PDF are also supporting this news article.
Just remember Iran would never miss any opportunity to malign Pakistan, with or without a cause.

Please post a link from a reputable news sources. Till that time it is fake news by all definitions and probably a pysop. What you need to remember is that a lot of people are unhappy and will try to sabotage things for Pakistan.

Where is our MOFA? Why are there no condemnation of Iranian FM spox remarks or Al-Arabia report? Why are they not holding media briefings? Where is our counter narrative?
so now saudis too.... we are sleeping as usual but i mean both iran and saudis are meaningless in afghanistan, they got nothing!
Most likely some fake crap. Tehran Times is propaganda shit. I found no such statement on the official Twitter of FM Spokesperson.
Meanwhile the legit news:

People here just want an excuse to hate Iran!
Can we bring the Shah of Iran back?
Go dig him up. He is buried in Egypt!
Why did the foreign minister talk about Pakistan's meddling when Pakistan never speaks about Iran's meddling in Syria and elsewhere?
Where did you here him mention Pakistan? I listened to his statement and I never heard him mention Pakistan!

Where is our MOFA? Why are there no condemnation of Iranian FM spox remarks or Al-Arabia report? Why are they not holding media briefings? Where is our counter narrative?

CNN - News18 is Indian media source.
Surprised and disappointed.

What I don't get is why NOW?

If Iran wanted to be a spoiler, it could have done that when Taliban were taking over or were about to take over, but it didn't.

Why now? What's the catch?

No, I'm not looking for some diplomatic morality infused comment. I am talking about geo political interests/leverage of Iran which she wants to extract from somebody by making a fuss out of it NOW? Who is that somebody? US? Europeans? or anyone else? And what exactly is that interest/leverage?
It is because of Pakistan's interactions with the Middle East, between KSA and other countries more recently that they are getting nervous of, hence they reacted and put out their frustrations be it directly/indirectly.

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