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Why Afghanistan Is Impossible to Conquer

insurgency does mostly just work against aniranians meaning ethnically alien people can be fought for long while insurgence against a group which is domestic is usually quite hard because its easy to have an insurgence running against usa who from the other side of the world and has no clue but its harder to have it running against hamid your friendly neighbor who knows pretty much everything about you
insurgency needs popular support and the only reason insurgency works still is because the american lackeys simply have limited popular support
Iran - Afghanistan tensions peaked in 1998 but Iran chose not to invade Afghanistan. Iranian leadership felt that this would be exceedingly ambitious and costly undertaking.

Afghans have mastered the art of guerilla warfare. They will drag you in and wear you down to the point of exhaustion.

A regional power won't last 2 years in modern Afghanistan.
Alexander the great was technically stopped in Jhelum River which is located little bit to the north of Islamabad in the tribal areas of Pakistan which is technically or technically was part of Afghanistan today.. Alexander technically rolled thru Persia with ease despite being outnumbered..

The reason for Afghanistan being difficult comes down two to things terrain + stubborn people if you combine both it becomes a tough place to fight.

Did you know that the Safavid dynasty was defeated and ended by an Afghan tribe yes and Afghan tribe from Kandahar simply defeated the entire safavid in a series of successive conflicts that didn't stop surprisingly until they reached Tehren and took over the entire country that tribe is Hotaki they were outnumbered 1:10000 and much smaller forces but managed to first defeat them in Afghanistan and than defeated them in another successive wars 7-8 major conflicts were all won by the Hotaki clan who become rulers of Iran one of the biggest military upset in military history..

Iran has traditionally seen major upsets thru out it's history example against Umar (Ra) the Sassanids outnumbered him greatly but they managed to conquer it entirely and the same thing what Alexander, the Romans did defeat them twice in same manner plus Sparta also gave them such a defeat but the 300 movie is exaggerated and not entirely true but yes they did outnumber the spartans with 100.000 vs 800000 million persians while Umar even had less than that and overcame 1.5-2million sasssinds in a series of conflicts with only 80.000 muslims
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Iran - Afghanistan tensions peaked in 1998 but Iran chose not to invade Afghanistan. Iranian leadership felt that this would be exceedingly ambitious and unmanageable undertaking.

Afghans have mastered the art of guerilla warfare. They will drag you in and wear you down to the point of exhaustion.

A region power won't last 2 years in Afghanistan.
daesh al qaeda and all the clowns of the wahabi and salafi sort of groups "mastered" the art of guerilla warfare aswell according to them but they still dont stand a chance against small number or our militias that is a reality taliban well enough know which is why they dont fight us
Laugh as much you want - it does not make any difference. Actions speak louder than words. Remember this.
Laugh as much you want - it does not make any difference. Actions speak louder than words. Remember this.
you forgot the daesh had much heavier equipment and were much better financed and overall much stronger empowered than taliban were this time around so our actions already spoke for themselves we took a few afghanis those afghanis who fled under american control did fight under our control and beat daesh so much that they were so scared that they had to beg for their zionist masters to come to help them and get them out of there
Laugh as much you want - it does not make any difference. Actions speak louder than words. Remember this.
by the way iran never occupies any lands anyway its not what we do to begin with but again we deal with oppressors and taliban had some sort of very big mouthed oppressors among itself wahabi terrorist scum threatening he lives of people in this region and we wont allow such people to do such a thing a second time so its an eye for an eye if taliban tries they would find themselves suddenly extinct


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you forgot the daesh had much heavier equipment and were much better financed and overall much stronger empowered than taliban were this time around so our actions already spoke for themselves we took a few afghanis those afghanis who fled under american control did fight under our control and beat daesh so much that they were so scared that they had to beg for their zionist masters to come to help them and get them out of there
You are comparing Apples and Oranges here.

Do keep in mind that I am not a fan of senseless laughing. You cannot take credit for defeating ISIS in ME on your own; Russia and NATO were also heavily involved in this war.

Invasion and occupation of Afghanistan is a different type of war and adversary to deal with.
afghanistan will be sanctioned by the usa by nato by everybody even russia so afghanistan can pretty much only have one way of secure reliable trade besides of pakistan which is iran because everything else falls into the sphere of influence of either americans or ruskis which both will sanction taliban pretty much completely
so afghanistan basically is somewhere between iran and pakistan right now when it comes to influence wise
you forgot the daesh had much heavier equipment and were much better financed and overall much stronger empowered than taliban were this time around so our actions already spoke for themselves we took a few afghanis those afghanis who fled under american control did fight under our control and beat daesh so much that they were so scared that they had to beg for their zionist masters to come to help them and get them out of there

This is absolutely nonsense Daesh were fought by 8 entities at the same time from all directions plus their size was very small and never had any support.. Turkey attacked them from the North in Al-bab and Jarablus, The Americans, Peshmerga and Iraqi forces in Mosul, Peshmerga in the kurdish areas, The Americans and SDF in east Euphrates, plus HTS in northwest and rebels in south and north plus Russia and Syrian regime in Palmyra area.. They were very small entity not comparable in this context at all
You are comparing Apples and Oranges here.

Do keep in mind that I am not a fan of senseless laughing. You cannot take credit for defeating ISIS in ME on your own; Russia and NATO were also heavily involved in this war.

Invasion and occupation of Afghanistan is a different type of war and adversary to deal with.
iran doesnt need to invade afghanistan to control large parts of afghanistan the same is true about pakistan so why would either want to invade in any scenario if they werent attacked first and the issue with both pakistan and iran is they dont need to wage wars they go into the home of the people who attacked and mess with the enemy there directly
This is absolutely nonsense Daesh were fought by 8 entities at the same time from all directions plus their size was very small and never had any support.. Turkey attacked them from the North in Al-bab and Jarablus, The Americans, Peshmerga and Iraqi forces in Mosul, Peshmerga in the kurdish areas, The Americans and SDF in east Euphrates, plus HTS in northwest and rebels in south and north plus Russia and Syrian regime in Palmyra area.. They were very small entity not comparable in this context at all
the usa supported daesh turkey supported daesh ksa jordan qatar uae all of them supported daesh in the beginning lets not forget uk france bulgaria germany and the whole bunch of fools who flooded weapons in so dont tell me who and who didnt fought daesh because we saw it on the ground how american choppers were flying daesh around delivering them weapons medicines etc pp stop to fool yourself for a change
I wonder why the British weren't so interested in getting there. They kept getting involved everywhere. If I remember correctly they take Peshawar and keep it though.
British ruled it thru afghan proxies (paid them a yearly allowance of cash and supplied them with firearms each and every time an innovation was made it was supplied the the afghan rulers too) they even gave them wakhan to create a 2nd buffer between the tzar and themselves.
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the usa supported daesh turkey supported daesh ksa jordan qatar uae all of them supported daesh in the beginning lets not forget uk france bulgaria germany and the whole bunch of fools who flooded weapons in so dont tell me who and who didnt fought daesh because we saw it on the ground how american choppers were flying daesh around delivering them weapons medicines etc pp stop to fool yourself for a change

This is an absolute conspiracy theory comparable to bigfoot sighting.. They all fought ISIS and took grounds from them.. They did most fighting against ISIS. There is conspiracy theory and then there is the real world with ground realities
iran doesnt need to invade afghanistan to control large parts of afghanistan the same is true about pakistan so why would either want to invade in any scenario if they werent attacked first
This is understandable.

I just pointed out the fact that tensions between Iran and Afghanistan (Afghan Taliban) peaked in 1998. Iranian leadership of the time was angry due to some incidents inside Iran that could be retraced back to Afghanistan but decided against invasion of Afghanistan (ambitious and costly undertaking). You may check Iranian news of the time.

Mine is 'general knowledge' post for you and other members. Just take it like this.
It has been conquered many times in history, persians, greeks, mauryans, kushans, mongols, turks, mughals and half of it by Britain
Pakistan has no interest in Afghanistan. Only against Indian presence in Afghanistan. Since 1971 Afghan land has been used by Indians against Pakistan ...interference in Baluchistan and now the KPK region.
336 years is not very long is it?
you make stuff up alexander ruled for a very very short time and the generals after him were that corrupt they were ruled by local houses until the whole thing collapsed on itself showing that hellenistic culture offered little merit and a new empire was formed 😆
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