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Why Afghanistan Is Impossible to Conquer

I don't know if you remember Alexander the Great and the Greco-Bactrian kingdoms that survived for some 300 years 😉
That quote "Afghanistan is the graveyard of Empires" is bullshit. Ancient Greeks conquered it and basically almost every empire could level it,but chose to leave instead.
I don't know if you remember Alexander the Great and the Greco-Bactrian kingdoms that survived for some 300 years 😉
That quote "Afghanistan is the graveyard of Empires" is bullshit. Ancient Greeks conquered it and basically almost every empire could level it,but chose to leave instead.

Eh that’s why it’s the graveyard of Empires cause no one wants to hold on too it anymore
Eh that’s why it’s the graveyard of Empires cause no one wants to hold on too it anymore
But Alexander and his succesors held it from around 326 B.C. to 10 A.D.

I wonder why the British weren't so interested in getting there. They kept getting involved everywhere. If I remember correctly they take Peshawar and keep it though.
But Alexander and his succesors held it from around 326 B.C. to 10 A.D.

I wonder why the British weren't so interested in getting there. They kept getting involved everywhere. If I remember correctly they take Peshawar and keep it though.

He might have held it but didn’t hold it forever
If you look at historical records than no one is able to hold on to it also don't hold much base, eg the region has been satrap (vassal) of persian empire for much of history, Greeks ruled it as Greco-Bactrian kingdom for over 200 years, Mongol empire and its successive Khanates held on to it for centuries, Britain also kept subdued all the way till 47 and even mughals conquered it for over 100 years and only lost it after they were defeated by Safavid Persia in mughal safavid war not due to some Afghan uprising.
afghanistan is easy to conquer and a little bit hard to hold because its a wasteland to large parts its basically almost uninhabitable so its kind of absurd for some to say its impossible to conquer since iran could conquer it in a month and hold it for a century its really no issue the issue would be that its a huge place with little value for iran and of course some might find it immensely worth fighting for but for iran its just a wasteland to which it has access to anyway if it wants to

A look inside Afghanistan's History and current situation.
Any dedicated insurgency is hard to defeat. Main reason why countries don't invade each other as much.
It was not the regular Khwarazmian army that the Prince led. He fled from the Mongols towards the periphery of the empire and raised a new army in Afghanistan.
He tried again in Sindh
Any dedicated insurgency is hard to defeat. Main reason why countries don't invade each other as much.
insurgency does mostly just work against aniranians meaning ethnically alien people can be fought for long while insurgence against a group which is domestic is usually quite hard because its easy to have an insurgence running against usa who from the other side of the world and has no clue but its harder to have it running against hamid your friendly neighbor who knows pretty much everything about you
insurgency needs popular support and the only reason insurgency works still is because the american lackeys simply have limited popular support
Because there is no reason for anyone to stick around? Its landlocked and arid, pointless. Im sure many invaded to loot it and leave, that's about it.
That nibba dead anyways , Afghanistan is now under Taliban control anyways
We're back 20 years again. I remember I used to play Counterstrike back then,it was the golden age of CS.
Lots of Middle-East and Afghanistan themed maps with bots :sniper:
Well him and his successors kept Afghanistan more than other later conquerors :P
alexander the cursed was a tool and he died in the place of his masters so i have no clue what you talk about its not like we talk here about something that was sustained
alexander the cursed was a tool and he died in the place of his masters so i have no clue what you talk about its not like we talk here about something that was sustained
His masters? If you tell me that Alexander was working for the Americans I'll go nuts. 🙄 🤦‍♂️
His masters? If you tell me that Alexander was working for the Americans I'll go nuts. 🙄 🤦‍♂️
egyptian highpriesthood is who messed with us at the time
His masters? If you tell me that Alexander was working for the Americans I'll go nuts. 🙄 🤦‍♂️
egyptian highpriesthood first dragged alexander the cursed and second the romans into this region its a kind of thing that is left out of your books
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