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Is The U.S. Navy In Danger Of Falling Behind China’s PLAN?

Pretty sure genociding a ethnic minority breaks a lot of rules...

Also, not allowing international media into Xinjiang....obviously to cover up all the crimes, is one of the many things China does which goes hand in hand with not following "rules".

Keep in mind, every country breaks rules. Both the US and China do......China isn't some form of Angel. No matter what people might believe in. :rolleyes:

If China gets its way, then China will be like, if not worse, than the US. They're playing it nice since they're the underdog...

China is a relative saint only until it can develop the actual means to project power.

(Edit: We only need to look at its long and varied history in this regard, unless one conveniently declares that to be out of bounds for discussion here.)
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China is a relative saint only until it can develop the actual means to project power.
We'll cross that hypothetical bridge when we get to it.

Till then, lets deal with facts and realities on the ground, about which country (China or US) has done more to threaten global peace and harmony through wars, conflict, sanctions and embargoes outside the UN Charter.
Internal issues. I could argue that US law enforcement is wracked with systemic racism and discriminatory attitudes as well. Nations should be allowed to evolve on their own, driven by domestic dynamics. Selective Western interference and propaganda in support of their own geo-political goals is not acceptable. The US Establishment and its apologists can rant and whine about Xinjiang when the US acts against the Israeli and Indian occupation and atrocities of millions of Palestinians and Kashmiris, instead of building stronger strategic relationships with them and helping them become stronger to perpetuate their atrocities and occupation.

That said, global peace and harmony is not driven by the US treatment of non WASP US Citizens much like it isn't driven by Chinese treatment of the Uighurs. Global peace and harmony is impacted by wars, conflict, regime changes driven by global powers for their own vested interests, sanctions and embargoes, outside of the UN Charter. I don't see China coming even close to the US Establishment on those metrics of destabilizing the world.

You and I can sit here and shame the US all day. You know why PDF is banned in China?? Because we can't do say the same about China without repercussions.

For all of US'es faults.....at least they're not sissy little bitches about random folks outside their country talking bad about them.

The Uyghur genocide is well documented. It's up to you to believe in facts or keep up with the one sided "iron brotherhood". The Chinese don't really care LOL

Once relationship with India calms down and gets better, China will drop Pakistan like a fly for influence in India. If not that then it won't help Pakistan's claims on Kashmir, along with other stuff.

China is a relative saint only until it can develop the actual means to project power.

(Edit: We only need to look at its long and varied history in this regard, unless one conveniently declares that to be out of bounds for discussion here.)

Exactly. China is already polluting & exploiting Africa by having the Africans trade raw materials for finished goods with them.

Same is to be expected of Pakistan. And the Pakistanis will take it like quiet little servants. Not much they can do when their so called "leaders" have already sold out much of the country for peanuts in return.
You and I can sit here and shame the US all day. You know why PDF is banned in China?? Because we can't do say the same about China without repercussions.

For all of US'es faults.....at least they're not sissy little bitches about random folks outside their country talking bad about them.

The Uyghur genocide is well documented. It's up to you to believe in facts or keep up with the one sided "iron brotherhood". The Chinese don't really care LOL

Once relationship with India calms down and gets better, China will drop Pakistan like a fly for influence in India. If not that then it won't help Pakistan's claims on Kashmir, along with other stuff.
All of which has nothing to do with the subject being discussed - which is whether the US or China is a bigger threat to global peace and harmony. Domestic issues, being a sissy or not and how long China's relationship with Pakistan (or any other country) will last are irrelevant. However, if you really feel like pontificating on human rights and 'values' on behalf of the US Establishment, please do explain how all of that fits in with the US's continued, decades long support and funding for countries like Israel and India, that continue to occupy, persecute and oppress millions of Palestinians and Kashmiris.

What is relevant is analysis of foreign policy and the actions taken by the US/China, such as stoking conflict, engaging in wars, military invasions, sanctions and embargoes etc. undertaken outside of the UN Charter.
If the U.S wanted they could have put full force on China in the Korean war , too bad U.S put only 1/3 of power anyways.

Also China lost to Vietnam , so idk what're you're on

there hasnt been a total war among great powers since ww2. so its not saying much. china lost to vietnam the same way the us lost to vietnam, that is they won every battle, wreck everything in vietnam then left.
however there is a difference between the usand china in their wars on vietnam

in the us's case,the us gain nothing.

in china's case,it was well into the sino soviet split and with this war china showed the world that the soviets were not a man of their word, since they had an actual treaty to defend vietnam but took no physical action when china invaded, and cina's willingness to face the soviets in this war led partially to the sino-american cooperation and opening up in the late 70s which as you might know was very beneficial to china.
LMAO. if this was true then why cant 1 US AC group AKA NIMITZ stay and dock close inside the persian gulf??? if it isnt afraid of IRanian missiles then why cant it come close and stay put in the Persian gulf given the assumption 1 AC group is stronger than the entire Iranian navy???

For a fact, 1 US aircraft carrier group IS NOT stronger than the entire PLAN...people who think otherwise are responsible for recent and multiple US military losses in recent decades. lol.
It isn't afraid, it has no reason to let Iran have a first strike opportunity either.
Once a war breaks out, a single US aircraft carrier group could destroy the entire Iranian navy and eventually their air force.

It doesn't mean they would get careless and just swim right at their ports.
Is The U.S. Navy In Danger Of Falling Behind China’s PLAN?

ByPeter Suciu
December 13, 2020

Earlier this year China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) surpassed the United States Navy is size, and in addition to having the greatest number of ships and submarines, it is also becoming far more modern. However, in September, then-Secretary of Defense Mark Esper maintained that Beijing couldn’t match the United States in terms of naval power and suggested it would take the PLAN years to close the gap to reach the U.S. Navy’s capability on the high seas.

But is there a way China could close that gap? And what Washington should do in response?

What the Research Says

A new Congressional Research Service (CRS) report, “China Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities – Background Issues for Congress,” was published on December 3 and it laid out the situation as it stands, and addressed how the United States needs to respond.

“In an era of renewed great power competition, China’s military modernization effort, including its naval modernization effort, has become the top focus of U.S. defense planning and budgeting,” the report’s summary noted. “China’s navy, which China has been steadily modernizing for more than 25 years, since the early to mid-1990s, has become a formidable military force within China’s near-seas region, and it is conducting a growing number of operations in more-distant waters, including the broader waters of the Western Pacific, the Indian Ocean, and waters around Europe.”

CRS also warned that China’s navy, which could pose a major challenge to the U.S. Navy’s ability to achieve and maintain wartime control of blue-water ocean areas notably in the Western Pacific, is the first such challenge faced since the end of the Cold War. A key element of the PLAN is to challenge the long-standing status of the United States as the leading military power in the region.

The report added, “China’s naval modernization effort encompasses a wide array of ship, aircraft, and weapon acquisition programs, as well as improvements in maintenance and logistics, doctrine, personnel quality, education and training, and exercises. China’s navy has currently has certain limitations and weaknesses, and is working to overcome them.”

An Evolving Threat

China’s naval warships, aircraft and weapons are now far more modern and capable than they were at the start of the 1990s, and are now comparable in many respects to those of Western navies. The CRS report cited the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), which noted that “Chinese naval ship design and material quality is in many cases comparable to [that of] USN [U.S. Navy] ships, and China is quickly closing the gap in any areas of deficiency.”

The report also addressed the U.S. Navy’s response to counter the PLAN’s modernization effort. This has included a greater percentage of its fleet in the Pacific, and the assigning of the most capable new ships and aircraft as well as the best personnel to the region. The U.S. Navy has also maintained and increased its general presence operations, training and developmental exercises, and engagement and cooperation with allied and other navies in the Indo-Pacific. Additionally, the Navy has begun to develop new operation concepts – including new ways to employ Navy and United States Marine Corps forces – to counter Chinese maritime forces.

The Right Response?

The issue for Congress is now whether the U.S. Navy is in fact responding appropriately to Beijing’s naval modernization the CRS report laid out. This included whether the planned size of the Navy will be “appropriate for countering China’s naval modernization effort in coming years while also permitting the Navy to perform other missions, including countering Russian military forces and defending U.S. interests in the Middle East.”

Moreover, the question remains whether the U.S. Navy is doing enough to counter China’s new weapons including its anti-ship ballistic missiles (ASBM) and Anti Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) weapon platforms.

The report also questioned whether “Congress should modify acquisition policies or the metrics for judging the success of acquisition programs so as to facilitate faster development of new technologies and weapons for the Navy—and if so, how those policies or metrics should be modified.”

These are important questions that the new Congress will have to address under the Biden Administration in the New Year and beyond.

rest assured US navy will always be number one .
Once a war breaks out, a single US aircraft carrier group could destroy the entire Iranian navy and eventually their air force.
THis will happen, but only in the video games. Iranian coast is too dangerous, forget the navy.anything above surface will get hit easily if desired by Iran. US aircraft carriers are already getting outdated, the same way Tesla is outdating petrol engines..
Type 055 has US spooked. It's huge Slava cruiser sized ship. Equipped with the latest AESA and EW. The CJ-10 VLS LACM is formidable.
wait for few years , US will dhow you your place .
Like how India showed Nepal its place by blockading?
China is not Nepal who can only cry and whine for mercy, not going to happen.
Pfffft. US doesn't even dare touch a teeny tiny uninhabited Chinese reef in South China Sea let alone the Chinese mainland.
For all of our blustering, America has done very little to stop China's military advances. At the end of the day it's about human and natural resources. And China has far, far more available to them. America can't remain the number one country any more than the UK could.
Like how India showed Nepal its place by blockading?
China is not Nepal who can only cry and whine for mercy, not going to happen.
nepal is brother country which is being influenced by chinese honey trap . china is going to regret because america is now aware of the danger of giving free hand to copy cat china .

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