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Featured Two Pakistani soldiers martyred in Indian firing along LoC

several indian army brigade hqs are in range of artillery weapons. so yes its possible. specially 130 mm guns which are the longest range artillery guns with PA at the moment with max range upto 27 km...and in mountains and high altitude this range extends to 35 to 37 kms due to changes in atmospheric conditions.
indians alos use the same guns M46 along with bofors for long ranges.

Also reports on the use of guided munitions (presumably of Chinese-origin), which correlates with the rise in Indian reporting of confirmed casualties and suicides.

From SM, seems like India made the initial provocation and now PA is taking it to another level by targeting 2 Brigade HQs, "activities" have increased.

Any thoughts on this escalation?
Also reports on the use of guided munitions (presumably of Chinese-origin), which correlates with the rise in Indian reporting of confirmed casualties and suicides.

From SM, seems like India made the initial provocation and now PA is taking it to another level by targeting 2 Brigade HQs, "activities" have increased.

Any thoughts on this escalation?
Well deserved ... the Indians only learn from harsh beatings.
Normally both sides dont target Brigade HQs under some sort of tact understanding which is why we did not hit them directly even in our Feb airstrike however with a mad man in Delhi it might be possible that Indians tried to pull off something and got their behind handed over to them.

Am afraid we unfortunately won't find out what the on ground situation actually is, just have to glean what we can from these tidbits.

I'm all for going after them disproportionately, but the lack of emphasis on procuring modern LOC- specific equipment and also the obvious numerical and terrain advantage IA has, always hope that PA troops are protected.
i think he completed his tenure as corps comander and handed over command to the next one.
not one but three corps comanders are responsible for LOC in various sectors. up north the 14 Corps with its 8th division deployed in Kargil, daras and batalik areas, poised against our kharmang district/ Indus sector. its other division the 3 division is deployed on LAC against chinese.
in the middle the 15 corps from sirinagar and down south is 16 corps from nagrota.
i think he completed his tenure as corps comander and handed over command to the next one.
not one but three corps comanders are responsible for LOC in various sectors. up north the 14 Corps with its 8th division deployed in Kargil, daras and batalik areas, poised against our kharmang district/ Indus sector. its other division the 3 division is deployed on LAC against chinese.
in the middle the 15 corps from sirinagar and down south is 16 corps from nagrota.

Has their moving of additional units to the LAC affected reserve troops available for deployment along the LOC?
Has their moving of additional units to the LAC affected reserve troops available for deployment along the LOC?

Indian troop deployment in the present Indo China Stand off....

Based on OSINT, pictures going rounds etc, i have managed to identify troops of 3 Infantry Division (in situ) ex 14 Corps, 8 Mountain Division ex 14 Corps (normally responsible for Drass, Kargil and Batalik sectors) and 6 Mountain Division (normally part of Army Strategic Reserves, normally located in Central Command Area, Bareilly). I have been unable to identify 39 Mountain Division (Norther Command Reserve) as yet.

To a critical eye, the above information holds alot about the Indian moves, deployments, options and contingencies.

....and i must say , i attribute all this to the lax security measures which Indian Army adopted while moving all these forces towards Ladakh / Leh. Certain normal security precautions and measures were surely overlooked once the troops were moved. It may indicate as well that all these reinforcements were moved in a hurried fashion.
If you want live in a make believe world where Indian paramilitary forces suffers 115 casualties every single month at the hands of Pakistani forces on the LoC, then it's your choice.

Chal yaar koi baat nahi, tu kaan dosri taraf se pakar le.
115 a month died!!
That is the final word.
I'll try for the last time. Read the wordings of the minister's statement in the parliament.

The highest number of personnel who died during their service period belonged to the CRPF (1,597), followed by 725 of the BSF, 671 of the CISF, 429 of the ITBP, 329 of the SSB and 381 of the Assam Rifles, Union Minister of State for Home Nityanand Rai said.

It says 671 personnel of the CISF died. Do You know what is CISF?
CISF is Central Industrial Security Force which guards as name suggest major industries, airport, etc. CISF is neither deployed on the LoC or any insurgency affected areas to get killed in action.

It says 429 of the ITBP died too. ITBP is deployed on Chinese LAC where not a single bullet has been fired for last many decades.


Yeah we get it completely. All accidents and natural deaths, no doubt.
Like the pilots of Su 30 conveniently died a week after in a road accident.

Got it.

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