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What kind of behaviour Pakistani Dramas are trying to promote?

social values are being changed here and so many people can not digest it . just wait after 50 years people will discussing here do bikini adds are must in everything in pakistan ? after 100 years there will be further and pakistan will be like west of today .

social values are not permanent for god sake . just look 1947 and 2020 pics of pakistan
There is an increase in rape cases getting reported , the actual number of rapes and Eve teasing has actually gone down. Infact the sexual violence which is shown in media has sensitised people towards rape and reduced its cases, the general attitude towards Eve teasing has also changed , it’s considered as a serious offence now which was not the case before. You have no idea the number of rapes that occur in rural side where there is no TV or OTT , it’s just they don’t get reported , what explains that ? Let’s not just make entertainment industry as a scapegoat for sexual crimes against women, this is far more deep rooted problem is South Asia with lot of history, existed even before TV or cinema was born.
All based on assumptions without any facts and data.

What makes u think that rape cases are being reported and its not the actual cases? Any data to support ur claim ?

Rape was always a hated crime. Can u tell me when it was not hated ?
Tariq Jameel....what work does he do? Why does he spend so much time with actresses. Please go away...you are a typical argumentative person and a waste of time. I won't read your posts. Pathetic

If you cannot see that making people aware of the issues that are happening is education than there is nothing to say.

Lolz. Ok so nothing to answer. Best of luck with this education.
Making one’s sins public is disallowed

FROM among the teachings of Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) is to keep sins a secret matter. If someone commits a sinful act, which is against the Commandments of Allah, or is against the moral character, or is such an act that may cause harm to one’s honor, then he should keep it a secret and seek forgiveness from Allah in the darkness of night.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “My entire nation is safe, except Al-Mujahirin (those who boast of their sins). Among the Mujaharah is that a man commits an (evil) act, and wakes up in the morning while Allah has kept his (sin) a secret, he says: “O Fulan! Last night I did this and that.” He goes to sleep while Allah has kept his (sin) a secret but he wakes up in the morning and uncovers what Allah has kept a secret!” [Saheeh Al-Bukhari]

Zayd ibn Aslam narrated, ‘At the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), a man admitted that he had committed fornication, so the Messenger of Allah asked for a whip. He was brought a broken whip, so he said: “Better than this.” Then he was brought a new whip…, he then said: “Lesser than this.’ So, he was brought a whip that was used and had thus become soft, and the Messenger (peace be upon him) ordered that he be whipped with it (a hundred times). He then said: “O People! It is time for you to refrain from transgressing Allah’s limits. He who commits some of these filthy acts (such as fornication), let him hide under Allah’s cover, for whoever admits what he has committed, we will establish Allah’s Book as regards him (by applying the warranted punishment for this sin).” [Musnad Ahmad]

Abdullah Ibn Masoud (may Allah be pleased with him) related, “A man came to the Prophet and said: ‘O Messenger of Allah! I have mingled with a woman in the far side of Al-Madinah, and I fulfilled my desire short of actually having sexual intercourse with her. So, here am I, judge me according to what you decide.’ Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) then said: ‘Allah had kept your secret, why did not you keep your secret’?” [Muslim]
Similarly, if one becomes aware of somebody else’s sin, he should keep it a secret. Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “He, who relieves a hardship of this Duniya (word) for a believer, Allah will relieve (from him) a hardship of the Day of Resurrection; he who makes easy an indebted person, Allah will make it easy for him in the Duniya and the Hereafter; he who covers a Muslim (meaning his mistakes and shortcomings), Allah will cover him in the Duniya and the Hereafter…” [Muslim]

Abdullah Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) related, “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) once rose above the podium and then said with a loud voice, “O those who have embraced Islam only with their tongue, while Iman has not yet entered their hears, neither harm Muslims, nor mock them, nor try to expose their mistakes, for he who follows (searches for) the errors of his brother, Allah will follow his errors, and he whom Allah follows his errors, He will expose him even if he was in the middle of his home.”[Saheeh Al-Jamee]

Imam An-Nawawi writes, “This Hadith indicates that following and then exposing people’s mistakes only occurs by the hypocrites and those whose Iman is so weak, that it did not yet fill their hearts…”

Exposing sins lead to humiliation and embarrassment, which ceases the possibility that the sinner might someday regret his mistake, seek forgiveness from Allah and purify his soul from sins because one of the things that prevent one from committing sins is the fear of humiliation. However, if the sinner knows that the people are already aware of his sins, then he does not experience the shame and distraction which he used to feel before and this might encourage him to commit sins openly!

Secondly, when sins are repeatedly mentioned in gatherings, etc. the fear of committing sins vanishes from the people’s hearts. First the sin will become easy on people’s tongue and gradually he, who does not feel any shame in mentioning the sin, will not find it difficult to even commit the sin. This is how, sins spread in the society!
So, if someone becomes aware of his brother’s sins and realizes that nobody except him has seen him committing the sin, then he should keep the sin a secret. He should not encourage people toward sins by exposing his faults.
Allah, the Exalted, has not only condemned committing sins in the Qur’an but He has also condemned those people who mention sins in public. He said: “Verily, those who like that Fahishah (obscenities) should be circulated among those who believe, they will have a painful torment.” [(24): 19] meaning, those who like to see evil talk about them (the believers) appear. [Tafseer Ibn Katheer]

Allah says in Surah An-Nisa (4): 148, “Allah does not like that evil should be uttered in public except by him who has been wronged.”

Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) commented on this verse, “Allah does not like that anyone should invoke Him against anyone else, unless one was wronged. In this case, Allah allows one to invoke Him against whoever wronged him…Yet, it is better for one if he observes patience.” [Tafseer Ibn Katheer]

Today sins have become widespread in the society because we have forgotten the teachings of Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him), who discouraged people from revealing one’s mistakes and sins as well as others. As a result, people have lost the fear of committing not only minor sins but even major sins. Moreover, we find people proudly attributing sins to themselves!!

Today, there are also many novel channels through which sins are propagated in the society; like such book, magazines and television programs that mention the crimes of others, illicit acts, and immorality under the name of creating awareness among the people. These programs which are meant to help the people against the crimes are in reality, helping the crime to spread fast in the society! Crimes, which were previously unknown to people have become common offense! It is therefore necessary for the Muslims to avoid all such avenues which may lead to the destruction of our Muslim Ummah.
Courtesy: ummah.com

May Allah swt bless you brother, thank you so much for sharing this post.

You are furthering the true teachings of Islam, and I cannot thank you enough.

All based on assumptions without any facts and data.

What makes u think that rape cases are being reported and its not the actual cases? Any data to support ur claim ?

Rape was always a hated crime. Can u tell me when it was not hated ?

The Indians are trying very desperately to link Pakistan with them, but what they don't realize is that the rape cases are done my mafias/gangs and do not have official sanction like they do in India, where violence against minorities, esp Muslims, is encouraged by their government and media.

It is an acute issue and not systemic, as it is in India. It happens in every society, even the West where it is even worse. We need to get to the task of Fiqh punishments to deal with it and nip it in the bud.

"We are all same0," "same 2 same," and other Gangetic propaganda will no longer work. Gulf between Pakistan and other South Asian countries has widened, not shrunk. We are firmly moving Northwardly and Westwardly in our view of ourselves.
Lolz. Ok so nothing to answer. Best of luck with this education.
Well if you have an education God help us all. Please crawl back in your cave. You are typically desi educated...serial repeater. No outlook on life and throw about title 'The Accountant' ????
social values are being changed here and so many people can not digest it . just wait after 50 years people will discussing here do bikini adds are must in everything in pakistan ? after 100 years there will be further and pakistan will be like west of today .

social values are not permanent for god sake . just look 1947 and 2020 pics of pakistan
It is we who change the social values of our society.

During the infancy of Islam in Arabia, infidels used to walk naked around kaab and idols. Prostitution and openly wearing revealing garments among women was common. From where this evil practice came in Arabian society? Traders coming from cities belonging to Roman and Persian empires influenced the social values and living standard.

When Islam came, these social evils were eliminated by implementing shriah (Islamic laws).

With the advent of Islam, social values where also changed. Implementation of Islamic values in daily lives was the cause of this change.

If we as Muslim citizens of Pakistan want to save our future generation from deviating to western values and practices and forgetting Islamic values, then we have to take preventive measures collectively. If we start practicing Islam and implement Islamic values in our lives only then we can achieve the success. The society's deterioration is because of our slackness in not following what our prophet salah ali wasallam and his companions were following in their daily lives.

The more we are deviating from the true path, the more we are observing change in social values.
take it as a differing point of view and an experience very close to me. we had to go extreme length to rescue a child from a very well respected madrasah and it turned out that it was not an isolated case and had been happening to many other kids and for many years. the powerful mafia succeeded in harassing not only the police and justice system but the local community members into keeping it quiet or face dire consequences,
the affected family had to relocate to somewhere in Punjab,.

its a disturbing truth which we cant bully into silence. and the atrocity has no justification in Islam.
I am sorry if you are offended by my mention
There is no one more powerful than Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

These people who think that they are powerful, they can be crushed like insects on Allah's subhanahu wa ta'ala will.

We as Muslims must stand collectively against such powerful mafia and demand Government to pass and implement relevant legislation to stop them to open such fake "madaris" where children are being molested instead of learning Islamic teachings. In fact these people are more dangerous to Islam and the Islamic society as they disguise themselves as religious and pious but in their heart only devil resides.
It is we who change the social values of our society.

During the infancy of Islam in Arabia, infidels used to walk naked around kaab and idols. Prostitution and openly wearing revealing garments among women was common. From where this evil practice came in Arabian society? Traders coming from cities belonging to Roman and Persian empires influenced the social values and living standard.

When Islam came, these social evils were eliminated by implementing shriah (Islamic laws).

With the advent of Islam, social values where also changed. Implementation of Islamic values in daily lives was the cause of this change.

If we as Muslim citizens of Pakistan want to save our future generation from deviating to western values and practices and forgetting Islamic values, then we have to take preventive measures collectively. If we start practicing Islam and implement Islamic values in our lives only then we can achieve the success. The society's deterioration is because of our slackness in not following what our prophet salah ali wasallam and his companions were following in their daily lives.

The more we are deviating from the true path, the more we are observing change in social values.
sorry sir its not we its world a country alone is nothing to decide fate of social values . only if you cut all connections for world then its possible . no one can safe values in recent 300 years . its not possible . its like fighting a war against time which can not be counter clock wise ever.
Lol these dramas are so generic the same script is playing since before I was born.A boring story with bad actors just saas bahu story or guys going after girls.How about make a story about a poor guy who studies hard gets a job and makes his parents proud or just make one historical drama.Or how about a war movie about Pakistans war on terror with foreign collaboration.
There is no one more powerful than Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

These people who think that they are powerful, they can be crushed like insects on Allah's subhanahu wa ta'ala will.

We as Muslims must stand collectively against such powerful mafia and demand Government to pass and implement relevant legislation to stop them to open such fake "madaris" where children are being molested instead of learning Islamic teachings. In fact these people are more dangerous to Islam and the Islamic society as they disguise themselves as religious and pious but in their heart only devil resides.

to stay relevant I will give my PoV on the clip.

I wont like to watch the program with my family.
I wont like it to be broadcast at the prime time
I am not outraged by the content of the clip. its different and has a shock value. yes it is OTT and contrived,
If its not outright banned then I will like it to be played with a warning in advance and later at the night, for right or wrong reasons it has invited the debate and generated an interest., I hope the rest of the script has enough meat to the bone for the story to stand up for 13 or whatever number of episodes of the show. I am unaware of the producer and the writer so I cant comment if the massge goes beyond the shock and controversy due to cheap publicity and explicit/ implicit language or not.

now my response to your post and explanation to my original post

my criticism is on words and actions of people and not the group they represent. its disappointing that such people are able to hide behind religion or institution to hide their wrong doing (madrasah abuses, alleged financial wrong doing of Gen Asim Bajwa)

Criticism is not on Islam or military or politics and our culture but its on injustice and selective punishment. it becomes so prevalent that the people have become numb and react on cosmetic issues and effects not the causes.

this video clip as a case in point. its a short clip and there is not much insight into the character story and you have to build one based on what we have. one can guess what forces the woman to leave her home and go the extremes and be exploited sexually destroying her soul to get where she had to get? did she have any chance to get justice or support in our pseudo judgmental and hypocrite society that is quick to jump the wagon of moral police to judge a person including the victim but wont dare to challenge the monstrosities that exist in our society behind all veils.

you can always bet that I will always challenge the herd mentality and lynch mob behavior of our community where I see that their outrage is hollow and misplaced. this moral police which will be reacting to something because it is it morally or religiously outraged can in the same breath go down the road of moral bankruptcy by using vile language and references for the victims as well as those who will dare to call them out. what references you may wonder? (like bringing in relations like mothers, sisters, daughters and throwing in hypothetical but vulgar and crude scenarios ).
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for more deserving position in parlor:
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Lol these dramas are so generic the same script is playing since before I was born.A boring story with bad actors just saas bahu story or guys going after girls.How about make a story about a poor guy who studies hard gets a job and makes his parents proud or just make one historical drama.Or how about a war movie about Pakistans war on terror with foreign collaboration.
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I am appalled that a person of your stature would find the need to drag in Madrassah students into this thread. I am not going to mince words: this is latent hatred for Islam and Muslims that finds opportunity for venting.
Mods need a reprogramming too. Last time we talked about Iran and he and his buddy criticized me for not hating enough on Arabs. Whataboutism is key.

You can be against Pedo-Mullahs and Bakwas Aired on TV/Internet at the same time. But stick to the topic. A Muslim country - you know our foundation myth dear Ethno-Nationalists - cannot tolerate such filth.*

But the best thing would be to ignore it and educate our children with a good example. Last time I had a conversation with a Pakistani brother saying that he wouldn’t allow his children to watch TV whilst telling me how awesome Game of Throne was (I never watched it but he tried to convince me to give it a try).

* includes prostitution, pork, pedophilia, forced marriages, domestic violence, hate speech, **** addiction, general stupidity...
sorry sir its not we its world a country alone is nothing to decide fate of social values . only if you cut all connections for world then its possible . no one can safe values in recent 300 years . its not possible . its like fighting a war against time which can not be counter clock wise ever.
For you, me, us or even world, it is impossible. But for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala nothing is impossible.

The most remote civilization residing in deserted Arab peninsula turned into a powerful Islamic nation pitting against two super powers - Romans and Persians and defeating them and implementing Islamic laws and spreading Islam and Islamic values, culture and traditions.

Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. promised to safegaurd Quran and its teachings till the end of time when Quran will be taken back from the world. Fortunately that time has not come yet. So Islam and its values will always exist and will expand. Only that If we do not follow does not mean Quran and its teaching will diminish or vanish, Allah will bless other nations to embrace Islam and its teaching. We are already observing such shifts right in the middle of turmoiled west. Many men and women are converting into Islam and women wearing Hijab.

Yes gradual deterioration in practicing of Islam in society is very much visible.

Why Hazrat Abu Bakr started crying when Hazrat Muhammad salah ali wasallam declared completion of Islam during his final speech? Prophet's companion understood the meaning of completion. First the demise of prophet had come near and other the gradual deterioration in practice of Islam in Islamic society.

You are right, a time will come when true Muslims will move towards inhabited and remote places to freely practice Islam. This was already prophesied by our prophet.

Go and interview the western locals elders, middle aged and young men and women, you will find that they focus to find peace and easiness in life and for that they struggle to get money, once they find some time and money they go to various places for relaxation, eating and drinking and seeking peace and tranquility, but none could find the peace and tranquility. They visit places of religion, Buddhist and Hindu temples, again they find themselves lost. Most of them unable to find the answers of life. Finally, those who got the opportunity to read Quran and listening to some Islamic scholars, finally found their answers and embraced Islam.

Interestingly, this process of conversion into Islam increased due to awareness of western locals through media about Muslims labelled as terrorists.

Finally, the important thing is where you, me and us want to stand with - Allah or the world?

If we stand with Allah, though it look like a difficult option, we will at the end achieve true success but if we choose to be with the world, an easy choice, we will be living in a false mirage and ultimate failure.
social values are being changed here and so many people can not digest it . just wait after 50 years people will discussing here do bikini adds are must in everything in pakistan ? after 100 years there will be further and pakistan will be like west of today .

social values are not permanent for god sake . just look 1947 and 2020 pics of pakistan
I loved my easy going 70s.
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