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MASSIVE Jumah Namaz performed @ Hindu mandir site in Islamabad

Good to see majority of pdf users are against this act and support the construction of minority place of worship :angel::victory1:
Why are these people against a Hindu temple? These are the same people who demand thousands of mosques in Europe.

So much intolerant that you do not want minorities to have a place of worship.

Below is the full timeline of events.

In the UK, Hindus are a minority there is 1 Mandir per 6000 Hindus.

Rawalpindi and Islamabad are twin cities, meaning merely separated by a road, the total Hindu population of those two cities is between 2000-3000 depending on how you calculate whether you include surrounding areas or not. Most Hindus in Pakistan live in the South, the capital is in the North. There is already 1 and I believe second smaller Mandir in Rawalpindi, that’s a better ratio then in the UK.

The Mandir demand started during the Zardari Government, because the Hindu community wanted a Mandir in THEIR capital city, and permission was given to start the process,

About 3 or 4 years ago, the Capital Development Authority approved land valued at 80 million rupees at Government value and was given FREE, the private value is always many times higher most likely 400-500 million rupees, that is 4-5 million US dollars during Nawaz Sharif Government.

Imran Khan Government approved a grant of over 100 million rupees, nearly 1 million dollars towards the construction.

That’s 3 Governments, from 3 different parties that continually supported the demand of their Hindu citizens, when clearly there was no need because there are Mandirs in Rawalpindi, but it is their Capital so it was recognised that a Mandir should exist within the Capital Territory for the Hindu community.

Indians destroy dozens of mosques, graveyards and shrines every year, just during the recent Delhi riots this year, 12 mosques, 1 graveyard, 1 shrine and a Madrasah was destroyed. Are you stupid or do you really think that such issues will not have an effect on some people on our side.

And, just to be clear, no one opposes the construction of a Mandir, they were opposing the use of public funds, most Pakistanis support the demand for Mandir, but just as Hindus as citizens have the right to ask for a Mandir in THEIR capital so do other citizens have a right to ask how public money is spent.

We are a civilised country and a right decision will be taken soon.
No one can use this as an excuse to justify discrimination, when they are given free land and free grant. Go and learn the meaning of humanity before giving any lectures.
Below is the full timeline of events.

In the UK, Hindus are a minority there is 1 Mandir per 6000 Hindus.

Rawalpindi and Islamabad are twin cities, meaning merely separated by a road, the total Hindu population of those two cities is between 2000-3000 depending on how you calculate whether you include surrounding areas or not. Most Hindus in Pakistan live in the South, the capital is in the North. There is already 1 and I believe second smaller Mandir in Rawalpindi, that’s a better ratio then in the UK.

The Mandir demand started during the Zardari Government, because the Hindu community wanted a Mandir in THEIR capital city, and permission was given to start the process,

About 3 or 4 years ago, the Capital Development Authority approved land valued at 80 million rupees at Government value and was given FREE, the private value is always many times higher most likely 400-500 million rupees, that is 4-5 million US dollars during Nawaz Sharif Government.

Imran Khan Government approved a grant of over 100 million rupees, nearly 1 million dollars towards the construction.

That’s 3 Governments, from 3 different parties that continually supported the demand of their Hindu citizens, when clearly there was no need because there are Mandirs in Rawalpindi, but it is their Capital so it was recognised that a Mandir should exist within the Capital Territory for the Hindu community.

Indians destroy dozens of mosques, graveyards and shrines every year, just during the recent Delhi riots this year, 12 mosques, 1 graveyard, 1 shrine and a Madrasah was destroyed. Are you stupid or do you really think that such issues will not have an effect on some people on our side.

And, just to be clear, no one opposes the construction of a Mandir, they were opposing the use of public funds, most Pakistanis support the demand for Mandir, but just as Hindus as citizens have the right to ask for a Mandir in THEIR capital so do other citizens have a right to ask how public money is spent.

We are a civilised country and a right decision will be taken soon.
No one can use this as an excuse to justify discrimination, when they are given free land and free grant. Go and learn the meaning of humanity before giving any lectures.
You forgot that Prophet Muhammad himself allowed Christians to offer prayers in a mosque. You guys are going against the very teachings of your prophet by diminishing religious freedom.
You forgot that Prophet Muhammad himself allowed Christians to offer prayers in a mosque. You guys are going against the very teachings of your prophet by diminishing religious freedom.

Are you a retard,
or did you not read the two replies I wrote for you, I made an effort to clarify the issue, you can a least make an effort to understand the issue.

If you are a retard, incapable of understanding a simple explanation, then it is ok, people like you were born to spread hate.
Keep doing it son, one of these days someone will teach you a lesson.
Good. People of that area don't want a mandir. They are not Hindus all the people living there are Muslims so build a mandir where Hindus are in large numbers.
I wouldnt allow anyone to build mandir, open bar or disco in my area because Mera ilaka meri marzi.
There is always a reaction to every action. The BJP goons will now try to point score with the help of their liberal/secular accomplices in Pakistan but as i have already said that 6-7 mandirs are already there in the vicinity of Islamabad so no need to create this crises at the cost of our peace.
And bdw, this act has been done by Mr. Shaheer Sialvi, a vocal personality when it comes to defend the ideology of Pakistan and Islam. Being a part of State Youth Parliament, i ratify his acts elhamdülillah
Not being hypocrite - It is a difficult task. We humans falter many times.
The place was meant for Mandir, there was no need to "Conquer" it. Shaheer and his lot are toxic lot and abscess of this country.
Good. People of that area don't want a mandir. They are not Hindus all the people living there are Muslims so build a mandir where Hindus are in large numbers.
I wouldnt allow anyone to build mandir, open bar or disco in my area because Mera ilaka meri marzi.

That's the thing though - your ilaka is that land which has your name on it in the paperwork. The rest is not.
What a Shame. A pure hypocrisy. These clowns will be among the first to lecture India about inequality. With what face, or are they complete shameless?

Btw shame on govt for letting these clowns toy around with govt writ.
Good. People of that area don't want a mandir. They are not Hindus all the people living there are Muslims so build a mandir where Hindus are in large numbers.
I wouldnt allow anyone to build mandir, open bar or disco in my area because Mera ilaka meri marzi.
If they want a Mandir in I-bad they should pay for themselves. No government handouts for any religion. Btw.: even in holy Europe Muslims have to pay for their mosques too either by renting it or buying property. If a politician would suggest that the city council or the state should Fund the mosque he will never be re-elected again.

There are also so many bankrupt mosques associations here in Germany (even before corona), because of funding. Why should a poor country like Pakistan fund a Hindu temple?
everyone is free to offer his religious customs as he wants. The only objectionable thing was in this case use of public money for the building of the Hindu temple. They are free to worship. so are the other minorities in the country. Muslims should avoid doing such things to not let others do worship their religion. If there is a genuine need of building a new mandir there it should be allowed.
there are a lot of mandirs there in Islamabad already.
but the real question is how many of us regularly offer our religious prayers? how many of us turn to the Almighty Allah for supplications and prayers. there is a lack of religious inclination among the world at present. The mosques are empty and asking for worshippers to come and populate them, so are the other place of worship like churches and temples. the religious feeling creates positivity and tolerance.
Why dont you mind your own business?


Brother, just report that ID to mods. He should have been banned long ago. Every post is blasphemy and islamophobia.

Seems he is competing with Abu Jahal and Abu Lahab.

@peagle Every post of this character is blasphemy, so I encourage every Pakistani to report him.
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