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Blast in Karachi targets CID

Terrorists are taking revenge of recent crackdown in Karachi :hitwall:
it looks like the taliban have strenghten their roots in karachi.
Tehrik Taliban Pakistan claims responsibility ... The stories continues
Tehrik Taliban Pakistan claims responsibility ... The stories continues

Huh. Nobody cares whether they take responsibility or not. We are on war against these Kharjis and with every blast our resolve against these a holes is much stronger.
Let's pray for those who were hurt or killed. If we live afar and got scared, think about those who were there,,
CID building turns into rubles.

TTP terrorists were kept their for interrogation.

5 dead bodies brought to Jinnah Hospital as per Dawn Tv.
they think they can scare us......

but guess what! They are only making us stronger!
CID building turns into rubles.

TTP terrorists were kept their for interrogation.

5 dead bodies brought to Jinnah Hospital as per Dawn Tv.

did they want to resuce the arrested taliban?
god knows how many innocent bystanders might have died. these bastards are ruining every country they step in.
CID building turns into rubles.

TTP terrorists were kept their for interrogation.

5 dead bodies brought to Jinnah Hospital as per Dawn Tv.

That might be the reason for TTP attacking the building. They did not want the imprisoned TTP people to divulge any information. Similar to the mafia tactics where witnesses or prisoners are shot dead, but these guys took down the whole building :eek:
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