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PM Imran Khan addresses to nation about new map of Pakistan

So is Siachen is not waste land? As per your argument, Pakistan should not be claiming it, since it's uninhibited.

What is hard to understand here? China isn't claiming any part of IoK which have muslims in it.
جو لوگ بھنڈ پوناں کرین اس موقع تے انہاں نوں سدھی گولی ماری ونجے
The question that many don't ask is...
Is India the inheritor of British India? Was the Raj equally split or left a successor state to maintain former's boundaries, foreign policy, territorial claims?
Here is where people are still bound by a fake construct, a contrived personal limitation... extraordinary compulsions of a bygone era causing great suffering to the contemporaries...
Long live the line in sand or mind or whatever... really!

Capability to hold land depend on power projection. Once you hold it for long enough then it become part of you and "real".
What is hard to understand here? China isn't claiming any part of IoK which have muslims in it.

Ahh so now your tune has changed from inhabited areas to Muslim inhabited areas. So you would happily give away Buddhist , Hindu , Sikh inhabited area of Kashmir to China if they were to claim it.
Ahh so now your tune has changed from inhabited areas to Muslim inhabited areas. So you would happily give away Buddhist , Hindu , Sikh inhabited area of Kashmir to China if they were to claim it.
Who's giving away anything?

The entire point of the lack of demarcation on the map is that the border with China will be demarcated after a final settlement of J&K per the UNSC Resolutions and negotiations with China.

Maybe Pakistan will end up with more land, as in this case:

I would rather listen to the Government of India, which has laughed of Pakistan's new map.
I know right? After all the credibility they have with their non-existent surgical strikes, hundreds killed in Balakot, F-16 shot down etc etc

No one can prevent you from listening to whomever you want, but the facts are:

- The Pakistani map shows the disputed territory of J&K, contingent upon the determination of final status per the UNSC Resolutions

- The Pakistani map shows the Indian occupied territory of Jungadh, which officially and legally acceded to Pakistan and was forcibly occupied and annexed by India.
oh believe you me, if I can't understand something I get a migraine thinking on it.

I can read it alright but cannot understand the highlighted parts, hence the whole sentence.
measns Those who make fun of this map should be shot directly on this occasion
measns Those who make fun of this map should be shot directly on this occasion
Mark the 4th August, The great game now started, and we had well experienced from the USSR; we will see how India breaks into parts the same as the USSR, just a matter of time.
Right now, we all started to see Indian Media propaganda and Indian people non-sense. But we all focus and consistent, what we need to achieve. Punjabi and Urdu Mix.
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Excellent step taken.
Now internationally we put our narrative that those are basically pakistani areas which India is illegally occupying. It's a step by step journey before a military action is justified infront of the whole world. So in future it will look like pakistani fighting a war for liberating it's territories. Good diplomacy here. This step taken is a very powerful one that's we can see the anger ,crying and pain if indians on this forum as well all over the internet.
We should not accept Indian map because that's actually a British map and the people living within that map are still oppressed who need independence from Brahmin hindutva India .India is a creation of British and brahmins like nehru .The diversity of India is much more than just Brahmin Hindu supremacy who hijacked the whole country.
Time to issue new map for khalistan,Assam , Hyderabad and naxal states as well.
United India is indeed a failed ideology.
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