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Pakistan: Man accused of blasphemy shot dead at court trial

Had the courts and institutions have taken firm action against that mardood blasphemer the people would have trusted the courts and law instead of taking law in hands , but here the depressed and puddle institutions are always lingering the cases of blasphemy to please their foreign masters and strong quadiani lobby , if ones
they start hanging them no one will then dare to commit this crime again ,
Tu to mujhay barra hi Choo*ya lagta hai, apnay comments se..
Blasphemy ka to case hai sabit nahi huwa uss per, sirf ilzam tha, jis ka case chal raha tha..
its same like asia bibi case . supreme court say she did not commit Blasphemy but mullahs were burning the country and saying she should be punished . they should be happy that no Blasphemy happen but they want to hang her even she commit the crime or not . in fact these guys want Blasphemy.
This judge duty to ask question , instead a man standing near him become judge ... lol.. plus this guy is for sure nutcase ..mentally retard if we take above tweet true. He claim Imam Mehdi then call himself Nabi .. I think such cases should be referred to some ulema panel, who do brain therapy and reset the faith and believes. Instead of jubilation on killing.
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The killer should be hanged ASAP.. send a strong and clear message to anyone else thinking about doing the same thing.

We do not want to be like our fascist neighbour
its clearly show he was mentally unstable person . koi pagal hi aysi baat on the record ker sakta hai pakistan main .

tou ager yeh baat maan li jaye ap ki tou phir jis nie shot kara wo bhi mentally unstable person hoga koiye.
U.S. urges Pakistan to act after American charged with blasphemy shot in court

JULY 30, 2020

ISLAMABAD/PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - The United States urged Pakistan on Thursday to take action over the killing of an American national in a crowded courtroom as he faced trial for blasphemy.

Tahir Ahmed Naseem was shot multiple times at close range as he appeared in the northwestern city of Peshawar on Wednesday.

“We urge Pakistan to take immediate action and pursue reforms that will prevent such a shameful tragedy from happening again,” the U.S. State Department said in a tweet.

As Naseem’s arraignment began before the judge, a young man in the room pulled out a handgun and shot him in the head, officials and witnesses said. The young man was arrested on the spot.

On Thursday, supporters of a hardline Islamist group held a protest rally in Peshawar calling for the release of the suspected shooter, saying he had defended his religion.

The aftermath of the killing, captured on video and shared on social media, showed Naseem slumped over in a chair beside the judge’s bench, as other shackled prisoners, some with bloodied clothes, were taken from the room.

“The young man who shot him had no remorse, and said he saw the Prophet Muhammad in a dream the night before,” Latif Afridi, who heads the Peshawar High Court Bar Association, told Reuters.

Afridi questioned how the man managed to get a gun into the court given that all visitors are checked thoroughly at three different points.

“It is likely someone who can go without being checked, perhaps a police officer or a lawyer, handed the shooter the gun after he entered,” he said.

According to the charge sheet against Naseem, seen by Reuters, the American was in contact with a student at an Islamic school in Pakistan on Facebook and told him he was a messiah sent by God.

Naseem later met the student in Peshawar, after which police arrested him and charged him with a number of crimes, including insulting the Prophet Muhammad, which can bring the death penalty in Pakistan.


that was old now we have dozen more laws . just wait till we have law insulting KADDO SHAREEF will be 20 years jail insulting green color will be life time prison and insulting PAGRI will be 10 years jail . this nation and its politicians went on a road which never ends .

politicians ........u mean .............. concubines/eunuchs!
they r there by design and choice............. for the usefull idiot awaam
Yes alims have moon sighting in one eye and Qandeel balouch on the lap...
Jog on mate....same alims teach you to say taqbir and kill Shia and shia alims says say taqbir and kill Sunnis. All jahils and what's worse is those that follow
Pity.... u cannot even differentiate b/w Ulma e Haq and Ulma e Soo
I really don't care what Mr GAM, or anyone else, said about the Ahmadi faith or community.

My point is simple - the Quran clearly states that there is to be no compulsion in religion. Pakistan's law and the demands of some Muslims that Ahmadis be forced to not call themselves Muslim is a clear example of coercion and compulsion.

I have said repeatedly that you and everyone else is free to view Ahmadis as non-Muslim, usurpers, frauds or whatever else, but that does not give you or the State the right to declare them non-Muslim and force them to renounce certain aspects of their faith.

The Qur'an emphasises free choice. "The truth [has now come] from your Sustainer: Let, then, him who wills, believe in it, and let him who wills, reject it," it says (18:29). And also: "Whoever chooses to follow the right path follows it but for his own good; and whoever goes astray goes but astray to his own hurt" (17:15). Resoundingly, the Qur'an declares that "there shall be no coercion in matters of faith" (2:256). Belief is an individual choice ― or, rather, it is a choice involving the individual and God. Therefore, forced conversions are simply unacceptable, and anyone who would use force rather than persuasion to promote religion must ignore the view of the person central to the Qur'an.

The capstone of the qur'anic case for religious liberty is the fact that not even the Prophet Muhammad could impose or force people to profess Islam. When people were unreceptive to the message of Islam, the Qur'an explicitly reminded him that he was never to resort to coercion: "Your task is only to exhort; you cannot compel them [to believe]" (88:21). Evidence from Islamic history suggests that this view was held not only by Prophet Muhammad but also by his political successors. In one recorded example, an elderly Christian woman came to see the caliph Umar and then refused his invitation to embrace Islam. He became anxious that she might have perceived his invitation as compulsion. "O my Lord," he said, expressing his remorse, "I have not intended to compel her, as I know that there must be no compulsion in religion ... [R]ighteousness has been explained and distinguished from misguidance."


Hi bro

I don’t want to get fully engaged in this debate right now. The line your referring to “no compulsion in religion” applies in the condition a Muslim doesn’t force convert a Christian or a Jew, etc to Islam, and Islam provides them full protection. We have to read the historical background and situations faced around the time these Ayats were revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) rather than painting them with a broad stroke. In this situation that’s being discussed it was a man who claims to be a Muslim and a Nabi (or Mahdi), which under Islamic Law is punishable. Not to forget he belongs to a heretic sect who believe Mirza Ghulam to be a Prophet, he had even gone to the extent as to saying certain Ayats of the Quran were revealed for him; under these conditions these Ahmadi’s have put themselves in a position similar to those tribes during The Ridda Wars. Abu Bakr (R.A) was responsible for organizing and launching this campaign and setting an example for future generations that heresy will not be tolerated under any circumstances. You can be a non-Muslim and claim to be a Prophet their is no issue, but after accepting Islam and claiming prophethood or accepting someone else to be a prophet is where the issue lies.

Now if this man was mentally retarded then it’s the states responsibility to evaluate this individual and have the state provide proper care. If the court was neglect is providing the most basic of needs then his death rests on their shoulders due to negligence in carrying out their duties.
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