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Pakistan: Man accused of blasphemy shot dead at court trial

pakistan is sinking in extremism and can not breath under this monster .
I never discuss this issue ever, because Qadiani has equal right to live in Pakistan. Today, I tell you the story of Qadiani issue in Pakistan. It started in 1977, when 9 sitara / Islami jamori itehaad started campaign against Bhutto and later Mufti Mehammod forced PPP to meet there certain conditions. Where calling Qadiani non-muslim was one of them.
Here is is scenario. When Mufti Mehammod tabled this condition, Pakistan Army was in extreme discomfort zone and ask Bhutto to stop this bill. This is statement from one of retired senior officer. After that we seen Qadiani business class wrap up there business and left Pakistan, many excellent military officers resigned or left armed forces.
another ahmedi muslim hater exposed this kind sits in UK and other western countries they expect all rights and freedom there whereas in reality this hippocratic kind supports murder of minority sect
I never discuss this issue ever, because Qadiani has equal right to live in Pakistan. Today, I tell you the story of Qadiani issue in Pakistan. It started in 1977, when 9 sitara / Islami jamori itehaad started campaign against Bhutto and later Mufti Mehammod forced PPP to meet there certain conditions. Where calling Qadiani non-muslim. Here is is scenario. When Mufti Mehammod tabled this condition, Pakistan Army in extreme discomfort zone and ask Bhutto to stop this bill. This is statement from one of retired senior officer. After that we seen Qadiani business class wrap up there business and left Pakistan.
For me its very simple
State habe nothing to do with religion and everyone should be free to follow unfollow his/her faith.

I reject moral /religous policing and laws.
For me its very simple
State habe nothing to do with religion and everyone should be free to follow unfollow his/her faith.

I reject moral /religous policing and laws.
Blasphemy law is extremely dangerous law, it should be abolish, because before the case goes in court, people do mob justice. Every year many fake blasphemy cases filed in Pakistan by criminals. Very famous case in Punjab where a land dispute turned into blasphemy case by strong opponent....
For me its very simple
State habe nothing to do with religion and everyone should be free to follow unfollow his/her faith.

I reject moral /religous policing and laws.
Pakistan is the only country in the world, specially muslim world , where Islam always and 24/7 in danger. First time we came to know Islam in danger in 1979 ... lol
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Toheene risalat is no question a punishable act & the one who do this toheen will be punishable by God in his/her aakhrat. There was a kafir lady who used to throw trash on Muhammad S.A.W PBUH from her home(nauzubillah). Did Muhammad SAW or their companion killed her for this act? In fact she used to throw trash on Prophet regularly to incite angry reaction but he kept calm. One day she didn't throw trash so Prophet SAW was surprised & asked her neighbors about her. She was sick in her home. Hazrat Muhammad PBUH visited her for teemaar daari. She got so emotional by his grateful behavior that she apologized for all her Toheene risalat & recited Kalma to become Muslim.

If Pakistan doesn't scrap this law of Toheene risalat then Pakistan will stay like a jungle. No matter how much our gdp grows or high employable our people get. World won't respect your this behavior towards minorities. We question India over minorities persecution. We first need to look in to our own collars.

Rip insaniyat.
Supporting the right of everyone to follow their faith and practice their beliefs freely and without persecution is something Islam strongly advocates.

People promoting violence, intolerance, prejudice and hatred in violation of Islamic principles are the real problem.
Islam is no longer a philosophy for a balanced life.
It has become a cult.
It positions itself as the only acceptable way of life.
To that end it is a subjugating, colonising, proselyting force.
It restricts freedom of thought, speech and action.
It offers inducements and incentives for it's followers to murder anyone speaking or acting against it's edicts. This has always been the case.
While it thrived in an age when the whole world was a cesspit of dictatorships, monarchies, tyrants and despots, it finds itself out if synch with a progressive, free thinking, more tolerant and inclusive world.
Islam and it's followers need to change its worldview and prism to align itself with the world as we find it today. Islam has a lot to offer in terms of humanitarian values, it is the parochial mindset adopted by is followers who hearken back to a golden age when such mindsets were common and acceptable, that is the greatest stumbling block to the development and progress of Islam and it's people.
If things do not change then Islam as community will be left behind to a point of irrelevance for all but it's most regressive followers. You see open minded and progressive thinking people beginning to question the precepts of the religion of their birth and even exiting it because they find the environment to be suffocating. This, no doubt, is as painful for their fellow Muslims as it is for them.
This is how religions regress and die.
Sadly, this will continue until either Muslims become more forward looking or Islam is relegated to an incorrigible irrelevance that is followed by none but those incapable of free thought, those prepared to follow anything for the fear of the consequences in the hereafter or those that are prepared to tolerate any wrong or injustice in their lives as long as they feel they are qualifying for a ticket to Jannat.
Either way it is a sad place Muslims have come to.

The Denying of the Islamic belief of finality of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is not "Blasphemy" against prophet Muhammad (SAW) or Islam.

The Blasphemy law in Pakistan itself is very vague and the state needs to clarify it
again the wrong reference of Quran no compulsion in religion is in the context of within Islam it is clearly mentioned in the Quran of last prophethood of Prophet MUHAMMAD(SAW) so someone denying that means they are NOT MUSLIM.
No one is stopping you from believing they are non-Muslim, but no one should persecute them or force them to call themselves non-Muslim either.

Forcing them to state something that is against their belief system is coercion, which Islam strictly forbids.
Who ever claim prophet hod after MUHAMMAD (PBUH) that MAN should be given death plenty.
That is a complete violation of Islamic principles. This is coercion in religion - you are forcing, under threat of death, millions of people to renounce their faith. This is despicable and un-Islamic.

Allah is the only one to pass judgement on one's faith. Human beings have no such right.
Unfortunately - actions that were taken when Islam itself was a nascent religion have been carried into today simply because those teaching Islam are still stuck in mentality and belief systems that were pre-Islam.

Hazrat Abu Bakr authorized campaigns against false prophets after the death of Huzoor only because the danger of losing a majority of people to pretenders existed right after the passing of our prophet.

That practice was ended once the numbers ranked up - however, a contributing factor recently to regression in Islamic society were certain British agents were trained as Mullah’s in the last two centuries to be planted to teach a regressive version of Islam or promote so called Ulema who do it; the result is clearly visible in Pakistani society among others.
No one is stopping you from believing they are non-Muslim, but no one should persecute them or force them to call themselves non-Muslim either.

Forcing them to state something that is against their belief system is coercion, which Islam strictly forbids.

In a Republic, minorities have certain inalienable rights but when The State starts infringing on the (basic) right to self-identification/personal religious identity of the minority (based upon the will of the majority) it goes against the very essence of Republic (and probably Islam too).. We have to stop our descent down the slippery slope. If tomorrow the majority of Sunnis declare that Shia are Non Muslims, will the State declare them Non Muslim too ? ..
This is the structure of prophet's

View attachment 656848

how Mirza claim prophet by him self even he is not by IBRAHIM (A.S) Caste system.

Biography of IBRAHIM (A.S)

That's not your problem or the State's - let the Maulvis argue over it and let the Ahmadi's believe what they want without fear of persecution and the threat of terrorism by the likes of this depraved individual who murdered someone in a court room and Mumtaz Qadri.
It is always ironic how the least educated and least informed about Islam are always the ones claiming to be its protectors. The ones who blaspheme by disguising and claiming their hatred and childish emotions as supposed Islamic decrees.

again the wrong reference of Quran no compulsion in religion is in the context of within Islam

"in the context of within Islam"? Please don't associate and spread concocted notions with Islam just because your argument and infantile hatred have no leg to stand on. If you do, then it is blasphemy and hence, under the "Blasphemy Laws" of Pakistan, you could be subjected to the death penalty. As far as Islam is concerned, "There is no compulsion in religion", period.

it is clearly mentioned in the Quran of last prophethood of Prophet MUHAMMAD(SAW) so someone denying that means they are NOT MUSLIM.

So? In fact, if they are not Muslims then they are completely free of any Islamic regulations against blasphemy.

Who ever claim prophet hod after MUHAMMAD (PBUH) that MAN should be given death plenty. This Punishment Law is given by whole universe Lord (ALLAH). Its not a monster Law.

Again, claiming and associating absolute nonsense with Islam and Allah. You just blasphemed, again.

This is the structure of prophet's

View attachment 656848

how Mirza claim prophet by him self even he is not by IBRAHIM (A.S) Caste system.

Biography of IBRAHIM (A.S)

According to Islam and the Quran, Prophets were sent to every single group of people in the world. Prophet-hood in Islam is not dependent on ancestral lineage. Please don't spread nonsense about Islam.

Islamic republic of Pakistan has declared them non muslims,

And by doing so we effectively removed all culpability from the Ahmadiya community for blasphemy against Islam. For the ill-informed, according to Islam, Islamic religious laws do not apply to Non-Muslims. Nor according to common sense.

they must accept this status and if they have problems with this, fly away.

They don't need to accept anything. Their status is Non-Muslim by law, that is all the authority the state has over their beliefs (which is also debatable under Islamic jurisprudence). It is moronic to demand that they accept something which is a part of our beliefs and not their's.

----- an Islamic State can't allow the blasphemers to practice their faith freely.

Actually an Islamic State allows anyone and everyone to practice their faith freely of any infantile sentimentalities of the others. As long as it does not infringe upon the rights of any other.

Qadiani are non-muslin they should have to accept that don't be delusional.

No they do not, they can claim to be whatever they want. For all religious and legal intents and purposes they are non-Muslims, and that is that.
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How are Ahmadi's 'asking for trouble'?

By simply following their faith?

If they are such an insignificant minority, why don't you just ignore them and their beliefs and let them practice THEIR faith freely without such terrorism?

I talked with police today. This guy first claimed to be a prophet and then abused our Prophet SAW in court, to which the otjer guy reacted.
No one cares abt a small minority, but why cant they stop meddling in our religion? Why cant they keep their abuaive beliefs to themselves? Why cant they live peacefully and not uttering crap the offends others???
It is
Again, claiming and associating absolute nonsense with with Islam and Allah. You just blasphemed, again.

According to Islam and the Quran, Prophets were sent to every single group of people in the world. Prophet-hood in Islam is not dependent on ancestral lineage. Please don't spread nonsense about Islam.

And by doing so we effectively removed all culpability from the Ahmadiya followers for blasphemy against Islam. For the ill-informed, according to Islam, Islamic religious laws do not apply to Non-Muslims. Neither does common sense.

They don't need to accept anything. Their status is Non-Muslim by law, that is all the authority the state has over their beliefs. It is moronic to demand that they accept something which is a part of our beliefs and not their's.

Actually an Islamic State allows anyone and everyone to practice their faith freely of any infantile sentimentalities of the others.

No they do not, they can claim to be whatever they want. For all religious and legal intents and purposes they are non-Muslims, and that is that.
Your long bhashan doesn't make any sense ---- an Islamic State doesn't allow any xyz from any religion (even Islam) to claim Prophethood, the penalty is straight death --- our desi liberals must try to live with this reality.

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