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My Real life struggle against Dark forces of Evil

He is imposing a problem on himself.

I told him to get a 2nd wife long before any salem trial initiated.

Mans just too hot in hot weather.

I don't complicate matters for others own good.
You dont have one wife, and your are telling people to get two? Hypocrisy from you, didnt expect it.
he has one already some 12k kms away which is the main issue here.

Amreeka band hai election baad khulega. Ye koi jadu tona nahi politics hai.

faraghat ke soche masail masail nahi hote. awein nahi kehte farigh dimagh shaytaan ki charragah hoti hai.

single hota to ye masla isko nahi hota. ab credit per credit lo aur ek aur karlo
Brother, let it go, if you cant help him, best to keep quiet.
First of all to Mods My apologies for if I started this thread in a wrong section because i don't know where this thread would fit in . I was unsure of if i should even discuss this issue here because of its personal and a bit superstition in nature .

So let me come straight to the point, So I have 4 aunts alive and 2 of them lives with us for over 30+ years in the same house ( ground floor ) , one is mentally and physically Paralyzed since birth and other is a unmarried women in late 50's . We did have ups and downs in our lives with her and arguments which almost every Pakistani or Desi family have their their Phuppies ,but things took a far more bizarre turn not so far in past when some long lasting family issues once again comes to highlight , I don't want to go in details but it surely involves Money, second thing that changes in last couple of years that After I got married and many on the Forum knows that I am married to a American girl, when i get married my aunts ( Phuppies ) tried their best with my father to stop this marriage by saying a lot of things against my girl without knowing her in person, It was clear that they are doing this out of jealousy because 1 of my aunt lives in Canada for years and other aunt although lives in Pakistan but often travel to USA and when she returns she comes to brag about places she visit but we are like yeah good for you ..But since i got married my aunts become hostile towards me and my family, and despite me being the youngest in my whole Father side family i used to be loved by everyone but sudden change in their attitude towards me shocked me , it was so bad, that I am putting Allah as my witness that none of my Phuppi has congratulate me or bless me on my marriage until today, and 1 aunt who lives with me have not even give wedding gift , I know its not a serious thing but in Pakistani families it does reflect people behavior and those who have family issues will understand.

One day, I was doing something at the main gate of my house, when i heard some talk my aunt was doing with someone on the phone, the doors and windows were closed and no way she would know if i was there , what shocked me when she mentioned my specifically by saying her exact words " Han Apni Auqaat se bahr jaa ker American Bhangan se shadi ker li , Lakin mai bhi dekhti hun Kese America jata hai , Esa Ammal Karawaya hai ke Karachi se bahr nai ja sake ga " Roughly translated in to ( Yes he married a American sewerage worker by exceeding his limit, I will see how he even go to America , I have done Black Magic or Voodoo that he wont be able to leave Karachi ) . Now usually in my life I believe such things exists like Evil eye , Black Magic and Voodoo , because it has evidence in Islam , sunnah and even Quran talks about it , since i heard her i reflect on my life since my marriage and how things change rapidly for me, when we were applying for our Visa process despite a lot of people I tried to communicate to help me, none of them come out and my Visa process was put under a thing called Administrative processing , which according to Lawyers from USA i talked to is a Black hole of Immigration , Since my marriage in 2017 , 2 of my other cousins both males married to American born Pakistani' green card holder girls and while i am waiting they both are already settled in America started their lives with their wives while I am here, Despite thinking rationally about how come a Black magic or Voodoo affect American embassy decision the words of my Aunt and incidents that follow since my marriage in my life is making me wonder if she is really up to something sinister ?

What do you think I should do ? and what are your thoughts about if I am overthinking on this and this is all in my head, despite her claiming to be doing some Ammal to stop me from going to America or even trying to make me and my wife Divorce . I am not a devoted Muslim that pray 5 times, I am not ashamed in accepting that I should be praying but I am weak and everything i try somehow my heart move away from Prayers and other things . I time to time before I sleep recite Surah Nas and Surah Ikhlaq and blow on myself as according to one hadeeth this is what Prophet used to do every night before sleeping .
If anyone of you knows or have any suggestions for me , or have anyone baba or as we call in our language " Allah wale " who can help ( us ) particularly me out I am open to suggestion .

Some of you might wonder or even thing that its wrong that I am discussing such personal issues on a Defense forum but unfortunately I can not discuss this with anyone else or find out how to deal with such situations , I consider myself to a person from a modern world and hence there is a struggle that is going in my head to either believe in all that or just not to and nothing of all that works . If this thread end up being closed or shut down feel free to message me on PDF to ask for my email to discuss further details on email .
Jazak Allah khair to all the nice people of PDF for listening , and helping out .

@waz @Slav Defence @Areesh @PaklovesTurkiye @Cliftonite @pakpride00090 @dexter

Hey Starlord, I'm sorry to hear what you and your poor family are being put through by your evil aunties. Sadly this cancer is pretty wide spread in pak society, primary driven by hasad. Unless one experiences this themselves one can never begin to understand what it does to you.

Now if you would like I am willing to share a very powerful wazifa with you, which I and my family have tried and tested and through it managed to resolve our problems by the grace of almighty God.
Hey Starlord, I'm sorry to hear what you and your poor family are being put through by your evil aunties. Sadly this cancer is pretty wide spread in pak society, primary driven by hasad. Unless one experiences this themselves one can never begin to understand what it does to you.

Now if you would like I am willing to share a very powerful wazifa with you, which I and my family have tried and tested and through it managed to resolve our problems by the grace of almighty God.
Please share
Please share

Ok for Starlord and anyone else who wishes to use the following wazifa;

Every night after isha prayers recite the following;

Durood ×10

Ya sheikh abdul qadir jilani sheyin lillah ×1000

Durood ×10

Whilst reading it think of your hajat/wish or problem. Inshallah within 3 days it will be resolved. His name acts as isme azam. If it does not please keep on reading until you see a dream.

You will either see a dead member of your family or a wali Allah telling you how your problem will be resolved. After finishing the wazifa do NOT do any dua as during the wazifa you would have been thinking about your hajat/problem.

It is forbidden to do ANY other wazifa whilst doing this wazifa.

If you wish you can recite the dua all the time 24hr a day, with or without wudu.
Ladies can read this with durood even whilst on your periods.

The above wazifa is very effective according to my own experience and that of other people I know who tried it. Although it says that within 3 days your problem will be resolved, everyone I know, my self included had to recite the above wazifa for a week to a couple of weeks before finding a solution to our problems.

My personal advice is that tell no one that your reciting this wazifa including close family, it's just more effective that way. It is very important to have the right niyat/intention whilst carrying out this wazifa.

If anyone has any questions ask away and if I am able I will answer them.
Ok for Starlord and anyone else who wishes to use the following wazifa;

Every night after isha prayers recite the following;

Durood ×10

Ya sheikh abdul qadir jilani sheyin lillah ×1000

Durood ×10

Whilst reading it think of your hajat/wish or problem. Inshallah within 3 days it will be resolved. His name acts as isme azam. If it does not please keep on reading until you see a dream.

You will either see a dead member of your family or a wali Allah telling you how your problem will be resolved. After finishing the wazifa do NOT do any dua as during the wazifa you would have been thinking about your hajat/problem.

It is forbidden to do ANY other wazifa whilst doing this wazifa.

If you wish you can recite the dua all the time 24hr a day, with or without wudu.
Ladies can read this with durood even whilst on your periods.

The above wazifa is very effective according to my own experience and that of other people I know who tried it. Although it says that within 3 days your problem will be resolved, everyone I know, my self included had to recite the above wazifa for a week to a couple of weeks before finding a solution to our problems.

My personal advice is that tell no one that your reciting this wazifa including close family, it's just more effective that way. It is very important to have the right niyat/intention whilst carrying out this wazifa.

If anyone has any questions ask away and if I am able I will answer them.

Who is sheik Abdul qadir jilani ?
He is sultan awaliya. Sheikh abdul qadir jillani whos mausoleum lies in Baghdad.

why contacting someone to call Allah when we were given Allah’s direct line to contact him ?

Do namaz with sincerity and ask only His help.

I had a health issue for my daughter
I read namaz and asked HIS help... just in matter of days I was shown the solution.

My faith in Allah become more stronger.
why contacting someone to call Allah when we were given Allah’s direct line to contact him ?

Do namaz with sincerity and ask only His help.

I had a health issue for my daughter
I read namaz and asked HIS help... just in matter of days I was shown the solution.

My faith in Allah become more stronger.

Of course one should do namaz, fast and give charity, but in islam it is legitimate to ask Allah's help through the wasila/medium of his chosen helpers like Sufi saints and prophets.
For example say ya mustapha, ya Ali, etc. If you research this topic you will find that Sunni muslims have no issues of asking Allah's help through the wasila of our beloved prophet or sheikh abdul qadir jillani. It is not considered shirk since you acknowledge that their power ultimately comes from the almighty and they simply are a medium / wasila .

He is a great sufi sheikh, but i would not advise that wazifa.

Better to say name of Allah swt than some man.

I can share a genuine wazifa @Starlord, if you are interested.

That wazifa is a legitimate wazifa that has helped countless people. In Sufism the concept of wasila is acceptable. Of course there is no reason a person can not ask the almighty directly if he so wishes to. Prophets and saints were sent throughout history to guide people to God. For example people on this very thread have suggested that starlord should go to a alim or a peer etc which is what most people in his situation do. At the end of the day don't knock something until you have tried it yourself.
@jaibi can you thread ban El Sid as he is constantly trying to troll here .. ?

he need no help. he is fine

somebody just need to tell him that

hey dude, I asked you not to post your stuff here, If you are not interested or have anything related to Post than just stop Posting here, you seriously have no honor ?
well my weight gain was a positive effect, cause since i am experiencing stress and panic, i couldn't gain weight at all, 2 years back i was 27 and weight only 51 Kg's , and my height is around 6'2 .. for my age and height according to a dietition my weight should be around 70+ Kg .. I know that Ufrim does take times to effect, and as for Stomach pills i asked her she said that Stress and depression cause Acidity and upset stomach which is one of the thing i suffer a lot , so maybe that is why she had me given the stomach pills . Personally i have no medical history with any major disease, neither my father or mother side has any major disease which transcends like diabetes .

God dayum boy....

Your biggest problem is that you are underweight/malnourished.

Your BMI with 61 Kg is only 17.2
And with 51 kg(previously) was even lesser.
You should be atleast at 20.
Eat healthy and eat alot.


Calculate here:
Bad Smell like poop, rotting flesh is bcz of Evil or Demonic presence, knocking on the doors or windows as well.

Now there are demons too? Unless you mean evil djinn.

well Visa is not important but its just a part of the situation, the experiences of House are very hard to understand because on one side the rational mind refuse to believe in such things but on the other hand, when you experience something weird yourself , such as finding random broken eggs or burned paper at the door step without main gate been unlocked, or random knocks or door and windows when not just you 3-4 people can hear and rush to looked into who is it only to find no one makes thing far more complicated than just a Generalization .

The reason I mentioned things because part of me believe its connected to whatever my aunt is up to ..but again as I said, its up to person to either believe in such forces of evil exists or not , people have make fun of black magic ( including me ) and Jinns that are used for evil purposes, but if you believe in Either Quran or Sunnah you can not unsee it ..

Surah Nas and Ikhaaq both mentioned about the Jinn and Evil envy of humans, and Prophet Muhammad Pbuh has been put under the dark magic in his life, there is a whole narrative to it, which you can read, I don't want to put it cause its unrelated to topic .

While you recite the 4 quls and Aayat-ul-Kursi, you may also seek 'professional' help. It takes a professional to cast evil and accordingly, it takes a professional to ward off evil, if you are indeed right. Seek a respected and professional scholar......beware, any scholar who seeks compensation for the task is most likely just a clown.

He is a great sufi sheikh, but i would not advise that wazifa.

Better to say name of Allah swt than some man.

I can share a genuine wazifa @Starlord, if you are interested.

I totally agree with you on recitation of the name(s) of Allah as opposed a man, any man. I simply don't understand how people can related to help from another dead human who is already at the mercy of Allah and all this while Allah is close to us than any other human, living or dead!

Having said the above, I would advise you not to share wazifa's without consulting professionals. Your wazima may be specific to your problem and it may not be 1 size fit all kind of thing.
Now there are demons too? Unless you mean evil djinn.

While you recite the 4 quls and Aayat-ul-Kursi, you may also seek 'professional' help. It takes a professional to cast evil and accordingly, it takes a professional to ward off evil, if you are indeed right. Seek a respected and professional scholar......beware, any scholar who seeks compensation for the task is most likely just a clown.

I totally agree with you on recitation of the name(s) of Allah as opposed a man, any man. I simply don't understand how people can related to help from another dead human who is already at the mercy of Allah and all this while Allah is close to us than any other human, living or dead!

Having said the above, I would advise you not to share wazifa's without consulting professionals. Your wazima may be specific to your problem and it may not be 1 size fit all kind of thing.
Demons are other than Jinns, Jinns can be Good and bad, but Demons are only Evil.

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