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Why Indians suffer a "Diseased Obsessive Mind" viz Pakistan | Causes of insecurity in Indian Mindset

Notice how Pakistan and bangladesh parted ways in 1971, yet no Pakistani is bitter about that nor does our media or establishment demonize them. Also our people are not obsessed with bangladeshis or hating them 24/7. In fact, any Pakistani born after 1985, knows virtually nothing about bangaldesh. Wheras with indians regarding Pakistan, the EXACT OPPOSITE is true.
Obsessive compulsive disorder. OCD :lol:
So what is Indian Sikh mindset, Christian Indian Mindset, Indian Dalit Mindset, or Indian Muslim Mindset.or Indian Buddhist Mindset.

Even most of Indians who oppose Modi on this forum are low castes, so I feel they oppose Modi not because he is evil and wicked but because they have been robbed of power.

I am sure they would love to oppress Muslims just as much, and blaming Pakistan for all issues is in Indian blood.
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Why Indians suffer a "Diseased Obsessive Mind" with Pakistan || Causes & Reasons of insecurities in the Indian Defeatist confused mindset
  • While you clearly see the diseased Indian mindset having complete obsession on Pakistan, on the contrary, Pakistan Media remains quiet and almost 90% of Pakistanis does not care or even know whats happening in India. Unless and until something comes up about India on Pakistani Private and State media channels, apart from Kashmir most Pakistanis donot even know how Hindus live a daily life and totally unaware of the current Indian developments. The question is Why Indian media, anchors and BJP Govt. all of them etc have such a diseased obsessive mindset to be obsessed about other countries like Pakistan, China than looking towards its own follies and the answer is the governments, watched Indian media keep hiding and covering up its own follies and blunders in-front of 1.3 billion Indians. For example the Economy has massively failed, Cornavirus response was a failure, big strategic blunders, political issues, casts issue, daily life problems in India, and the atrocities against Muslims and Kashmirs, etc etc. Blame others in-order to hide your defeatist insecurities. From time to time I would rather argue strongly that 220 million Pakistanis should be told about India's fault lines and and the internal problems should be fully exposed as well.
  • Anyway the next Indian Mindset is when you see Indian News stories and social media comments about Muslim women, why target Muslim women only? By this India a SECULAR state, in constitution should accept all religions into entirety, but a certain Hindutva RSS type Indian diseased mindset, try to link this with religion Islam, they target Christians, Sikhs, North-eastern states, and Dalits, why this diseased Indian mindset?
  • Indians say Pakistan named Missiles on Gaznavis, Gauris etc, which in Pakistan we believe as Islamic heroes, for in Islam and as a Muslim ideology it is not just a nation or a country it is rather defined by Muslims believing in the concept of Ummah, so the missiles are not just Pakistani only but belonging and strengthening the Islamic Ummah Concept, its our Pakistani ideology to preserve our Islamic heores which changed us and brought victories over India for centuries, we have to keep, these missile heroes names and name them more to remind our enemies, which makes our faith strong, define our unity, and the ideological basis. Pakistan only country which was made on the name of Allah, and it is bound to include all Islamic heroes names, what Indians donot see is Pakistan also keeps names of all Muslims in Pakistan, for roads, buildings, structures, navy ships, air crafts as well relating to Pakistani heores. For naming a missile is a remembrance for us that how we never believed, worshiped idols like Hindus do, yet changed our beliefs when Ghaznavis, Hatf, Gauris destroyed Hindu Idols and Sikhs ultimately making us Pakistani Muslims, which then Jinnah and Iqbal fought its way to get separation and liberation of the India in 1947. ---- Another big reason is the 1000 year of Muslim Islamic rule keep hurting Hindus of India and its a reminder to them again and again by naming these missiles, they fear them. And lastly, Pakistan Army ruled over Afghanistan through its proxies for 30 years, but as Muslims we donot consider Pakistan Army, ISI rule as invaders of Afghanistan, in a similar way Pakistan Army ISI went into FATA tribes, fought WoT and finally took over FATA, but does as Muslim for us or Pakistanis make us believe that Pakistan invaded FATA and then named FATA locations as some Pakistani invader locations, No. So Indians own defeatist mindset like Major Arya etc numerous anchors obsession, cries in hot air balloon. What this shows is the understanding the Indian fearful mindset getting exposed.
  • Another Indian defeatist mindset is blaming others for its own follies, it keeps using Punjabis as superior race over other races, and play one another, Punjabis are doing talking everything over, Punjabi Army is looting resources, Punjabis are in all key positions, fact of the matter is Punjabis are only 40% in Army, ISI, Navy, PAF etc, while 30% composition is of our Paktooons/Pashtuns, 15% Sindhis, Mohajirs and rest 15% are Baloch and Kashmirs etc. When in Pakistan whether its Punjabis or anyother ethnicity, Pakistan First and Muslim First is only ultimate belief, and thus not just religions, intermarriages, culture, the Urdu, English language as the most common language binds us together. So for Pakistanis is a clear understanding that without Baloch, Pakistan is incomplete, without a Punjabi, Pakistan is incomplete, without Gilgit-Baltistani Pakistan is incomplete and so as Sindh, Paktoons, Pakistan can never exist, Pakistan means as such, this is an another Indian folly which tries to exploit Pakistan's fault lines, unsuccessfully.
  • Indians copy Pakistani songs since 1947, whole Bollywood has persistently copied and violated Pakistani Songs copyrights and used it in their films and movies. Most of the Bollywood is successful due to Muslims, and Pakistani stars which has contributed immensely, but although out of 500 movies, only 20 movies succeed in Indian Cinema and when you see closely those remaining hits are by Muslims like Shahrukh Khan, Amir Khan, Salman Khan, Farhan Akhtar, Mohammed Yousuf Khan (Dilip Kumar), Irfan Khan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Naseeruddin Shah, so many.
  • Most basic question is Why Indians blames others of their weaknesses and follies, while India has a million problems of its own, about 20+ independence and separation movements in India are flourishing. Indian Muslims, Christians and some Sikhs have severe discontent and hate against the Indian Hindu Government establishment, which is now paving way for another separation movement in India. Indian Sikhs badly wants a new promised "Khalistan Country". Ladakh another disputed territory with majority Shia Muslims have problems with China, Pakistan and we all know Kashmir. Poverty, rich-poor gap, open defaction, crime, so many....but the fixation is either on China or Pakistan.
  • I am not going to debate on these historical facts on this thread, that India used terrorism as its state policy against its neighbors, yet most Indians choose to live in denial of these realities. While the media in Pakistan, & many Pakistanis are forthcoming about Pakistan & its policies last 20 years of WoT, it is sad to see that India & Indians are not, & would rather live in their delusions that India is incapable of using terrorism as state policy against its neighbors while its North-east states, Kashmir, in Afghanistan, China, Nepal, Ladakh, and use of state terrorim in Bangladesh and Srilanka. India trained EPRLF, EROS, LTTE, PLOTE and TELO Tamil terrorists in various training camps all over India, against the Sri Lankan establishment. They also gave bomb making, & suicide bombing training to LTTE terrorists, & only went against the group after it refused to disarm and accept the 1987 India-Sri Lanka Peace Accord, & in 1991, when one of their suicide bombers trained in India, Dhanu (aka Thenmozhi Rajaratnam) blew herself up, & killed Rajiv Gandhi.
  • India is unable to accept that India lost 1/3rd of land in Kashmir and lost, India is unable to accept that India after WoT in Afghanistan has completely lost the war, India is incapable that it Lost in Srilanka at the hands of Pakistanis, India again lost peaks in Kargil still held by Pakistan Army, so why Indians' insecurity lead to the fact that Indians are unable to accept ground and world realities while wants to fantasize about Akhand Bharat on internet and media, India just cannot destroy and capture Pakistan, it has no power to do it, infact in the process India's economy is now destroyed, India is isloated, and India has become unstable.
  • Another common Indian weak mindset is the fact in sports, Cricket, Pakistan never brags about its vast lead of Win to Loss ratio over India, to 73 Pakistani victories over just 55 Indian jeets. But Indian mindset keep bragging about Worldcup win only and then used to brag about in ICC events, Pakistan never won, but soon when Pakistan won ICC Championship Final, the insecure Indian left the ICC event tag, to just Worldcup tournament victories, a country almost 1:6 times larger than Pakistan, now towing an only line of world cup victory, laughable but yet smallmindedness on them, Pakistanis should pity on them. Similarly other sports like Hockey, Kabaddi etc etc, the insecure Indian wants to show its 56" chest to lift a ego, but stats show a different reality.
  • India with a 1.35 billion population vs 220 million Pakistani, keep bragging about economic comparison with its failing economy, how its better than Pakistan, knowing Pakistanis requirements are far smaller than India's vast poverty slums and cities after cities, but an Indian insecure ego boost comes in to do comparisons.
  • Looking at 1.3 Billion Indians, totally unsure of its history when they try to adopt Pakistani Indus Valley Civilisation and the Gandara Civilization because the current Pakistanis still live around the belts of Indus river for 5000s of years without migration. The issue is Indian muslims, Christian and Sikhs donot own up to the purported Indian civilization or its Hindu version of Bharat history whether its the Ganga, Ashoka, or Nepali Hindu version of civilisation, other religions donot accept the re-written history of India. Indian Budhist are even more confused than the Indian Muslims or Sikh who disown Hindus all together and the Hindu version of Indian civilisation.
  • When I see Indian Media talking about Pakistan with diseased obsessive mind trying to exploit and use it, what we Pakistanis see is through an eye and understanding of highly vulnerable, fragile, narrow minded, shaky, narrow minded and confused Indians. A defeatist mindset with severe a nation of 1.35 billion having severe short-comings.

Excellent post. Loved every word you wrote. Its so true. I often think same, you have touched most issues and answered them very well.

I wish I could give you positive rating.
The shock of separation as well as the shock of 1000 years Islamic Muslim rule as well as the shock of unable to defeat and destroy Pakistan completely, yet becoming a Nuclear and Missile Power in the region is hard to take in.

Is hatred and obsession same thing? They have deep hatred for Pakistan, now it's turning against ISLAM. I will not be surprised if Pakistan faces Mumbai style attack by Hindu Radicals in next 10 years.
Why Indians suffer a "Diseased Obsessive Mind" with Pakistan || Causes & Reasons of insecurities in the Indian Defeatist confused mindset
  • While you clearly see the diseased Indian mindset having complete obsession on Pakistan, on the contrary, Pakistan Media remains quiet and almost 90% of Pakistanis does not care or even know whats happening in India. Unless and until something comes up about India on Pakistani Private and State media channels, apart from Kashmir most Pakistanis donot even know how Hindus live a daily life and totally unaware of the current Indian developments. The question is Why Indian media, anchors and BJP Govt. all of them etc have such a diseased obsessive mindset to be obsessed about other countries like Pakistan, China than looking towards its own follies and the answer is the governments, watched Indian media keep hiding and covering up its own follies and blunders in-front of 1.3 billion Indians. For example the Economy has massively failed, Cornavirus response was a failure, big strategic blunders, political issues, casts issue, daily life problems in India, and the atrocities against Muslims and Kashmirs, etc etc. Blame others in-order to hide your defeatist insecurities. From time to time I would rather argue strongly that 220 million Pakistanis should be told about India's fault lines and and the internal problems should be fully exposed as well.
  • Anyway the next Indian Mindset is when you see Indian News stories and social media comments about Muslim women, why target Muslim women only? By this India a SECULAR state, in constitution should accept all religions into entirety, but a certain Hindutva RSS type Indian diseased mindset, try to link this with religion Islam, they target Christians, Sikhs, North-eastern states, and Dalits, why this diseased Indian mindset?
  • Indians say Pakistan named Missiles on Gaznavis, Gauris etc, which in Pakistan we believe as Islamic heroes, for in Islam and as a Muslim ideology it is not just a nation or a country it is rather defined by Muslims believing in the concept of Ummah, so the missiles are not just Pakistani only but belonging and strengthening the Islamic Ummah Concept, its our Pakistani ideology to preserve our Islamic heores which changed us and brought victories over India for centuries, we have to keep, these missile heroes names and name them more to remind our enemies, which makes our faith strong, define our unity, and the ideological basis. Pakistan only country which was made on the name of Allah, and it is bound to include all Islamic heroes names, what Indians donot see is Pakistan also keeps names of all Muslims in Pakistan, for roads, buildings, structures, navy ships, air crafts as well relating to Pakistani heores. For naming a missile is a remembrance for us that how we never believed, worshiped idols like Hindus do, yet changed our beliefs when Ghaznavis, Hatf, Gauris destroyed Hindu Idols and Sikhs ultimately making us Pakistani Muslims, which then Jinnah and Iqbal fought its way to get separation and liberation of the India in 1947. ---- Another big reason is the 1000 year of Muslim Islamic rule keep hurting Hindus of India and its a reminder to them again and again by naming these missiles, they fear them. And lastly, Pakistan Army ruled over Afghanistan through its proxies for 30 years, but as Muslims we donot consider Pakistan Army, ISI rule as invaders of Afghanistan, in a similar way Pakistan Army ISI went into FATA tribes, fought WoT and finally took over FATA, but does as Muslim for us or Pakistanis make us believe that Pakistan invaded FATA and then named FATA locations as some Pakistani invader locations, No. So Indians own defeatist mindset like Major Arya etc numerous anchors obsession, cries in hot air balloon. What this shows is the understanding the Indian fearful mindset getting exposed.
  • Another Indian defeatist mindset is blaming others for its own follies, it keeps using Punjabis as superior race over other races, and play one another, Punjabis are doing talking everything over, Punjabi Army is looting resources, Punjabis are in all key positions, fact of the matter is Punjabis are only 40% in Army, ISI, Navy, PAF etc, while 30% composition is of our Paktooons/Pashtuns, 15% Sindhis, Mohajirs and rest 15% are Baloch and Kashmirs etc. When in Pakistan whether its Punjabis or anyother ethnicity, Pakistan First and Muslim First is only ultimate belief, and thus not just religions, intermarriages, culture, the Urdu, English language as the most common language binds us together. So for Pakistanis is a clear understanding that without Baloch, Pakistan is incomplete, without a Punjabi, Pakistan is incomplete, without Gilgit-Baltistani Pakistan is incomplete and so as Sindh, Paktoons, Pakistan can never exist, Pakistan means as such, this is an another Indian folly which tries to exploit Pakistan's fault lines, unsuccessfully.
  • Indians copy Pakistani songs since 1947, whole Bollywood has persistently copied and violated Pakistani Songs copyrights and used it in their films and movies. Most of the Bollywood is successful due to Muslims, and Pakistani stars which has contributed immensely, but although out of 500 movies, only 20 movies succeed in Indian Cinema and when you see closely those remaining hits are by Muslims like Shahrukh Khan, Amir Khan, Salman Khan, Farhan Akhtar, Mohammed Yousuf Khan (Dilip Kumar), Irfan Khan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Naseeruddin Shah, so many.
  • Most basic question is Why Indians blames others of their weaknesses and follies, while India has a million problems of its own, about 20+ independence and separation movements in India are flourishing. Indian Muslims, Christians and some Sikhs have severe discontent and hate against the Indian Hindu Government establishment, which is now paving way for another separation movement in India. Indian Sikhs badly wants a new promised "Khalistan Country". Ladakh another disputed territory with majority Shia Muslims have problems with China, Pakistan and we all know Kashmir. Poverty, rich-poor gap, open defaction, crime, so many....but the fixation is either on China or Pakistan.
  • I am not going to debate on these historical facts on this thread, that India used terrorism as its state policy against its neighbors, yet most Indians choose to live in denial of these realities. While the media in Pakistan, & many Pakistanis are forthcoming about Pakistan & its policies last 20 years of WoT, it is sad to see that India & Indians are not, & would rather live in their delusions that India is incapable of using terrorism as state policy against its neighbors while its North-east states, Kashmir, in Afghanistan, China, Nepal, Ladakh, and use of state terrorim in Bangladesh and Srilanka. India trained EPRLF, EROS, LTTE, PLOTE and TELO Tamil terrorists in various training camps all over India, against the Sri Lankan establishment. They also gave bomb making, & suicide bombing training to LTTE terrorists, & only went against the group after it refused to disarm and accept the 1987 India-Sri Lanka Peace Accord, & in 1991, when one of their suicide bombers trained in India, Dhanu (aka Thenmozhi Rajaratnam) blew herself up, & killed Rajiv Gandhi.
  • India is unable to accept that India lost 1/3rd of land in Kashmir and lost, India is unable to accept that India after WoT in Afghanistan has completely lost the war, India is incapable that it Lost in Srilanka at the hands of Pakistanis, India again lost peaks in Kargil still held by Pakistan Army, so why Indians' insecurity lead to the fact that Indians are unable to accept ground and world realities while wants to fantasize about Akhand Bharat on internet and media, India just cannot destroy and capture Pakistan, it has no power to do it, infact in the process India's economy is now destroyed, India is isloated, and India has become unstable.
  • Another common Indian weak mindset is the fact in sports, Cricket, Pakistan never brags about its vast lead of Win to Loss ratio over India, to 73 Pakistani victories over just 55 Indian jeets. But Indian mindset keep bragging about Worldcup win only and then used to brag about in ICC events, Pakistan never won, but soon when Pakistan won ICC Championship Final, the insecure Indian left the ICC event tag, to just Worldcup tournament victories, a country almost 1:6 times larger than Pakistan, now towing an only line of world cup victory, laughable but yet smallmindedness on them, Pakistanis should pity on them. Similarly other sports like Hockey, Kabaddi etc etc, the insecure Indian wants to show its 56" chest to lift a ego, but stats show a different reality.
  • India with a 1.35 billion population vs 220 million Pakistani, keep bragging about economic comparison with its failing economy, how its better than Pakistan, knowing Pakistanis requirements are far smaller than India's vast poverty slums and cities after cities, but an Indian insecure ego boost comes in to do comparisons.
  • Looking at 1.3 Billion Indians, totally unsure of its history when they try to adopt Pakistani Indus Valley Civilisation and the Gandara Civilization because the current Pakistanis still live around the belts of Indus river for 5000s of years without migration. The issue is Indian muslims, Christian and Sikhs donot own up to the purported Indian civilization or its Hindu version of Bharat history whether its the Ganga, Ashoka, or Nepali Hindu version of civilisation, other religions donot accept the re-written history of India. Indian Budhist are even more confused than the Indian Muslims or Sikh who disown Hindus all together and the Hindu version of Indian civilisation.
  • When I see Indian Media talking about Pakistan with diseased obsessive mind trying to exploit and use it, what we Pakistanis see is through an eye and understanding of highly vulnerable, fragile, narrow minded, shaky, narrow minded and confused Indians. A defeatist mindset with severe a nation of 1.35 billion having severe short-comings.
For an Indian Hindu, the just Muslim rule remains a psychological shock to this day.

There is no cure, unless they come to the righteous path.
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