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Hindu Village Bans Entry of Muslims

Though all the Jamati samples(absconding and otherwise) in my place have come out negative, local authorities are taking no chances.

Even vegetable shops have been asked to close down( as most of them are Ms and may be in contact with still evading people), and district admin is issuing online passes(earlier restricted to select few) to those who need to go out.
lol, Hindus are thinking the virus is Muslim
lol, Hindus are thinking the virus is Muslim
It cannot be helped if you are bent on drawing bizarre conclusions.. Cast aspersions on one's intellect..

There is a huge difference in fauji Old Monk and the crap we civvies get.
Maybe that's just me, but i could never discern the difference between the two varieties.
It cannot be helped if you are bent on drawing bizarre conclusions.. Cast aspersions on one's intellect..

Maybe that's just me, but i could never discern the difference between the two varieties.

Yes it's you then buddy.

There is a stark difference. Initially I thought the club bearers were watering the booze.
Why should my people suffer for the misdeeds of some criminal minded individuals. Had it been upto me, would have thrown them into prison. I applaud the people of Arunachal who threw these scumbags out of their state.

Drunk on cowpiss, the ward boy now peddles fake news on Arunachal Pradesh.
Drunk on cowpiss, the ward boy now peddles fake news on Arunachal Pradesh.
Stop acting like a condescending cun+ and use the internet at your disposal.

Another piece of news for you Mr J!hadi, the indigenous Assames€ muslim organisations have decided to file a lawsuit against the Tablighi Jamaat accusing them of breaking the law and r@dicalisation.

ps: Members of Tablighi Jamaat here mostly belong to the category of illegal Bangladeshi miyas and are looked down upon by our indigenous muslim brothers.
Stop acting like a condescending cun+ and use the internet at your disposal.

Another piece of news for you Mr J!hadi, the indigenous Assames€ muslim organisations have decided to file a lawsuit against the Tablighi Jamaat accusing them of breaking the law and r@dicalisation.

ps: Members of Tablighi Jamaat here mostly belong to the category of illegal Bangladeshi miyas and are looked down upon by our indigenous muslim brothers.

So now the Tableeghi Jamaatis are "illegal Bangladeshis" as well. Why don't we also make them members of Lashkar-e-Tayyaba for good measure?

The fanciful lies of cow piss drinkers is amazing. When the Arunachal lies did not work, now throw in a few about "indigenous Muslims" from Assam.
Arunachal lies
Low IQ imbeciles usually need spoon feeding.


Tablighi Jamaat impact: Drivers and handymen manhandled in Arunachal Pradesh

This is what we in my state, and the people of Arunachal think of your law breaking, absconding Tablighi Jamaatis. You are not welcome to the NE.

indigenous Muslims
As for our indigenous muslims, you might be needing burnol after learning that the brand of Islam here is syncretic. They celebrate our religious and cultural festivals together with us, and attend Hindu melas, and pray in our namghars.
Low IQ imbeciles usually need spoon feeding.


Tablighi Jamaat impact: Drivers and handymen manhandled in Arunachal Pradesh

This is what we in my state, and the people of Arunachal think of your law breaking, absconding Tablighi Jamaatis. You are not welcome to the NE.

Aah...so the cow piss drinking ward boy is taking absolute glee in people breaking the law.

Let's analyze here....

Tableeghi Jamaatis being accused of breaking a law that never was in effect, but condemned for "breaking the law"
Arunachal rowdies breaking the law, but cheered on by the cow piss drinker for "breaking the law"

Drinking too much cow piss can blur your judgement.

As for our indigenous muslims, you might be needing burnol after learning that the brand of Islam here is syncretic. They celebrate our religious and cultural festivals together with us, and attend Hindu melas, and pray in our namghars.

Cool. Didn't matter too much in Nellie did it?
Cool. Didn't matter too much in Nellie did it?
They won't tell you that the illegal Bangladeshi miyas in Nellie were r@ping, looting and killing the natives(and outsiders) for months prior to the incident. One day the Tiwas decided that enough was enough, and that's that.

Tableeghi Jamaatis being accused of breaking a law that never was in effect, but condemned for "breaking the law
Dolt, people here have mainly objected to the Jamaatis who were absconding even after multiple requests from the government. And hiding people in their places of worship, and spitting on the health care workers.
They won't tell you that the illegal Bangladeshi miyas in Nellie were r@ping, looting and killing the natives(and outsiders) for months prior to the incident. One day the Tiwas decided that enough was enough, and that's that.

Aah....the instant classification of all killed as "illegal Bangladeshi" as the justification for murder. And more fanciful lies of rape, looting and killing.

You are nothing more than a depraved person that loves murder and bloodshed and hide it behind the excuse of Hindutva. I see no difference between you and Jeffrey Dahmer.

Dolt, people here have mainly objected to the Jamaatis who were absconding even after multiple requests from the government. And hiding people in their places of worship, and spitting on the health care workers.

Once more lies are peddled. Don't you ever get tired of lying or does it come naturally to you? But what is amazing that your affection for law and order is instantly erased when the perpetrators are not Muslims.
the instant classification of all killed as "illegal Bangladeshi" as the justification
Only idiots will think of it as a justification. People need to know the other side of the story too, miyas have plenty who are carrying their propaganda forward.

Facts are what they are, if you use it to suit your convoluted narrative then it's your prerogative..

But yes, we would like the illegal miyas out of the state, they and their fake Arabic culture don't belong here. And we don't give a hoot about what you think or do.
Only idiots will think of it as a justification. People need to know the other side of the story too, miyas have plenty who are carrying their propaganda forward.

Facts are what they are, if you use it to suit your convoluted narrative then it's your prerogative..

But yes, we would like the illegal miyas out of the state, they and their fake Arabic culture don't belong here. And we don't give a hoot about what you think or do.

Thank for clarifying that you are a cowpiss drinking "idiot" as you so proudly claim.

The only facts that emerge out of all this, it that you are depraved person that loves murder and bloodshed and wholeheartedly endorses such killings. In a normal society, you would be condemned for this, but since you live in a depraved society, you are probably comfortable with espousing such beliefs.
The only facts that emerge out of all this
is that the indigenous people of NE India irrespective of religion and ethnicity across the eight states dislike the illegal miyas and their fake imported Arabic culture, all the more so when they have already been provided a country of their own to settle down to. They shouldn't be coming to the NE to spread their filth.
is that the indigenous people of NE India irrespective of religion and ethnicity across the eight states dislike the illegal miyas and their fake imported Arabic culture, all the more so when they have already been provided a country of their own to settle down to. They shouldn't be coming to the NE to spread their filth.

People dislike a lot of things, but only you wholeheartedly endorse murder and bloodshed. Depraved member of a depraved society.

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