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Pakistan to celebrate ‘Surprise Day’ on Feb 27

That is about all this nation has to celebrate in the way of accomplishment, unfortunately. That said, former Air Chief's R&D initiatives will hopefully give us something substantial to celebrate, especially if they translate into high-tech non-military commercial manufacturing.
Wont be a celebration without some new evidence :wub: may be video footage of one of the other ground targets or evidence of the second AA kill :wub:
Any further details of celebration?? Something like Mujahidee-e-aflaak?? Or they plan it differently this time??

Pakistan to celebrate ‘Surprise Day’ on Feb 27
By Our Correspondent
Published: February 15, 2020



KARACHI: The government has announced that the country would celebrate ‘Surprise Day’ on February 27 as a tribute to the retaliatory attack by the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) after India’s botched Balakot airstrike.

On Feb 27, 2019, the PAF carried out Operation Swift Retort and shot down two Indian Air Force (IAF) fighter aircraft and dropped bombs within the compounds of Indian military facilities in occupied Kashmir – as a warning to the country’s belligerent neighbour.

The Pakistani military had lived up to its promise to ‘surprise’ India in wake of any misadventure, saying that ‘uncalled-for aggression’ from the Indian military ‘would not go unpunished’.

The operation also resulted in the capture of an Indian pilot, Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, after his Mig-21 was shot down. The pilot was later handed over to Indian authorities as ‘a goodwill gesture’.

India’s ‘fictitious’ air strike imperils regional peace

The rare aerial engagement significantly raised the stakes in the perilous standoff came a day after Delhi claimed its aircraft had launched an airstrike on what it called the “biggest training camp of Jaish-e-Muhammad” militant group inside Pakistan – a claim debunked by Islamabad.

“The sole purpose of this [PAF] action was to demonstrate our right, will and capability for self-defence. We do not wish to escalate, but we’re fully prepared if forced into that paradigm,” the Foreign Office had said in a statement.

The then director-general of the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), Major General Asif Ghafoor, said Indian jets were shot down after PAF planes earlier struck targets across the Line of Control (LoC) in a show of strength.

PAF strikes Indian targets across LoC, two IAF jets shot down

Afterwards, he said, the two Indian warplanes crossed the LoC into Pakistani airspace. They were engaged by PAF jets and downed. One fell into Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), while the other crashed on the other side of the LoC, he had said.

“In response to PAF strikes this morning, as released by MoFA, IAF [Indian Air Force] crossed [the] LoC,” he said. “[The] PAF shot down two Indian aircraft inside Pakistani airspace. One of the aircraft fell inside AJK while [the] other fell inside IOK. One Indian pilot arrested by troops on the ground.”

Any further details of celebration?? Something like Mujahidee-e-aflaak?? Or they plan it differently this time??

Mujahideen-e-Aflak covered all the details hence, I don't see any repetition of such type program. We are going to celebrate this day for our resolve, retaliation & surprise that delivered to India. It may be a surprise for the nation if some kind of further details are being shared at all. However, any such plans are not known as of yet. We might see celebration only which may comprise of some flying display or public display by any other branch on the day.
Yaar to be honest, I would love to see a clear evidence.. But I don't think we will present any.. I think there too much diplomacy involved here.
I dont know if diplomacy comes in the way of presenting something substantial that the general public can absorb as an evidence of the kill

it was a BVR kill.. deep inside Indian occupied Kashmir. both the splash and the crash are far away from anyone to make a video.

Indians might have jailed or even executed the Kashmirs there who happened to be there when the MKI hit the ground.
if a video clip recorded from a phone manages to escape the Indian clamp down then there is a chance we might see something other than all those radar and other multimedia presentations of blips and dots mean nothing no matter how much we pretend to understand them.
This will set a stupid precedent. It is time to move on from February 27 and look forward to bigger and better things. Pakistani people need to deal with international relations with more maturity.

When it comes to Pakistan, India is a united nation. No matter conservative or liberal all Hindus are preparing for a final war with Pakistan. These antics just give us a false sense of security and pride. Honestly, It is immature.
its war of nerves and propaganda. very much need of the day which people call 5th gen warfare.
we move on better prepared and we celebrate our well deserved victory too.
its war of nerves and propaganda. very much need of the day which people call 5th gen warfare.
we move on better prepared and we celebrate our well deserved victory too.

Fully agree and fail to understand, why some of the Pakistani posters don't realize this.
I am waiting for @MastanKhan


Just thinking of this day as a celebration is totally shameless and disgraceful I meant to say how much lower the Pakistan Air Force needs to lower her standards of achievements so that it can start celebrating at a national level.

The truth is that they should have and some heads rolling for the indecision for letting the enemy aircraft escape arena and yet here we are planning to arrange a celebration for the Incompetence shown right in the middle of a battle.
I dont know if diplomacy comes in the way of presenting something substantial that the general public can absorb as an evidence of the kill

it was a BVR kill.. deep inside Indian occupied Kashmir. both the splash and the crash are far away from anyone to make a video.

Indians might have jailed or even executed the Kashmirs there who happened to be there when the MKI hit the ground.
if a video clip recorded from a phone manages to escape the Indian clamp down then there is a chance we might see something other than all those radar and other multimedia presentations of blips and dots mean nothing no matter how much we pretend to understand them.
Sir, an acceptable evidence could be the cockpit voice recording of Abhinandan's plane. I am sure he would've said something if SU 30 was hit before him. Even if it wasn't, I am almost certain we have distress sos recordings of both jets going down.

I firmly believe that we had second pilot in our custody. Maj G. Asif Ghafoor clearly said in Kamran Khan's show (that was recorded many days later) that the second pilot died. There wasn't any fog of war remaining at that time. Therefore, I believe that we know the name of the second pilot too, it's just that we don't want to release it in public.

There's no better way to win the narrative war than to release name and cockpit recordings (if we have) of both the jets.

yera! whats the big deal in releasing the evidence?
I dont understand? whats the diplomacy here?

If we r doing that for Russia then Russia care about money only, what has it done for Pakistan on the first place on Kashmir issue or economically on the first place? Even in the FATF?

Cant these cute little slavs make themselves useful in return? while on top of that they have given SCO hosting rights to india whose Pakistan is also a member?? that too after 27 feb.? And even now sold S400 and now also selling Akula 2 sub now?

These both systems will be used against Pakistan and Chinese interests in CPEC which passes through G-B and india plans to install them in Kashmir itself which will block any realistic defence of AJK and G-B aerially.
I am with you.. can't disagree with anything you have written.
How it would be like we are about to see MKI splash or kill evidence... some reading... digital signature confirmation or even a short video of live op... like a bit of glimpse? similar to something like ground attack footage.
Would love to , but I don't think so .
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