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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

lol, we're not talking about arabian horses and swords and wars 1400 years ago. I'm talking about saudi arabia, kuwait, qatar, bahrain, oman of recent years. I'm not even talking about Iran 40 years ago.

Arabs were fighting in the heartland of Europe barely 500 years ago. That is some 15 generations ago. Moroccan dynasties of Arab origin were waging wars with European powers (Spain, Portugal, UK, France) even later as were the Barbary states in the Arab Maghreb.

Arabs resisted European colonial attempts (which is why they were short-lived everywhere outside of Algeria which lasted over 100 years but eventually was won with great sacrifice and many French loses as well) more than Iranians did as well. That was not 1400 years ago.

Wars against European crusaders was not 1400 years ago either.

Iraqi Sunni Arabs (mainly) killing more US soldiers than anyone else since WW2 outside of Vietcong, where not 1400 years ago.

19 Arabs being behind the largest attack on the US mainland in history by a foreign entity, including striking the military heartland (Pentagon) occurred less than 20 years ago.

In fact all the so-called main anti-Western/resistance groups in the world are found within the Arab world.

Your Arabized and wannabe Arab Mullah's are only good at barking and using proxies, nothing else. If you are such a powerful nation why don't you attack the US directly or even their surrogate (Israel)?

Especially after an embarrassment like this. Let us see how "anti-Western" you really are. I expect the Mullah's to use a proxy to make a small statement and nothing else because anything else (large scale war) will be their end and that of their proxies. It will give carte blanche for KSA to use the Russian approach in Northern Yemen with the excuse of fighting iranian proxies/allies in case of a large scale conflict with your Mullah's. That is if Northern Yemenis were not our brothers and we were as wicked as your Mullah's.
The U.S. would never have dared such a reckless act against North Korea, because it would have amounted to an open declaration of war. And the start of the first nuclear exchange over the American mainland.

But, the difference is that Iran has no nuclear deterrent.

This is the result of the foolish JCPOA, as opposed to the North Korean nuclear arms race over the same period.

Both the JCPOA and the so called negociations for the denuclearization of North Korea were devised from A to Z and from day one by the U.S. for only delaying the development of Iran and North Korea without the intention for any sanction relief.

And today, Shahid Qassem Soleimani is paying with his life the price of this major miscalculation.

Never negociate with Shaitan-e buzurg. No more JCPOA.

Go nuclear, just do it.

i see that even anti mullah iranians chearing when they here iran is building an empire becuase even if they are anti mullah they all dream about iranian empire. this is agood thing actually when i see that iranians prefere iranian jew over non iranian shia i wish the iraqis to be nationalistic like them but not to the ultra-nationastic level.

Whats the difference if it is a jew, a black man, an Iraqi sunni, or Iranian shia if they all work towards the same goal?
That's why some of our figures in the PMU, like Amiri make no sense. I wouldn't join another country to fight my own whether it's Saddam or Amiri ruling it.

Amiri's loyalty is not solid, it's like Iraq's own MKO which is willing to fight against its state depending on what ideology is in charge of it. Not that i'm calling for the death of Amiri, we've got enough death in the country already.
you see the iranians all of them shah supporters, communists, leftists and islamists hate the MKO because they fought against iran unlike some of our donkeys who glorify al hakeem and al ameri or Tarazani and Talabani who killed thounsands of iraqis.
you see the iranians all of them shah supporters, communists, leftists and islamists hate the MKO because they fought against iran unlike some of our donkeys who glorify al hakeem and al ameri or Tarazani and Talabani who killed thounsands of iraqis.
Difference between Al-Amiri now and MEK is that MEK would give half of Iran to israel and half to USA while Al-Amiri would kill barzani if he tries to divide Iraq.
you see the iranians all of them shah supporters, communists, leftists and islamists hate the MKO because they fought against iran unlike some of our donkeys who glorify al hakeem and al ameri or Tarazani and Talabani who killed thounsands of iraqis.

The ones that fought against Iraq in the 80's are now the policymakers in Iraq, they're the main ones in power. Dawa'a party etc.

That by itself is a foundation for people without loyalty, the whole de-Baathification campaign targets nationalists. It's a government of cunts.
Difference between Al-Amiri now and MEK is that MEK would give half of Iran to israel and half to USA while Al-Amiri would kill barzani if he tries to divide Iraq.
my point is even the iranians who hate mullahs hate MEK while some of our donkeys glorify Badr, dawah, barzani and talabani even though they were fighting against iraq as a country and not against saddam as regime. our people lack nationalism.
Difference between Al-Amiri now and MEK is that MEK would give half of Iran to israel and half to USA while Al-Amiri would kill barzani if he tries to divide Iraq.

That's right, but that's cause Amiri is in power now. If MKO is in power they surely would act the same against the US or Israel.

The bigger problem is in the system in Baghdad, not Amiri or Khazali. We have 500k more of these people currently in the background whom are no different.
i think in future u.s may openly kill any army general of countries which not accept their directions,this is dangerous move which may bring u.s army leadership under direct threat when they visit other countries
That is very dumb question. Why are you not allowing Hindus to bring their statues back to Kabba? Its only fair since you forefathers were idol worshipers before Islam came and rescued them.

Pakistan will not get involved in your idiotic wars. In fact, Pakistan will stand a mile away and watch you getting destroyed. Good luck.


Arabs have nothing to do with Hinduism unlike your ancestors who were Hindus. We always believed in our own religions whether it be the 3 main Abrahamic (Semitic) religions (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) or ancient pre-Abrahamic Semitic religions (oldest recorded religions in the world).

Monotheism was invented/first followed in the Arab world (Arabia) as well. Ever heard about Prophet Ibrahim (as) and Hanif followers which even existed at the time of Prophet Muhammad (saws) as did large Christian and Jewish communities.

With all due respect, your country is 72 years old. You were never a part of any historical conflicts nor are you needed today. Don't have delusions, you are many times more dependent on a few small GCC states than the Arab world ever was/will be on you. In fact 90% of the Arab world barely has any relationships with you but since this is a Pakistani forum there is a lot of delusion here and lately anti-Arab inferiority complex nonsense at full swing even though the same Arabs have kept you afloat for decades and are not hostile against you (the people). Outside of us Arabs and China who are your friends that have helped you historically and can help you against the many times larger/richer/more populous India? Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
It makes things actually worser.. that you live in US and still think like this. 7 trillion dollars and yearly almost 1 trillion dollar could be spent on health care and infrastructure and other projects instead of fooling tax payers to fund weapon industry and to wage wars for tiny colony israel.

You don't worry about Americans. They don't seem to be in need of or your espert advice... Keep that for your own broken mullah system that just killed 1500 people on the streets of Iran for protesting the rise of gas price by 3 times overnight...
The ones that fought against Iraq in the 80's are now the policymakers in Iraq, they're the main ones in power. Dawa'a party etc.

That by itself is a foundation for people without loyalty, the whole de-Baathification campaign targets nationalists. It's a government of cunts.
that's because the lack of nationallism omong iraqis you see the iranians love their persian magians and jews more than theylove afghan or arab shias, the turks love their tengrist brothers more than they love their sunni nieghbors while our people prefer sunni turk or kurd over shia arab in the south while the shia prefer iranians and pakistani shias over their own iraqi sunni brothers!! at the same time iranians prefere iranian jew over shia arab becuase they are nationalists who love their culture and land more than our retards who prefer sect over their blood and land.

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