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Manufacture of the first Saudi-Brazilian turbo jet engine

I thought Indonesia produces jet engines. Isn't that the case?

We just start the program to design and made jet engine in 2015 for cruise missile. The jet engine is still small with 500 N trust. Very too late isnt it ? I dont know why the program just started in 2015. Not long before. Maybe financial crisis during 1997-2004 also cause that delay.
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Yep. I just tagged him to point to an insider 'joke' ... literally everything I say on Quwa, it seems the likes of UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt etc, are doing it (e.g., working with Brazil, Ukraine, etc), while Pakistan is either silent (for a good reason, or because it's not taking advantage of these opportunities. or can't for reasons outside of its control).
Saudi UAE etc are hiring engineers from overseas and knowledge but are they investing in manpower? and are their natives learning? Now I ask if tomorrow the Brazilians withdrew will the saudis be able to make the engines? I bet my left nut they wont. So on the surface yes they are. But scratch the surface to get the pic.
Pakistan is doing it's best within the monetary constraints. Look at our achievements with respect to money available.
Saudi UAE etc are hiring engineers from overseas and knowledge but are they investing in manpower? and are their natives learning? Now I ask if tomorrow the Brazilians withdrew will the saudis be able to make the engines? I bet my left nut they wont. So on the surface yes they are. But scratch the surface to get the pic.
Pakistan is doing it's best within the monetary constraints. Look at our achievements with respect to money available.

They can tell you have good ther empire was and that they are the crade of civilization..:-)
Arab empires and caliphates? Ottomans: Hold my ayran.

On topic, dreaming is fine.

You mean the 100% Arabized Ottomans whose only "Turkic" thing about them was murdering brother to gain the "throne" and who lost every war against Arabs whenever the Arabs no longer accepted being allies (Yemen, Hijaz and elsewhere) with them and who now belong in the dustbin of history and have no legacy, unlike the Arab world which is a living legacy of the much larger, more influential, respected and important Arab Rashidun, Umayyad, Abassaid, Fatimid Caliphates and empires etc? Got it.:lol:

KSA has many reasons to dream. More than most. Good times indeed.
You mean the 100% Arabized Ottomans whose only "Turkic" thing about them was murdering brother to gain the "throne" and who lost every war against Arabs whenever the Arabs no longer accepted being allies (Yemen, Hijaz and elsewhere) with them and who now belong in the dustbin of history and have no legacy, unlike the Arab world which is a living legacy of the much larger, more influential, respected and important Arab Rashidun, Umayyad, Abassaid, Fatimid Caliphates and empires etc? Got it.:lol:

KSA has many reasons to dream. More than most. Good times indeed.
Get lost, I can't read your long speeches which most of the time, they are baseless.
Get lost, I can't read your long speeches which most of the time, they are baseless.

If anything an Arabized and Turkified Anatoli like you need to get lost from the Arab section and worry about "your" misery in Central Asia and the beautiful Chinese province of Xinjiang.

I deal with facts only. Truth hurts. Now back to obsessing about Arab affairs my Arabized Anatoli. I know your obsession and your likes obsession very well. In that way you are very similar to your eastern neighbor. Must be the genetics talking there.:lol:
Already got the blueprints and working on a small space ship with Ukraine ... remember!

Yes, and likely other partners as well, but mastering the process requires a lot of time, money, failures etc. Most is shrouded in secrecy so it depends on the cooperation of partners and how much time, money and energy has been spent or will be spent.

Recent years cooperation with Ukraine has no doubt resultated in a lot of beneficial transfers of technology and gained experience.

I just wish, from an purely egoistic viewpoint, that the government, military and our defense companies, were more open etc. when it comes to news and updates but given the strategic nature of such projects, it is for the better of course. No doubt in my mind that we are far ahead in our strategic projects than what is being told as seen time and time again in recent years. With MbS uniting all factions, this process will only quicken with no internal power struggles and competitions as in the past delaying projects or the SANG-ARMY dynamic and related corruption.

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