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India testing small sub-kiloton NUKES?

If Pakistan get following from China in required numbers then even with S-400 & Rafale India will not be able to attack Pakistan in future 10-20 years.
Most likely, this does not work. At all. Chinese are bluffing you folks.
Not to mention, this --if it were working-- can be shot down with ease using existing anti-CM weapons.
Lastly, its not going to be cost effective. Better build low-cost cruise missiles.

tank is fine considering its a closed setup and they have radiation shielding , but generally they dont test conventional weaponry there don't much.

All right, how about this? Is this radiation shielded as well? Or is this 'unconventional'?


.....faulty ammunition was the reason behind the explosion on the Army's new long-range ultra-light (ULH) howitzer M-777 during a field trial in Pokhran earlier this month

May be radiation is the reason why all Indian Army's guns keep on blowing up their barrels in Pokhran? Tank or howitzer...
Most likely, this does not work. At all. Chinese are bluffing you folks.
Not to mention, this --if it were working-- can be shot down with ease using existing anti-CM weapons.
Lastly, its not going to be cost effective. Better build low-cost cruise missiles.

All right, how about this? Is this radiation shielded as well? Or is this 'unconventional'?


May be radiation is the reason why all Indian Army's guns keep on blowing up their barrels in Pokhran? Tank or howitzer...
the reason for barrel explosion is below par quality of indian shells and not to mention army tests all the foreign weapon system in scorching heat of the deserts till the absolute limit.
the reason for barrel explosion is below par quality of indian shells and not to mention army tests all the foreign weapon system in scorching heat of the deserts till the absolute limit.
Okay, so its the desert heat. Fine.

But what happened to radiation? Was this gun and gunner also radiation shielded?
Last I checked you were saying that no conventional weapon is tested in Pokhran. Only radiation shielded Tanks are.
So are M-777 radiation shielded or the gunner wears bunny suites before firing them?
Okay, so its the desert heat. Fine.

But what happened to radiation? Was this gun and gunner also radiation shielded?
Last I checked you were saying that no conventional weapon is tested in Pokhran. Only radiation shielded Tanks are.
So are M-777 radiation shielded or the gunner wears bunny suites before firing them?
they generally are look at all the missile tests they are done on the east coast in fact most of the testing happens there , also the artillery tests conventional testing wouldn't cause explosions for the many villagers who were 10s of kilometers apart to feel loud explosions so much so that they were scared, its definitely something other than that.
they generally are look at all the missile tests they are done on the east coast in fact most of the testing happens there , also the artillery tests conventional testing wouldn't cause explosions for the many villagers who were 10s of kilometers apart to feel loud explosions so much so that they were scared, its definitely something other than that.
I recommend you to visit a testing range when they test HE round.

Its fairly loud, especially with a air-burst test.
I recommend you to visit a testing range when they test HE round.

Its fairly loud, especially with a air-burst test.
those villages are located 10-15 kilometres away from the testing site , seriously doubt a 150KG round would have that kind of shockwave and intensity to shake them so far away.

how ever i feel it could be a MOAB like device or some ultra heavy PGM that could have been tested.
still that open OSINT thread has been really accurate in reporting stuff sometimes even hours before it was announced by media like the ASAT test.
Nuclear tests have a very distinct shock-wave that can be picked up by sensitive seismic instruments even very far away. I have personal information about a seismograph that is installed at a nuclear site near Islamabad in Nilore which actually picked up the shock-wave of Indian nuclear tests in 1998 and reasonably approximated the yield of the weapons.
If a nuclear weapon was tested, it would ring alarms all over the seismographs in neighbouring countries because they can detect those distinct shock-waves. If such event was detected by us, Pakistan would have alerted the international media about India's acts already, because of the current aggressive international policy.
Nuclear tests have a very distinct shock-wave that can be picked up by sensitive seismic instruments even very far away. I have personal information about a seismograph that is installed at a nuclear site near Islamabad in Nilore which actually picked up the shock-wave of Indian nuclear tests in 1998 and reasonably approximated the yield of the weapons.
If a nuclear weapon was tested, it would ring alarms all over the seismographs in neighbouring countries because they can detect those distinct shock-waves. If such event was detected by us, Pakistan would have alerted the international media about India's acts already, because of the current aggressive international policy.

Sub kiloton tests were not detected by any monitoring agency anywhere.
i think if pakistan request china will definitely gift these weapons to pakistan to protect the CPEC investments.

They don't gift they teach us how to do it and after that we make it as per our requirements.

Most likely, this does not work. At all. Chinese are bluffing you folks.
Not to mention, this --if it were working-- can be shot down with ease using existing anti-CM weapons.
Lastly, its not going to be cost effective. Better build low-cost cruise missiles.

All right, how about this? Is this radiation shielded as well? Or is this 'unconventional'?


May be radiation is the reason why all Indian Army's guns keep on blowing up their barrels in Pokhran? Tank or howitzer...

Right now you are just feeding your ego, go and check what Pentagon's opinion on latest Chinese tech.
Nuclear tests have a very distinct shock-wave that can be picked up by sensitive seismic instruments even very far away. I have personal information about a seismograph that is installed at a nuclear site near Islamabad in Nilore which actually picked up the shock-wave of Indian nuclear tests in 1998 and reasonably approximated the yield of the weapons.
If a nuclear weapon was tested, it would ring alarms all over the seismographs in neighbouring countries because they can detect those distinct shock-waves. If such event was detected by us, Pakistan would have alerted the international media about India's acts already, because of the current aggressive international policy.
Earth quakes happen all round the earth frequently, many of them not perceived by us or causes too little damage
Sub kilo ton weapons cause lesser shock wave, difficult to differentiate from an earthquake
Df-17 is good deterrent, that supersonic dz-8 drone is as good as useless in current era

That drone have lo RCS and with good EW package it will be able to handle threats as it have capacity to enter and leave area very quickly.
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